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About Cargo Plane Crash

Adds a cargo plane crash event to your server. The crash site is guarded by NPCs that patrol the area and can chase players.

You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin.


  • Support for third-party plugins
  • Great customization options in the config

Console commands:

callcargoplane - force the event to start
crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash
cpc_stop - force the event to end

Chat commands(need admin privileges):

showcrashzone - displays the crash area
setcrashzonecenter - set the center of the crash zone to where the player is
callcargoplane - force the event to start
crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash
cpc_stop - force the event to end
cpc_add_crashzone - adds a new zone at the location where the player is, can be used if you use multiple zones(you can set the name and radius - /cpc_add_crashzone "name" "radius")


void CargoPlaneCrashStarted() // called when the event starts

void CargoPlaneCrashCrashed() // called when a cargo plane crashes

void CargoPlaneCrashEnded() // called when the event ends


CargoPlaneCrash config:

  "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false,
  "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true,
  "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380,
  "Create a dome for PVE mode": false,
  "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4,
  "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300,
  "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Cargo Plane Crash Event",
  "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event",
  "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome) Be careful, if the crash site is near the player's base and the player is not the owner of the event, he will be ejected from his base outside the dome": false,
  "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event",
  "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true,
  "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true,
  "Time to event start(in seconds)": 3600.0,
  "Random time to event start": false,
  "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 600,
  "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800,
  "CargoPlane speed(recommended 4 to 6)": 5.0,
  "Minimum amount of online players to trigger the event": 1,
  "Crates amount(spawn after crash)": 1,
  "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "",
  "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0,
  "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0,
  "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600,
  "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900,
  "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300,
  "Airdrops amount(spawn after crash)": 1,
  "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "",
  "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0,
  "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0,
  "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600,
  "Fireballs amount(spawn after crash)": 5,
  "Passengers amount(spawn after crash)": 2,
  "Explosion marker on the map(spawn after crash)": true,
  "Explosion marker lifetime(in seconds)": 300,
  "Enable signal smoke(spawn after crash)": true,
  "Signal smoke lifetime(in seconds, max 214)": 214,
  "Map size(crash zone size), you can see the zone, use the chat command /showcrashzone": 4500.0,
  "Starting altitude, defaults to map size, can be increased if cargo plane hits high ground(no more than 10000 recommended)": 4500.0,
  "Crash zone center. Use chat command /setcrashzonecenter to set to player position. You can check crash zone center, use the chat command /showcrashzone": {
    "x": 0.0,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 0.0
  "Use multiple zones": false,
  "Select a zone from the list sequentially(if false, then the crash zone will be chosen randomly)": false,
  "Zones list": [
      "name": "0",
      "radius": 300,
      "center": {
        "x": -300.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "name": "1",
      "radius": 200,
      "center": {
        "x": 100.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
  "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "CargoPlane event started",
  "Crash message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Cargo plane crashed",
  "Message about coordinates(will display the coordinates of the crash site. If empty, no message will be displayed)": "",
  "Kit name(you can use kits for passengers if you have Kits plugin)": "",
  "Passenger name": "Mister bot",
  "NPCs amount(spawn after crash)": 2,
  "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600,
  "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8,
  "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0,
  "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0,
  "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0,
  "NPCs attack range": 75.0,
  "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0,
  "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0,
  "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage",
  "Kit for NPCs. The NPC will use the weapon that is in the first slot of the belt(requires Kits plugin)": "",
  "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Crashsite NPC",
  "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [
    "Crashsite NPC1",
    "Crashsite NPC2",
    "Crashsite NPC3"
  "Prohibit building near the crash site": false,
  "How long construction is prohibited near the crash site(in seconds)": 1800,
  "Event marker on the map(spawn an event marker at the crash site)": false,
  "Event marker name": "Cargo plane crash site",
  "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600,
  "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75,
  "Event marker radius": 0.5,
  "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0,
  "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0,
  "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0,
  "Do not spawn crates and NPCs when a cargo plane falls under water (if the water depth is greater than)": 0.5,
  "Do not choose a crash site near monuments": false
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