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VIP Tokens 1.1.9

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Hi @imthenewguy

I've been testing this plugin before adding VIP Tokens to my Tebex Shop. I noticed that the VIP time is not expiring, I'm on the latest build 1.1.5. 


I setup a Token that adds a player to the VIP group for 30 seconds. It has a unique skin and have the config set to 'second'. The Data file shows the correct time to expire, though nothing happens after the 30 seconds. The player is still a member of the VIP group.



17 minutes ago, BoobleJ said:

Hi @imthenewguy

I've been testing this plugin before adding VIP Tokens to my Tebex Shop. I noticed that the VIP time is not expiring, I'm on the latest build 1.1.5. 


I setup a Token that adds a player to the VIP group for 30 seconds. It has a unique skin and have the config set to 'second'. The Data file shows the correct time to expire, though nothing happens after the 30 seconds. The player is still a member of the VIP group.

Have you adjusted this value by chance?

"How often should the plugin check to see if a player has run out of VIP [seconds]?"

This periodically checks the groups for expiring tokens at the set interval. I would recommend maybe every 10 or so seconds if you were planning on using short term tokens.

By default its set to 3600 seconds.



I'm almost ready to put this into action. Is it possible to run multiple commands? I use CraftingStore which is very similar to Tebex and when a player donates for a membership group, 3 commands get issued (amongst some other stuff). In this example below {uuid} is the CraftingStore equivalent to Tebex's {id}

sr add {uuid} 20000
o.usergroup add {uuid} vip+
o.usergroup add {uuid} backpackvip+

This gives the player 20,000RP, puts them into the vip+ group, and also puts them into a group that allows them to use backpacks with a higher slot count. With the VIP Tokens plugin I can put the player into the vip+ group and give them 20,000RP, but is it possible to issue another command and put them into the backpacks group and remove them at the end of 30 days? This is the relevant part of the config:-

    "vip+": {
      "name": "vip+",
      "time_type": "day",
      "time_to_add": 30,
      "vip_group": "vip+",
      "vip_description": "VIP+ 30 days.",
      "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false,
      "token_item": {
        "name": "VIP+ Token - 30 days",
        "skin": 2820804713,
        "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure"
      "_command": {
        "command": "sr add {id} 20000",
        "message": "You are now vip+ for 30 days, and have received 20,000RP.",
        "public_message": "{name} has redeemed a token and is now vip+ for 30 days.",
        "hook": true

It would be very cool if this was do-able and if there was a section that issued commands after the 30 days (or whatever) period was up so I could remove them from the backpacks group automatically. If this isn't possible then I could re-do my groups and other logic and incorporate the backpacks functionality into the vip+ group. (I might even just let them keep the backpack slots as a bonus. 🙂 )

But it's definitely a nice to have. 😉



6 hours ago, PPlank said:

I'm almost ready to put this into action. Is it possible to run multiple commands? I use CraftingStore which is very similar to Tebex and when a player donates for a membership group, 3 commands get issued (amongst some other stuff). In this example below {uuid} is the CraftingStore equivalent to Tebex's {id}

sr add {uuid} 20000
o.usergroup add {uuid} vip+
o.usergroup add {uuid} backpackvip+

This gives the player 20,000RP, puts them into the vip+ group, and also puts them into a group that allows them to use backpacks with a higher slot count. With the VIP Tokens plugin I can put the player into the vip+ group and give them 20,000RP, but is it possible to issue another command and put them into the backpacks group and remove them at the end of 30 days? This is the relevant part of the config:-

    "vip+": {
      "name": "vip+",
      "time_type": "day",
      "time_to_add": 30,
      "vip_group": "vip+",
      "vip_description": "VIP+ 30 days.",
      "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false,
      "token_item": {
        "name": "VIP+ Token - 30 days",
        "skin": 2820804713,
        "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure"
      "_command": {
        "command": "sr add {id} 20000",
        "message": "You are now vip+ for 30 days, and have received 20,000RP.",
        "public_message": "{name} has redeemed a token and is now vip+ for 30 days.",
        "hook": true

It would be very cool if this was do-able and if there was a section that issued commands after the 30 days (or whatever) period was up so I could remove them from the backpacks group automatically. If this isn't possible then I could re-do my groups and other logic and incorporate the backpacks functionality into the vip+ group. (I might even just let them keep the backpack slots as a bonus. 🙂 )

But it's definitely a nice to have. 😉

Have added both to the next release.

  • Love 2


On 6/14/2022 at 4:48 AM, imthenewguy said:

Have added both to the next release.

Cant wait, really want this so I can add and remove better chat titles.



Hello author, I want to have this plug-in to add VIP function to my server. If I want to use this to achieve multiple permissions for members, such as weapon damage, night vision, and other permissions, how do I add it?🤩



Hello author, I want to have this plug-in to add VIP function to my server. If I want to use this to achieve multiple permissions for members, such as weapon damage, night vision, and other permissions, how do I add it?🤩



Hello author, I want to have this plug-in to add VIP function to my server. If I want to use this to achieve multiple permissions for members, such as weapon damage, night vision, and other permissions, how do I add it?



2 hours ago, Au said:

Hello author, I want to have this plug-in to add VIP function to my server. If I want to use this to achieve multiple permissions for members, such as weapon damage, night vision, and other permissions, how do I add it?🤩

Your best bet is to create an oxide group and have the plugin assign the player to that oxide group.



Isn't this token group adding permissions? I don't understand what his role is



18 minutes ago, Au said:

Isn't this token group adding permissions? I don't understand what his role is

The token is simply programmed to add the player to a group. The group that the token can provide them with can be any group you like, such as VIP, Admin, VIPExtended etc. The player then inherits any permissions that you have assigned to that group, such as nightvision, weapon damage etc.

An example would be:

  1. You create a new oxide group called "Battle"
  2. You configure the token to add the player to the group "Battle" once consumed.
  3. You assign the permission nightvision.allowed to the group (o.grant group Battle nightvision.allowed).
  4. Whenever a player consumes the token, they will be added to the "Battle" group, and will have access to the nightvision command.


Understand that the addition of other plugin permissions is required, and give member group permissions😃



10 hours ago, imthenewguy said:



9 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

令牌被简单地编程为将玩家添加到组中。令牌可以为他们提供的组可以是您喜欢的任何组,例如 VIP、Admin、VIPExtended 等。然后玩家继承您分配给该组的任何权限,例如夜视、武器伤害等。


  1. 您创建了一个名为“Battle”的新氧化物组
  2. 您配置令牌以在消费后将玩家添加到“战斗”组。
  3. 您将权限 nightvision.allowed 分配给组(o.grant group Battle nightvision.allowed)。
  4. 每当玩家消耗令牌时,他们将被添加到“战斗”组,并且可以访问夜视命令。




Will the newest update allow us to run multiple commands with the same token?

I am trying to customize mine but seem to be having difficulty with it displaying the messages and commands upon consuming the token. It runs the first command but not the second so I am not sure if I am doing it wrong - is there any documentation on using this a little more with some better examples?.

Any ETA on the update?




Hello this plugin looks fabulous.

I currently have kits installed, shop, skinshop etc and use economics.
I have guest user,  vip1, vip2, and vip3 kits.
i have tebex,     how easy is this plugin to set up and what is the support like?
things i am looking to do
have it so if someone buys a token,  their role on Discord automatically changes,  they recieve X amount of ingmae currency and are added to the oxide  and betterchat groups   and then when the 30 days is up   ( or week as i plan to have options for buying for a week and buying for the month ) it removes and restores them to their original settings like guest or auth in discord, guest in betterchat and default in oxide   ( my default oxide group is guest in betterchat ).

any advice would be most apprieciated



18 minutes ago, PorkChop said:

Hello this plugin looks fabulous.

I currently have kits installed, shop, skinshop etc and use economics.
I have guest user,  vip1, vip2, and vip3 kits.
i have tebex,     how easy is this plugin to set up and what is the support like?
things i am looking to do
have it so if someone buys a token,  their role on Discord automatically changes,  they recieve X amount of ingmae currency and are added to the oxide  and betterchat groups   and then when the 30 days is up   ( or week as i plan to have options for buying for a week and buying for the month ) it removes and restores them to their original settings like guest or auth in discord, guest in betterchat and default in oxide   ( my default oxide group is guest in betterchat ).

any advice would be most apprieciated

Hi, I am not a developer but I will answer.

First, be sure to watch the video in the instructions section at equal size.

It takes me a minute to look at the templates for the initial setup and configuration, and 10 seconds to understand them.

Random time, to configure according to the number of tokens.

10 minutes because it takes another plugin to grant Discord Role.
If you already have that system in place, it should be tied to the Oxide group, so 0 minutes.

30 seconds to grant in-game currency, since the command can be used.

1 minute to add an Oxide Group.

You can undo it whenever you want, and if something goes wrong, all you have to do is look at the Data File and you can remove privileges and do all sorts of things.

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6 hours ago, beetle said:

Hi, I am not a developer but I will answer.

First, be sure to watch the video in the instructions section at equal size.

It takes me a minute to look at the templates for the initial setup and configuration, and 10 seconds to understand them.

Random time, to configure according to the number of tokens.

10 minutes because it takes another plugin to grant Discord Role.
If you already have that system in place, it should be tied to the Oxide group, so 0 minutes.

30 seconds to grant in-game currency, since the command can be used.

1 minute to add an Oxide Group.

You can undo it whenever you want, and if something goes wrong, all you have to do is look at the Data File and you can remove privileges and do all sorts of things.

Thank you for the in depth answer, i think when the wages go in the bank i shall be making a purchase.
again many thanks


Posted (edited)

In the configuration file_ commands and_command,What's the difference between them’?


Edited by lengyue


_command is the depreciated way of doing it.

_commands allows for multiple commands to be run upon consumption.

If you are only doing one command, you are fine to use _command.

"_command": "my_command",




Can one token add many permissions? Does he conflict with IQPermissions, IQChat



Not sure what those 2 plugins do, but you can add any permission you could add via console with this plugin. The plugin simply runs the permission command when the food is eaten, and removes it after a set time (days/weeks/months).



😂Hello author I have purchased this plugin, it is great, but I will not add multiple permissions, how to do it, can you give me an example! I don't quite understand, this usage, I want to give my members multiple permissions, how to add them, what is the format, anxious

      "_command": null
 🙈 :    "_commands": "oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed,oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed, oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed",
      "remove_commands": null

 "Date time format (case sensitive): dd == day. MM == month. yyyy == year": "dd-MM-yyyy",
  "Prevent players from consuming a token if they are already in the group?": true,
  "How often should the plugin check to see if a player has run out of VIP [seconds]?": 600.0,
  "Add your vip tiers and commands here. Use {id} in place of a players userid and {name} in place of their name.": {
    "vip": {
      "name": "悟空会员",
      "time_type": "day",
      "time_to_add": 30,
      "vip_group": "Wukong",
      "vip_description": "欢迎加入尊贵的会员,您享受以下权益:\n1,/nv无限夜视\n2,解锁满格跨服背包格子\n3,熔炉自动分堆\n4,彩色头衔\n5,弹夹阔容\n6,宠物一个\n7,无限耐久\n8,血量提升\n9,小飞机一辆\n10专属会员菜单",
      "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false,
      "token_item": {
        "name": "悟空会员30天",
        "skin": 2529344523,
        "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure"
      "_command": null
      "_commands": "oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed",
      "remove_commands": null



6 hours ago, Au said:

😂Hello author I have purchased this plugin, it is great, but I will not add multiple permissions, how to do it, can you give me an example! I don't quite understand, this usage, I want to give my members multiple permissions, how to add them, what is the format, anxious

      "_command": null
 🙈 :    "_commands": "oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed,oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed, oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed",
      "remove_commands": null

 "Date time format (case sensitive): dd == day. MM == month. yyyy == year": "dd-MM-yyyy",
  "Prevent players from consuming a token if they are already in the group?": true,
  "How often should the plugin check to see if a player has run out of VIP [seconds]?": 600.0,
  "Add your vip tiers and commands here. Use {id} in place of a players userid and {name} in place of their name.": {
    "vip": {
      "name": "悟空会员",
      "time_type": "day",
      "time_to_add": 30,
      "vip_group": "Wukong",
      "vip_description": "欢迎加入尊贵的会员,您享受以下权益:\n1,/nv无限夜视\n2,解锁满格跨服背包格子\n3,熔炉自动分堆\n4,彩色头衔\n5,弹夹阔容\n6,宠物一个\n7,无限耐久\n8,血量提升\n9,小飞机一辆\n10专属会员菜单",
      "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false,
      "token_item": {
        "name": "悟空会员30天",
        "skin": 2529344523,
        "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure"
      "_command": null
      "_commands": "oxide.grant user {id} nightvision.allowed",
      "remove_commands": null

Hey mate mind pming me your config?

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12 minutes ago, imthenewguy said:

嘿伙计介意给我你的配置吗?Hi! Can you help me optimize it? I want to add 3 more groups, VIP1 VIP2 VIP3


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