About Kill Records
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- Tracks Animal Kills
- Tracks Player Kills
- Tracks NPC Kills
- Tracks Fish Caught
- Tracks Loot Containers Destroyed / Looted
- Tracks Animals Harvested
- Tracks Corpse Harvested
- Tracks Player Deaths
- Tracks Suicides
- Tracks Harvest Counts
- Options to Enable/Disable Tracking
- Option to enable/disable messages and message intervals
- UI for Player Stats, Global Stats, Top 10 Displays, Leaderboards
- WebRequests for external data storage
- SQL Support (2 options availble, read documentaion: https://umod.org/community/kill-records/36935-setting-up-using-sql))
Chat Commands:
Player Commands:
- /krhelp - Shows all commands in chat
- /pkills - Shows your kill records UI
- /pkills (playername) - Shows another players kill records UI
- /pkillschat - Shows your kill records in chat
- /pkillschat (playername) - Shows another players kill records in chat
- /topkills - Shows top kills UI with page selection
- /topkillschat (entity) - Shows top kills in chat
- /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities
- /totalkillschat - Shows global kill count in chat for all entities
- /killchat true/false - turns on/off kill messages in chat
- /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities
- /leadkills - Shows leaderboads UI
- /pstats - shows your harvest records UI
- /pstatschat - shows your harvest records in chat
- /pstats (playername) - Shows another players harvest record UI
- /pstatschat (playername) - Shows another players harvest record in chat
- /topstats - shows top player harvest stats UI
Admin Commands: (Requires killrecords.admin permission)
- /krhelpadmin - Shows all admin commands in chat
- /killsweb - Sends data over webrequest
- /krbackup - saved datafile when using SQL
- /krsql update - Updates your records in SQL
- /krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled
- /krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist from cache, if not will create if SQL enabled
- /resetkillrecords - Clears and resets all player data in Kill Records
This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>.
- killrecords.admin -- Gives permission to use all admin chat commands
- killrecords.killchat -- Allows player to turn on/off kill messages
{ "Tracking Options": { "Trackchicken": true, "Trackboar": true, "Trackstag": true, "Trackwolf": true, "Trackbear": true, "Trackpolarbear": true, "Trackshark": true, "Trackhorse": true, "Trackfish": true, "TrackPlayer": true, "Trackscientist": true, "Trackdweller": true, "Tracklootcontainer": true, "Trackunderwaterlootcontainer": true, "Trackbradhelicrate": true, "Trackhackablecrate": true, "Trackdeaths": true, "Tracksuicides": true, "TrackAnimalHarvest": true, "TrackCorpseHarvest": true, "TrackBradley": true, "TrackHeli": true }, "Player Chat Commands": { "krhelp": "krhelp", "pkills": "pkills", "pkillschat": "pkillschat", "topkills": "topkills", "topkillschat": "topkillschat", "totalkills": "totalkills", "totalkillschat": "totalkillschat", "leadkills": "leadkills", "pstats": "pstats", "pstatschat": "pstatschat", "topstats": "topstats", "totalstats": "totalstats", "totalstatschat": "totalstatschat", "killchat": "killchat" }, "Admin Chat Commands": { "krhelpadmin": "krhelpadmin", "krweb": "krweb", "krsql": "krsql", "krbackup": "krbackup", "krreset": "krreset" }, "Harvest Options": { "treescut": true, "oremined": true, "cactuscut": false, "woodpickup": true, "orepickup": true, "berriespickup": true, "pumpkinpickup": true, "potatopickup": true, "cornpickup": true, "mushroompickup": true, "hemppickup": true, "seedpickup": true }, "Order Options": { "chickenpos": 1, "boarpos": 2, "stagpos": 3, "wolfpos": 4, "bearpos": 5, "polarbearpos": 22, "sharkpos": 6, "horsepos": 7, "fishpos": 19, "playerpos": 8, "scientistpos": 9, "dwellerpos": 10, "lootpos": 11, "unlootpos": 12, "bradhelicratepos": 13, "hackablecratepos": 14, "deathpos": 15, "suicidepos": 16, "corpsepos": 17, "pcorpsepos": 18, "bradleypos": 20, "helipos": 21 }, "Chat & UI Options": { "enableui": true, "UseImageLibrary": true, "ShowKillMessages": true, "KillMessageInterval": 1, "KillMessageLimit": 5000, "enableuinotify": true, "disablechats": true, "uinotifytype": 4 }, "Web Request": { "UseWebrequests": false, "DataURL": "URL", "SecretKey": "SecretKey" }, "SQL": { "UseSQL": false, "FileType": 0, "SQL Host": "HOST", "SQL Port": 3306, "SQL Database": "DATABASENAME", "SQL Username": "DATABASEUSERNAME", "SQL Password": "DATABASEPASSWORD" }
{ "players": "Players: {0}", "noplayer": "Kill Records:\n No player found with: {0}", "chicken": "Chickens: {0}", "boar": "Boars: {0}", "stag": "Stags: {0}", "wolf": "Wolves: {0}", "bear": "Bears: {0}", "polarbear": "PolarBears: {0}", "simpleshark": "Sharks: {0}", "horse": "Horses: {0}", "fish": "Fish: {0}", "treecut": "Trees: {0}", "oremined": "Ore Mined: {0}", "cactuscut": "Cactus Cut: {0}", "woodpickup": "Wood Pickup: {0}", "orepickup": "Ore Pickup: {0}", "berries": "Berries: {0}", "seeds": "Seeds: {0}", "mushroom": "Mushroom: {0}", "corn": "Corn: {0}", "potato": "Potato: {0}", "pumpkin": "Pumpkin: {0}", "hemp": "Hemp: {0}", "dweller": "Dwellers: {0}", "corpse": "Animals Harvested: {0}", "pcorpse": "Bodies Harvested: {0}", "loot": "Loot Containers: {0}", "unloot": "Underwater Loot Containers: {0}", "bradheliloot": "Brad/Heli Crates: {0}", "hackloot": "Hackable Crates: {0}", "bradley": "Bradley: {0}", "heli": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "bradleyapc": "Bradley: {0}", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "scientists": "Scientist: {0}", "deaths": "Deaths: {0}", "suicide": "Suicides: {0}", "killchat": "Show chat kill messages {0}", "chickenui": "Chickens", "boarui": "Boars", "stagui": "Stags", "wolfui": "Wolves", "bearui": "Bears", "polarbearui": "PolarBears", "sharkui": "Sharks", "horseui": "Horses", "fishui": "Fish", "playerui": "Players", "scientistui": "Scientists", "dwellerui": "Dwellers", "deathui": "Deaths", "suicideui": "Suicides", "lootui": "Loot Containters", "wlootui": "Underwater Loots", "bradheliui": "Brad/Heli Crates", "hackableui": "Hackable Crates", "bradleyui": "Bradley", "treeui": "Trees", "oreminedui": "Ore Mined", "cactusui": "Cactus Cut", "woodui": "Wood Picked Up", "oreui": "Ore Picked Up", "mushroomui": "Mushrooms", "potatoui": "Potatos", "pumpkinui": "Pumpkins", "hempui": "Hemp", "berriesui": "Berries", "seedsui": "Seeds", "cornui": "Corn", "patrolhelicopterui": "Patrol Helicopter", "corpseui": "Animals Harvested", "pcorpseui": "Bodies Harvested", "webrequestgood": "Kill Record Data Sent to Website:", "webrequestbad": "Couldn't get an answer from Website!", "webrequestdisabled": "WebRequest Disabled - Enable in Config file", "totalkills": "Total Kills All Players", "totalstats": "Total Harvests All Players", "sqlupdate": "Your records have been manually updated in the database", "sqlcheck": "Your records have been checked and updated in database", "sqlcheckall": "All players have been checked and updated in database", "datafilebackup": "Records have been manually saved to data file", "datafilenotinuse": "DataFile not in use, config is set to SQL only", "resetkills": "All Kill Records have been reset and plugin reloaded", "KRHelp": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/pkills - Open Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat - Show kill Records in chat \n/pkills (playername) - Open players Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat (playername) - Show players Kill Records in chat \n/topkills - Open top players UI \n/topkillschat (type) - Show top players list in chat \n/leadkills - Opens leaderboards UI \n/totalkills - Show global kill count for all entities \n/totalkillschat - Show global kill count in chat \n/killchat true/false - Enable/Disable Kill messages", "KRHelpadmin": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/krbackup - Manually saves records to datafile \n/krweb - Manually sends records over webrequest if webrequest enabled \n/krsql update - Manually updates your records to SQL if SQL enabled \n/krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/resetkillrecords - Clears all kill record data for all players" }
private object GetKillRecord(string playerid, string KillType) // Returns kill total int for specific kill or full kill record of player in json