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Craft Menu 1.1.51

   (20 reviews)
Message added by David,

To report issues with plugin or simply get in touch with me, please use support section on site or create ticket on my discord

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Please allow at least 24 hours for response on site tickets as we all live in different time zones.  Not available during weekends.

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Recommended Comments

1) Can we have more Categories than 6 with perms per category.

2) Make it so items with Specific Item name or Skinid can be used as a required item.
     ie. sticks renamed to Metal Plate are still sticks. 
Custom Mixing Table will look at the skin ID if you put it in not just the default item id. making it so a reskin of sticks to Metal Plate with skin ID 123456789 will make the item but sticks will not work. At the same time items IDs work if used.

  "lock.code": {
    "Name": "Code Lock",
    "Image": "lock.code.png",
    "SkinID": 0,
    "Category": "Construction",
    "Tier": 1,
    "ResearchCost": 1000,
    "Resources": {
	  "techparts": 1,
	  "123456789": 1


3) Can it be made with option to bypass the opening of the tech tree when you click the button. this guy made the workbench open the research table UI in his mod. so maybe you can make the OPEN WORKBENCH button just open CraftMenu
enableopenwithworkbenchbutton: True
I know it opens already with USE the workbench but we would like to bypass the tech tree all together.
ATM I have it setup to use
Plugin to lock tech tree
Plugin to block research table
Plugin to notify in default crafting menu to use Workbench Craft Menu to craft
This plugin

Would like to roll them all into one option Craft Menu instead of using 3 additional plugins to get the function we desire.

Edited by Lighted Shadows
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16 hours ago, Perfectangel01 said:

Can I allow players to place Ice Walls/High External Stone walls on foundations with this?

PlaceAnything can do that, then you can use CraftMenu for those items if you want to

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:15 AM, David said:

I can add it into source code for you, but you would have to wait few days.

... Moved to Discord

Edited by Kobani
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Web 请求在 <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0 的 >b__40_0<'CraftMenu v1.1.2' 插件中生成异常 (Url: https://codefling.com/capi/file-525/?do=apicall) Web 请求生成异常 (NullReferenceException: 对象引用未设置为对象的实例) (System.IAsyncResult res) [0x00000] 在 d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8:0
Web 请求生成异常 (网址: https://codefling.com/capi/file-525/?do=apicall)
在 'CraftMenu v1.1.2' 插件(NullReferenceException:对象引用未设置为对象的实例)中,位于 Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.<WaitForResponse>b__40_0 (System.IAsyncResult res)
[0x00000] 在 <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0
卸载插件 CraftMenu v1.1.2 by David
[CraftMenu] 存储的图像 (129)。所有图像已成功存储在图像库中。
加载的插件 CraftMenu v1.1.2 by David





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Why did I install it but there was no response in the game? Do I need authorization?

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after todays patch:
CraftMenu - Failed to compile: CraftMenu.cs(28,255+): error CS1061: Type `Network.Server' does not contain a definition for `write' and no extension method `write' of type `Network.Server' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

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Just now, Luuxen said:

after todays patch:
CraftMenu - Failed to compile: CraftMenu.cs(28,255+): error CS1061: Type `Network.Server' does not contain a definition for `write' and no extension method `write' of type `Network.Server' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?


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30 minutes ago, Luuxen said:

after todays patch:
CraftMenu - Failed to compile: CraftMenu.cs(28,255+): error CS1061: Type `Network.Server' does not contain a definition for `write' and no extension method `write' of type `Network.Server' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Same here

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could someone please send me an example how to assign a permission to a category in the json. I would be very thankful.🙏

I should sleep more 😅, done thanks


Edited by Kobani
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Hello, can you add portability of the plugin, so that you can call the menu with a command in the chat if have permission, and also implement the addcustomitem function from the Loot Table & Stacksize GUI. Sorry 4 my bad english

Edited by Tramp
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38 minutes ago, Tramp said:

Hello, can you add portability of the plugin, so that you can call the menu with a command in the chat if have permission, and also implement the addcustomitem function from the Loot Table & Stacksize GUI. Sorry 4 my bad english

u need to be at a woirk bench to craft the stuff anyway

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5 minutes ago, 玲莫丶酷 said:


I'm sorry my network is not good. I accidentally posted three comments

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Does the plug-in support localized languages? If you can access LangAPI, or the name of the item, you can customize the name of the item in the language file yourself.

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Is there a way to further break down permissions in a data file manually? Could this be an addition? 

I love the current category and layouts etc. 
but for example. 

the mini, car, chinook etc vehicles category as an example
I would like vip group 1 to only get the mini. vip group 2 some further items within that category, and so forth. 

in config you could have every item listed. 
within each item; you can specify each VIPgroup thats allowed to view each item, if the person wants to break it down similar to me.

so in normal perms, for the vehicles tab; 
you would go into your perms for each group and enable vehicles as it is now... but in the config, you could specify what vehicles are allowed to go to each perm. 

I can make more category, so one for each vip group and a clone of the same thing. and totally copy all them. but that seems backwards to me, should be a more refined perms for each item. somehow... 

Is this already possible and ive just totally missed it haha... 


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