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BotReSpawn 1.2.9

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  • Administrator

Hi @Jacob Rain
You're quite right - I put in hardcoded protection from fire in a recent update because npcs using flamethrowers died very quickly due to the fire on the terrain.
I don't think there's a way for me to know whose fire is whose so I think it's an all or nothing option,
but I'll make Fire_Safe an option per-profile in future versions.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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NPCs can't have hammer time, so the safe zone doesn't work well.

Edited by Jacob Rain
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Hi @Jacob Rain
Are you finding BotReSpawn npcs fight eachother within safe zones?

If so, that's unintentional - I'll take a look at it soon and stop that from happening. 👍

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3 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

Hi @Jacob Rain
Are you finding BotReSpawn npcs fight eachother within safe zones?

If so, that's unintentional - I'll take a look at it soon and stop that from happening. 👍

I want to use a faction where NPCs can act as peacemakers to attack other factions, but in fact they don't seem to work in the safe zone, so they can't attack in the safe zone, sorry I know this idea is strange, but Sometimes set as a hostile NPC, disturbing players who leave the safe zone, and once the player counterattacks, they will be marked as hostile. 👍

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Ah, I think I see what you mean.
There is a Respect_SafeZones option but nothing more precise.
Having that on or off will mean npcs will fight everything (that they're meant to), or ignore everything, within a safe zone,
but there are no options, at present, to discriminate.

Just to be sure I understand, you'd like BotReSpawn factions who will fight each other within safe zones, but will not attack regular players within safe zones?

Edited by Steenamaroo
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1 hour ago, Steenamaroo said:

Ah, I think I see what you mean.
There is a Respect_SafeZones option but nothing more precise.
Having that on or off will mean npcs will fight everything (that they're meant to), or ignore everything, within a safe zone,
but there are no options, at present, to discriminate.

Just to be sure I understand, you'd like BotReSpawn factions who will fight each other within safe zones, but will not attack regular players within safe zones?

The safe zone is working correctly, it won't attack the player, I thought about setting the Respect_SafeZones option at first, but no matter what the setting can't make it ignore the safe zone, but it will only attack when other hostile factions get out of the safe zone, so I Hopefully it (the guard) will attack both inside and outside the safe zone.

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Oh, no matter what way you set it up you can't get the npcs to be hostile within the safe zones?
Is there any chance you have peacekeeper true and it's coincidence?
If not, I'll take a look and see if I can find a problem. Thanks! 👍

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2 hours ago, Steenamaroo said:

This is correct, the Respect_SafeZones option, whether true or false, cannot ignore the safe zone and directly attack other factions, but the target leaves the safe zone and can work. 👍


Edited by Jacob Rain
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Reported a problem with robot suicide, it seems that only using seeds to the player, robot suicide will work, other respawn mode robot suicide will not work.

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The suicide option only comes in to play for 'event' npcs,
so that's any npcs from event profiles like Airdrop, or from use of the 'toplayer' command.

The reason for this is that there's no upper limit to how many npcs can exist from these methods so if, for example, your server has 5 pop but hourly airdrops, you could end up with hundreds of npcs roaming around because no one's killing them.

With all the regular profiles population is limited and controlled - They can't exceed the population you asked for, so there's no need for suicide as a safety net.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Respawn_Timer is an option per profile - I believe it's listed under 'Death' tab for each profile.
The value is in minutes so you'd want to set 5, or 10, instead of 300 or 600.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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39 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:

Respawn_Timer is an option per profile - I believe it's listed under 'Death' tab for each profile.
The value is in minutes so you'd want to set 5, or 10, instead of 300 or 600.

Thank you so much...

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HI! Have a question. I m looking for a mod for editing npc peacekeepers, (I think).

After you start hacking the crate on the oil rig, a helicopter arrives and brings scientists guard.

If I'm not mistaken these are the peacekeepers. I want to give them more HP and edit weapons. 

Can I do it with that mod?

(sorry for my eng, Im not so good)


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  • Administrator

Looks like it's something FP have done intentionally, but it's optional.
Barricades can be made to serve as boundaries that npcs can't cross, or npcs smash through them.

I'll add an option to toggle that in the next update.
Thank you!

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Noticed this new message:



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But I don't believe I have any bots set to spawn on the heli, so why would this code be running?

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Hey @Mals
I think for that message to show the Patrol Heli kill profile must be set AutoSpawn true and spawn numbers greater than 1.
Would you mind checking in UI to be sure.

Also, what version are you running? I recently changed it so that this error wouldn't show for event profiles, as it's not really indicative of a problem,
since events triggers often happen in places where npcs can spawn, as @Luuxensays. 👍

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Version 1.1.1

Odd, I see that as set up for Heli and CH47 and I do not recall doing this. Perhaps I am getting senile.  Now Disabled.


I have set them off (blush)

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We're all getting there pal. It's just a question of speed! 😂

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