About Personal NPC
Take your server experience to new level using Personal NPC companions that can fight, loot, gather, drive, fly, and assist! Whether combat, gathering resources, or traveling is on your to-do list, your bot is on hand to help out!
Battle-Ready AI
• Command your bot to attack players, enemies, buildings, barrels, and more.
• Protects you against enemies attacks.
• Assist in combat by attacking targets that you engage with (/pnpc combat).
• Raid using rocket/grenade launchers (addon required).
Resource Collection
• Auto-farm of wood, metal, sulfur, and stone.
• Pick up dropped items and collectable resources.
• Enable auto-pickup within a 50m radius along with auto-farm.
Smart Assistant
• Follow you or stay in position.
• Loot containers.
• Recovers you while wounded.
• Travel with you in minicopters, cars, boats, and more.
• Can drive cars, helicopters and boats (addon required).
Full Control & Personalization
Bot Setup:
• Set bot name, health, speed, and appearance.
• Enable unlimited ammo and on map visibility.
• Setup bot abilities: combat, looting, resource gathering, and more.
• Setup damage rates, player interactions, and turret targeting.
🛠 Other Customization:
• Adjust spawn delays, task buttons, and 3D arrow displays.
• Personalize the GUI interface – refresh rate, position, colors, and shortcut keys.
• Blacklist specific items from the bot’s inventory.
Expand with Addons!
Enhance your bot’s features using add-ons:
• PNPC Helicopter AI Addon
• PNPC Car AI Addon
• PNPC Boat AI Addon (coming soon)
• PNPC Raid Addon
See It in Action! Watch The Video
{ "Control setup": { "Which button will assign tasks to the bot, kill/get/collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE", "Range of the task assignment button": 25.0, "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true, "Arrow display duration": 2 }, "GUI customization": { "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6.0, "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay", "Panel position adjustment": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "1 1", "anchormax": "1 1", "offsetmin": "-170 -104", "offsetmax": "-10 -10" }, "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d", "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7", "Health bar color": "#2ecc71", "Shortcut buttons": [ { "Text on button": "Auto-Farm: Wood", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-farm wood", "pnpc auto-farm enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Farm: Stone", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-farm stone", "pnpc auto-farm enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Pickup: Wood", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-pickup wood", "pnpc auto-pickup enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Pickup: Stone", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-pickup stone", "pnpc auto-pickup enable" ] } ] }, "Bot settings by permission": { "personalnpc.bot1": { "Bot spawn delay": 300.0, "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1", "Bot name": "Personal bot of player %OWNER_NAME%", "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0, "Maximum health": 150.0, "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal", "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": true, "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true, "Start kit": [ { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "shoes.boots", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "pants", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hoodie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "mask.bandana", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hat.boonie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "sunglasses", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" } ], "Functions setup": { "Can a bot loot crates?": true, "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true, "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true, "Should the bot protect the owner?": true, "Should the bot defend itself?": true, "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true, "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true, "Recover the owner from a wounded state": { "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true, "Recover time": 6.0 }, "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": true, "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false, "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true, "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true }, "Gather setup": { "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [ "hatchet", "chainsaw", "hammer.salvaged", "stonehatchet", "axe.salvaged" ], "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [ "pickaxe", "stone.pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "jackhammer", "icepick.salvaged" ], "Setting up mining rates": { "stones": 2.0, "wood": 5.0 } }, "Damage and interactions setup": { "Bot damage rate": 2.0, "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5, "Can players damage the bot?": true, "Can the bot damage players?": true, "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false, "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true, "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [ "barricade.sandbags" ] }, "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [ "rocket.launcher" ] } }, "Bot install by item": [ { "Item name": "PersonalNPC", "Item shortname": "furnace", "Item skin": 2741314889, "Bot info": { "Bot spawn delay": 300.0, "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1", "Bot name": "Personal bot of player %OWNER_NAME%", "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0, "Maximum health": 150.0, "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal", "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": true, "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true, "Start kit": [ { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "shoes.boots", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "pants", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hoodie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "mask.bandana", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hat.boonie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "sunglasses", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" } ], "Functions setup": { "Can a bot loot crates?": true, "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true, "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true, "Should the bot protect the owner?": true, "Should the bot defend itself?": true, "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true, "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true, "Recover the owner from a wounded state": { "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true, "Recover time": 6.0 }, "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": true, "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false, "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true, "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true }, "Gather setup": { "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [ "hatchet", "chainsaw", "hammer.salvaged", "stonehatchet", "axe.salvaged" ], "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [ "pickaxe", "stone.pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "jackhammer", "icepick.salvaged" ], "Setting up mining rates": { "stones": 2.0, "wood": 5.0 } }, "Damage and interactions setup": { "Bot damage rate": 2.0, "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5, "Can players damage the bot?": true, "Can the bot damage players?": true, "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false, "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true, "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [ "barricade.sandbags" ] }, "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [ "rocket.launcher" ] } } ], "How many seconds will the bot update the information? (affects the performance and operation of the bot)": 0.01, "Spawn a backpack with his items when a bot dies? (otherwise his corpse will spawn)": false, "List of prefabs that the bot can loot (useful if the bot attacks loot instead of looting it)": [ "vehicle_parts" ] }