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Hardy Planters 1.0.7

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About Hardy Planters




Hardy Planters creates customizable planter boxes that do not require water, sunlight, fertilizer or temperature to grow.

The plugin allows server owners to create their own profiles for planter boxes, allowing for the modification of overall quality and growth gene multiplier, directly affecting how quickly all plants will grow.
This allows for some unnaturally fast plant growth, if set above the default value.

The plugin works by preventing the default logic on the planter boxes, and instead adds it's own behavior to control it.
It is compatible with servers that adjust the "planttick" and "planttickscale" convars as well.

The following video show cases and explains how the plugin's functionality.



Command (chat): giveplanters
Parameters: Nil
Description: Gives the user one of each planterbox from the config

Command (console): givehardyplanter
Parameters: <target player ID or name> <profile skin ID or display name>
Description: Gives the target player a planterbox that matches the specified profile. Useful in shops etc.



hardyplanters.admin - Required to use the commands.
hardyplanters.use - Required to find the planter boxes in loot containers.


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