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Dead Nasty


Is it just me, or is anyone else having issues with Discord links?

When I add Dc link it says error unable to download (or something similar) but when using dropbox links they seem to work o.k.

Doesn't bother me if I have to use dropbox, just hopefully it's a me issue 🙂




yeah same thing happened to me today.




im pretty sure the images need to be hosted elsewhere than discord. They've expired. I hate that discord did that.

  • Like 1


Did you fix this so I dont have to re-do my config file. I would expect this to be backwards compatible if you are going to make drastic changes. I really dont want to have to re-do my config. 



49 minutes ago, TacTicToe said:

Did you fix this so I dont have to re-do my config file. I would expect this to be backwards compatible if you are going to make drastic changes. I really dont want to have to re-do my config. 

Hi, replace in your old config file:
And it will work fine in new version


Posted (edited)

Hello. I downloaded the latest version and none of the icons are appearing on the hud using the default config. This is on version 3.1.6.

Edited by BetterDeadThanZed


29 minutes ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Hello. I downloaded the latest version. I redid my config. I validated it with a json validator and it's valid. When I load it on the server, I get this message: [Hud] Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values.

This is my config: 

  "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true,
  "Main setup": {
    "Overall layer [you will see the hud in your inventory]": false,
    "Size ALL [0% - inf]": 80,
    "Logo [HUD interact button]": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9j4fv475el3gfbq9wvoox/logo.png?rlkey=rq710tuayr8syuk54fljluqqa&dl=1",
    "Background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100,
    "Events background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100,
    "Position": {
      "Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopRight",
      "Left | Right - offset": 40,
      "Top | Bottom - offset": 25
    "Server name": "Rusty Old Gamers - RustyOG.net",
    "Active players": {
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/weax6ug55o0u4f87bhchs/active.png?rlkey=lbpuhpqs7tutpgv1i4t3b1107&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
    "Sleep players": {
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3d76i9rg4i34zprgekr3j/sleep.png?rlkey=s57ehdeoc16h58ace6s5yuhcl&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
    "Queue players": {
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aneas55vx6pnrwmg8bh1z/line.png?rlkey=kwmlqihaopckijm98ta0qn9p2&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
    "Time": {
      "Use automatic detection of the time format for each player": true,
      "Use AM/PM format [If you use this turn off automatic detection]": false,
      "Value color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
    "Player position [hide permisson - hud.streamer]": {
      "Enable": true,
      "true - grid | false - x,z coordinates": true,
      "Color": "cyan"
    "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": {
      "Currency": "$",
      "Value color": "#10ff10",
      "Enable": false,
      "Which plugin use [ServerRewards | Economics]": "Economics"
    "Info messages": {
      "Update interval [in seconds]": 60,
      "Align [BottomCenter | TopCenter | TopRight]": "BottomCenter",
      "Width [in px]": 260,
      "Offset [top | bottom]": 0,
      "Offset [Center]": 0,
      "Use Outline": true,
      "Outline color": "#000",
      "Overall [you will see messages in your invenotory]": true,
      "Enable": true,
      "Messages": []
    "Additional menu": {
      "Auto close timer [seconds | 0 - disable]": 60,
      "Auto close after command use": true,
      "Open/Close button color": "yellow",
      "Commands background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100,
      "Enable": false,
      "Commands": [
          "Background image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ypbnnbs07i2t322x1pu4c/command.png?rlkey=a693i43bn70wiy2p0v0216uw7&dl=1",
          "Icon [optional]": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/weax6ug55o0u4f87bhchs/active.png?rlkey=lbpuhpqs7tutpgv1i4t3b1107&dl=1",
          "Command": "chat.say Hello there",
          "Text": "Say Something",
          "Outline color": "#000",
          "Is Console": true
          "Background image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ypbnnbs07i2t322x1pu4c/command.png?rlkey=a693i43bn70wiy2p0v0216uw7&dl=1",
          "Icon [optional]": "",
          "Command": "/shop",
          "Text": "Say Something",
          "Outline color": "#000",
          "Is Console": false
  "Base Events": [
      "Name": "Bradley",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i7531lubr8jy62w6zugkt/bradley.png?rlkey=fpnpmqndjgt63hamyrd0jzyc2&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
      "Name": "PatrolHeli",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/140cku9l167y8i778br2i/heli.png?rlkey=25wxs16n0s9dk8uea7bn0p7sd&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
      "Name": "CH47",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a0cuylwwtrwqrxr933jpd/ch47.png?rlkey=w9rv4ap58hmr3fwtkp4et4dn1&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
      "Name": "Cargo",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lt4b833tybzzyas7bxst0/cargo.png?rlkey=i0xn03ctyz93a4rbybol2x5c2&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
      "Name": "AirDrop",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/udt3221xk7yk2zwqdd7id/airdrop.png?rlkey=7642d4ye3n63rby8nz0ej9ayr&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
  "Custom Events": [
      "Hook OnEventStart": [
      "Hook OnEventStop": [
      "Name": "Convoy",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s2ovq1yo8umvkn213cno0/convoy.png?rlkey=9mxlg4ypbypk5be59b57qgck3&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": false
      "Hook OnEventStart": [
      "Hook OnEventStop": [
      "Name": "Sputnik",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tlys9ulw51i74fpm6oec0/sputnik.png?rlkey=oe27iqf5ali445c90mgmcilea&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": false
      "Hook OnEventStart": [
      "Hook OnEventStop": [
      "Name": "ArmoredTrain",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d78jg4yrer0vqdspkxpg2/train.png?rlkey=9m4xll5wv6qrr0u2kb3pd2o4z&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": false
      "Hook OnEventStart": [
      "Hook OnEventStop": [
      "Name": "Harbor",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3qzyayoa4dxog2t8gyvzw/harbor.png?rlkey=v7jnpk8tyngwywvhbgrfhk5a4&dl=1",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": false
      "Hook OnEventStart": "OnBotPurgeEventStart",
      "Hook OnEventStop": "OnBotPurgeEventEnd",
      "Name": "BotPurgeEvent",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1131387423838961747/1149341840391278642/BOTPURGEEVENTICON.png",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true
      "Hook OnEventStart": "OnEradEventStart",
      "Hook OnEventStop": "OnEradEventEnd",
      "Name": "EradEvent",
      "Active color": "#10ff10",
      "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131387423838961747/1150272933370019870/ERADICATIONEVENTICON.png",
      "Color": "#fff",
      "Enable": true





1 minute ago, AhigaO said:


Disregard that. I fixed that error and edited my post before you responded. The icons are not appearing (see my edited response).

  • Like 1


40 minutes ago, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Disregard that. I fixed that error and edited my post before you responded. The icons are not appearing (see my edited response).

They finally loaded. We're good now.



image.png.7ae85f17c2c0bb52d4bca09c9ed3e4ab.pngimage.png.21d9af5b99a78e66765e7aecfcaa4859.pngimage.png.c1ca2b230a3c84e48c6bc5903aa62136.pngAll the discord links are no loner available.

Can you host them somewhere else or at least send them to me so i can host them?



5 minutes ago, 20K said:

image.png.7ae85f17c2c0bb52d4bca09c9ed3e4ab.pngimage.png.21d9af5b99a78e66765e7aecfcaa4859.pngimage.png.c1ca2b230a3c84e48c6bc5903aa62136.pngAll the discord links are no loner available.

Can you host them somewhere else or at least send them to me so i can host them?

Hi. All links was replaced in 3.1.5 update

  • Like 1


oh wow im so dumb howd i miss hat lol Thanks !



Posted (edited)

I was wondering if you could add the option to hide admins in the config?

This is the code that you can add to make it so admins are hidden:

Active Players:
BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count(x => x.IsAdmin == false).ToString()

Sleeping players:
BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Count(x => x.IsAdmin == false).ToString()


Line: 1768

    if (_config.MainSetup.ActivePlayersAppearance.IsEnable)
                UI.Label(ref container, ".Main.bg", ".ActivePlayers.count", ".ActivePlayers.count", "0 1", "1 1", oXMin: 44, oYMin: -70, oXMax: 0, oYMax: -50, text: BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count(x => x.IsAdmin == false).ToString(), align:TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);
    if (_config.MainSetup.SleepPlayersAppearance.IsEnable)
                UI.Label(ref container, ".Main.bg",".SleepPlayers.count", ".SleepPlayers.count", "0 1", "1 1", oXMin: 99, oYMin: -70, oXMax: 0, oYMax: -50,text: BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Count(x => x.IsAdmin == false).ToString(), align:TextAnchor.MiddleLeft);


Thank You!

Edited by JustANoob

Posted (edited)

What's going on with the images? I already know about the multiple hooks update which I didn't need because I only have Convoy going atm. No Armored train, space, etc. But now one of my players showed me the Hud with Image not found all over the places where images were supposed to be.

Edited by Raiven_007


32 minutes ago, Raiven_007 said:

What's going on with the images? I already know about the multiple hooks update which I didn't need because I only have Convoy going atm. No Armored train, space, etc. But now one of my players showed me the Hud with Image not found all over the places where images were supposed to be.

I used Discord for storage images. Discord post update and broke all images. 
In new updated all image links was replaced on DropBox link.
You need to download last update.


Posted (edited)

On 2/27/2024 at 10:57 AM, AhigaO said:

I used Discord for storage images. Discord post update and broke all images. 
In new updated all image links was replaced on DropBox link.
You need to download last update.

I tried to do that. Deleted my original config and updated the plugin. Afterwards, I was getting errors about 404 Forbidden images. So I reverted back to the previous version I had. Then, the images finally just broke in the Hud like a day ago or so lol. So do I just update the plugin anyways?

Here's the error I got after deleting the config file and unloading the plugin and then installing the updated .cs file:

[Hud] Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values.

How does this Config file contain an error as well? I used every link you had in the new config file that generates and added them where they needed to go in a copy of the new config I made. I FIXED IT MYSELF. I SEE WHAT'S GOING ON!!!



Edited by Raiven_007


i just changed fixed the plugin my self by hosting the images and copying discord urls in the .cs file

Chill Roleplay


im having alot of trouble with this, it wont work using the json, should i wait for a update or should i try the .cs route



Posted (edited)

11 hours ago, Chill Roleplay said:

im having alot of trouble with this, it wont work using the json, should i wait for a update or should i try the .cs route


The problem is, you have to change every icon link etc to the new ones or host those images yourself. You need to host any Icon images you want to add under the yellow arrows section on something like dropbox. Then the config file will be fine. Here's my config with all of the Dropbox links needed. You can just delete the config file and reload the plugin to get the new image links as well. I have some of my own icon [optional] images setup as buttons so you can ignore those ones in the Additional Menu section.


Edited by Raiven_007
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Chill Roleplay


ah looks like i jsut needed a server restart to or somthing. it seems to be working well today

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)




Edited by Gumby


"Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft",  can you add above tool bar?



7 hours ago, humboldt.scott420 said:

"Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft",  can you add above tool bar?

"Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopRight", Is already a feature this plugin supports, for me its line 10 of the config.

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