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About Arena Items

Spawn floating, rotating, collectable items.
Includes instant-autoheal option for meds/foods, duration limit option for armour,
and optional player UI to notify of heal amount and possession of temporary armour.

Perfect addition to fast-paced arena games, but also useful for custom maps or placing health/armour perks around monuments.



arenaitems.admin - allows use of UI and commands.



/arenaitems - Opens UI
/arenaitems create <data-set-name>
- Creates a new data set with your specified name.
/arenaitems <data-set-name> add - Adds the item you're holding to the specified data set.

*When adding an item, ammo type, attachments, skin, and ammo quantity are all recorded.


UI options

Buttons are included for :

  • Loading/unloading of complete data sets.
  • Deletion of data sets.
  • Deletion of items.
  • Replacement of items (with current held item)
  • Adjustment of repsawn timer per-item, in seconds.
  • Adjustment of item stack/ammunition amount, where applicable.

Quitting the UI automatically reloads all items, applying new settings.



"AutoHeal": true,
    Toggles between collect or instant use medical items.

"AutoHealNotify": true,
    Notifies of collected item heal amount for 1 second via UI.

"ArmourEffectDuration": 10,
    Select duration of armour perk. 0 means no limit is applied.

"ArmourBoostNotify": true,
    Notifies if player has an armour perk which will expire.

"RotateSpeed": 10,
    Adjust rotation speed of floating items.

"FloatHeight": 0.6,
    Adjust elevation of floating items.

"PickupDuplicateWeapons": false,
    Toggle whether player can pick up more than one of each weapon.

"AllowPartialHeal": true,
    Toggle auto-use of medical items where item heal value exceeds player health defecit.


"UiSettings": {
    "GuiTransparency": 0.9,
    "ButtonColour": "0.7 0.32 0.17 1"

This site has a handy colour picker, with RGBA decimal output, for CUI colours.



Item data is stored in /data/ArenaItems.json.
Users should not need to manually edit this file – All options are adjustable via CUI.


  1. Item skins are saved and recalled.
  2. Water/fuel weapons work. Amounts are controlled in UI, the same as regular ammo.
  3. Ammo types are saved and recalled. (hv, incendiary, etc).
  4. Some game items, particularly ammo items, do not have a custom world models and will show as burlap bag.
    I recommend locating these ammo types close to their weapon spawns for clarity.
  5. Item axis have been manually adjusted to look right.
    If you notice any items which spin on the wrong axis or look out of place, please let me know.


Finally, if you're a map-maker you might want to check out this free asset which compliments ArenaItems.
Thanks to @Nemesis for creating and sharing.


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