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Rust Rewards 3.2.3

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thanks Steen got it working again, the config magically turned to true lol. One of the gremlins in my files again. Thanks so much!

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dan owen


add option to reward for been active on the server like playtime rewards

  • Administrator


It's already got an activity reward @dan owen.

Dead Nasty


After latest update getting: 

Exception while calling NextTick callback (KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Scientist' was not present in the dictionary.)
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <4889cca7f3644a7fa341501beb4caacb>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.RustRewards+<>c__DisplayClass67_1.<OnDispenserGather>b__0 () [0x00087] in <763c260c347846748dcc8b7d066f5b65>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <cd7231f30b444d86bc6cca8a53cdd2ea>:0


  • Administrator


That's fixed for the next update which should be coming soon.
Thanks for letting me know. 👍

  • Love 1


I have not been able to determine why every time my server restarts, my players start getting scrap instead of RP for time spent. I have to reload the plugin and it starts working again. Any suggestions for how I can/could maybe resolve this?

Chill Roleplay


17 minutes ago, SwiftCoyote said:

I have not been able to determine why every time my server restarts, my players start getting scrap instead of RP for time spent. I have to reload the plugin and it starts working again. Any suggestions for how I can/could maybe resolve this?

Hey there SC!

Here's a step-by-step guide to help resolve this:

1. **Unload the Plugin**: Begin by manually unloading the plugin while you're in-game. Simply type `o.unload RustRewards` in the F1 console. (or shut the server down as a alternate method)

2. **Adjust Configuration**: Once the plugin is unloaded, navigate to the configuration settings. Ensure that only one type of reward is enabled. If you prefer server rewards over scrap rewards, make sure to set "economics" and "scrap" to false, and "rewards" to true.

3. **Reload the Plugin**: After making the necessary adjustments, reload the plugin by typing `o.reload RustRewards` in the console(or start the server back up).

4. **Testing and Verification**: At this point, the plugin should be working as intended. Test it out to confirm that players are receiving the correct rewards. If there are any errors or issues, double-check the configuration settings to ensure they're have not reverted.

5. **In-Game Setup (Optional)**: For further customization of rewards, you can utilize the in-game UI by typing `/rr` in the game. This makes it easy to set up and manage various rewards for your players.

Best of luck, and happy rusting!


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  • Administrator


26 minutes ago, SwiftCoyote said:

I have not been able to determine why every time my server restarts, my players start getting scrap instead of RP for time spent. I have to reload the plugin and it starts working again. Any suggestions for how I can/could maybe resolve this?

I think it's probably to do with the load order of plugins.
If you look at your startup log, there'll probably be some complaint from RustRewards that ServerRewards isn't installed, and it's defaulting to scrap.

I've changed this system for the next update so that this shouldn't be able to happen,
and have also created a CurrencyType "None", behind the scenes, to which the plugin will default in the event that there's some problem, like ServerRewards/Economics not being present for example.


  • Like 1


This is exactly the case. I am using Server Rewards. The plugins are loading in alphabetical order. I have other plugins that do something similar with Image Library but once that loads, the other plugins reload. If you were able to build this feature in to your next update, its a perfect solution.

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  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Following what Chill Roleplay said, can you unload RustRewards then check the config file to make sure only one currency option is set to true?
UseScrap and UseEconomics should be false, while UseServerRewards is true.
If you need to make manual changes to the file, make certain RustRewards is not loaded at the time.

I will be implementing the safeguards discussed but the reason I'm coming back to you is that I just started up my local test server with the current public version of RustRewards, set to use ServerRewards, and it worked without issue from a fresh boot with no reloads or user intervention.

I thought load order may be related but apparently that's not the case.
OnServerInitialized for ServerRewards does fire after RustRewards but it seems that's not relevant.
All RustRewards wants to know is if ServerRewards is presently installed/loaded which, it seems, is coming back true during server boot.

Edited by Steenamaroo


UseServerRewards is the only one set to true as displayed in this image https://gyazo.com/db95655606a2e7da3e9a8c975235935d 

This next image shows both Rust Rewards and Server Rewards loading. https://gyazo.com/56b96678d1159e27ca739a407da8e134

This image shows the warning messages for Rust Rewards not finding Server Rewards or Economics. A bit further down it shows a warning for Server Rewards successfully generating all UI elements. https://gyazo.com/ef6473cf3b37e3d1fe27be0dcc71a178

This image shows what happens when I reload the plugin. It unloads, reloads, uses Server Rewards and works no problem.  https://gyazo.com/b9d0f8c21b39593ff9cad01183cdc5d3

I am using Carbon. Maybe this is the issue?


Posted (edited)

Just after I post a reply, I got this in my console https://gyazo.com/d502f89aa3d2d9c90e18b14a8c8f6fb2
Failed to execute OnFrame callback (The given key 'Scientist' was not present in the dictionary.) 

I reloaded the plugin a couple hours ago.

Edit: Ive been leaving the RustRewards.json config open in Notepad++ and every time I return to that screen, its asking me to if I want to reload it, as tho the plugin was reloaded. 

Update: Adding "Scientist": 2.0 to the Harvest, Flesh list in the config fixed this error, Failed to execute OnFrame callback (The given key 'Scientist' was not present in the dictionary.) This was the caused by the Blue Scientists at junk piles.

Edited by SwiftCoyote
  • Administrator


21 minutes ago, SwiftCoyote said:

I am using Carbon. Maybe this is the issue?

Probably this.
Ah well, I'll compensate in the next update anyway.

Thanks for the info.

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  • Administrator


"The given key 'Scientist' was not present in the dictionary." is something I've addressed in the next V.
It should only happen when RustRewards doesn't know where that npc came from, which should be RustEdit + plugin npcs.
It'll just silently ignore them in future, thanks. 👍


"and every time I return to that screen, its asking me to if I want to reload it"
RustRewards saves down the config file when the UI is used, because the UI can be used to make config changes.

This is why it's essential to unload RustRewards before making manual file edits because, if you don't, it'll just overwrite your changes with the copy that's in memory.

  • Like 1


hello what is the best configuration for players to receive money with Economics





5 minutes ago, Devil-Steph said:

hello what is the best configuration for players to receive money with Economics



"RewardCurrency": {
      "UseScrap": false,
      "UseEconomics": true,
      "UseServerRewards": false


  • Like 1


Any word on when the next update will be released?

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

There are some changes which aren't thoroughly tested yet, but you're welcome to be that guinea pig, if you want.

  • Improved initial setup efficiency.
  • Added day/night multipliers, and options to set custom day/night start times.
  • Added option to use real world time for day/night and happy hour, instead of server time.
  • Added day of week multipliers.
  • Using npc displayname where possible for notifications.
  • Created 'None' default option for currency, to prevent defaulting to scrap in the event of an issue.
  • Fix to prevent negative fractions of SR and Economics, as well as positive fractions.
  • Fixed PatrolHeli changes.
  • Added config option Add_Multipliers - default false. Adds all multipliers together instead of multiplying them together.
  • I.E.multipliers 5,5,5 would equal 15, instead of 125.
  • Added config option Use_Highest_Multiplier_Only - default false.
  • Allowed SamSites/Turrets which aren't .deployed (static)
  • Fix for activity rewards chat notification not being sent.
  • Added Activity_Reward_For_AFK to config - default is true.
  • Included 'Position' in default notification preferences.
  • Added fixes for cases where corpse type can't be determined.
  • OnPlayerDeath keynotfound fix
  • Added auto purge of player preferences if player hasn't been online in X days - Delete_Player_Prefs_After_Days


Edited by Steenamaroo
  • Love 1
  • Administrator


@Neighigh- Last  line was your request ^^

  • Love 1


1 minute ago, Steenamaroo said:

@Neighigh- Last  line was your request ^^

Awesome! Some big surprises in there too, amazing work ❤️ 

  • Like 1


On 5/5/2024 at 6:20 PM, Steenamaroo said:

There are some changes which aren't thoroughly tested yet, but you're welcome to be that guinea pig, if you want.

  • Improved initial setup efficiency.
  • Added day/night multipliers, and options to set custom day/night start times.
  • Added option to use real world time for day/night and happy hour, instead of server time.
  • Added day of week multipliers.
  • Using npc displayname where possible for notifications.
  • Created 'None' default option for currency, to prevent defaulting to scrap in the event of an issue.
  • Fix to prevent negative fractions of SR and Economics, as well as positive fractions.
  • Fixed PatrolHeli changes.
  • Added config option Add_Multipliers - default false. Adds all multipliers together instead of multiplying them together.
  • I.E.multipliers 5,5,5 would equal 15, instead of 125.
  • Added config option Use_Highest_Multiplier_Only - default false.
  • Allowed SamSites/Turrets which aren't .deployed (static)
  • Fix for activity rewards chat notification not being sent.
  • Added Activity_Reward_For_AFK to config - default is true.
  • Included 'Position' in default notification preferences.
  • Added fixes for cases where corpse type can't be determined.
  • OnPlayerDeath keynotfound fix
  • Added auto purge of player preferences if player hasn't been online in X days - Delete_Player_Prefs_After_Days

RustRewards.cs 96.01 kB · 3 downloads

Getting the following  error using the beta version 


Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: )
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at Oxide.Plugins.RustRewards.GetMultiplier (BasePlayer player, System.String weapon, System.Single distance, BaseEntity ent) [0x00050] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.RustRewards.GiveReward (BasePlayer player, Oxide.Plugins.RustRewards+RewardType type, System.Double amount, BaseEntity ent, System.String weapon, System.Single distance, System.String name) [0x000c3] in :0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.RustRewards+<>c__DisplayClass82_0.b__0 () [0x0006b] in :0 
  at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in :0 


  • Administrator


Thanks for reporting.
I've seen this in a few other plugins recently. I guess FP changed Unity versions or something.
I'll get it patched. 👍

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  • Administrator


Any issues with this version @Mabel @Neighigh, other than the noted "Exception while calling NextTick callback" ?

  • Like 1


19 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Any issues with this version @Mabel @Neighigh, other than the noted "Exception while calling NextTick callback" ?

Looks good to me so far! Data file is a lot more managable, it's helped a lot thank you 🤘

  • Like 1


2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Any issues with this version @Mabel @Neighigh, other than the noted "Exception while calling NextTick callback" ?

Apart from the one issue I reported it's been great 👍🏼 

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