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Hi, I just started trying to use this plugin, but the top 1 and top 30 leaderboards are empty.
Inside "My Stats" for both player and clan, it displays your stats correctly, but with Top 1 and Top 30, they're both empty for players and clans.

I've made sure it's setup correctly from the comments on the previous post about this ^ but can't get it working for the Top 1 and Top 30.

Players don't have the exclude permission, top 1 and top 30 are enabled inside the admin section of the plugin, and everything in CategorySettings is enabled.

I would really appreciate some help with this because I can't seem to get it working.

Thank you 🙂

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No trouble. I'm glad it was something simple.
Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other issues. 👍

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I'm not sure that's within my control.
That's probably down to whatever libraries oxide are using, no?

If you think that's wrong, do let me know!

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I couldn't say, I'm not familiar enough to understand how it works, I'm just able to see it works with older version of MySQL and not the new ones haha 🙂 

I understand what you mean though

Thanks for answering 🙂

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// config/json file

  "Maximal Titles": 4,
  "Maximal Characters Per Message": 128,
  "Reverse Title Order": false

// data/json file
"GroupName": "Moderator",
    "Priority": 1,
    "Title": {
      "Text": "[Moderator]",
      "Color": "Red",
      "Size": 15,
      "Hidden": false,
      "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false
    "Username": {
      "Color": "Red",
      "Size": 15
    "Message": {
      "Color": "#ff6b6b",
      "Size": 15
    "Format": {
      "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}",
      "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"

My Players only show up to Two Ranks.  Even though it's set to 4.  But, in Betterchat, I have their Rankings called GROUPNAME which is their current Ranking, weather it's assigned by me via better chat, or by Player Rankings when they hit their hours.


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Not sure if it was just a typo or not, but Player Rankings is a different plugin.
This is PlayerRanks.


Regardless, I think BetterChat treats the entire set of titles from PlayerRanks as one.
If you want to limit the number of PlayerRanks titles which are shown, you'd need to do that in PlayerRanks config, rather than BetterChat's.

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any way we can get raid bases added to this?  I'd love to have this setup with rewards for most easy bases, medium, etc. Looks like they are already being tracked with /rb ladder and /rb lifetime.  At least the overall amount is...

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Hey Steenamaroo,

I have 2 questions.
Would it be possible to have resource stats per type?  Like the amount of stone gathered, amount of metal, sulfur, wook, hqm?

And , please, would it be possible to create 2 databases:
- One that can be wiped with map change
- A second one that doesn't wipe with map change and accumulates across wipes

From what I understand, currently, it's one or the other (unless I've missed something?)

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It's unlikely these would be added to the current PlayerRanks but I had been working on a rewrite of it which does expand on resources farmed/gathered by type, as well as introducing some other new categories.

I could add a function that saves the SQL database with a unique name (date+time in it) when auto-wipe happens.
That shouldn't be too tricky.

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Oh I'm so impatient for that rewrite, I love your plugin!

Regarding the unique name, wouldn't that create a new database for each wipe?
I'd love to be able to display the stats for the current wipe (like I'm doing now) but also an "all time" stats page from a database that accumulate the data and doesn't get wiped.
Basically one database with "WipeOnNewMap": true and one database with "WipeOnNewMap": false

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  • Administrator

Oh, I see. I misunderstood.
I'll have a think about that. 👍

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