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Animal Hunt Event 1.0.0

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About Animal Hunt Event

Animal Hunt Event is a dynamic and customizable event system designed to engage players with thrilling hunting challenges. This plugin allows server administrators to create immersive hunting events where players compete against each other in specific zones, hunting dangerous animals for valuable rewards.
It can be used for PvE and PvP servers . You can even combine ,some events can be PvP some can be PvE . Its up to your needs !

Features :

Automated , Manual , Buyable Events:

Automated Scheduling: The plugin automatically schedules hunting events based on customizable time intervals, ensuring regular, exciting challenges for your players.
Manual Start: Admins can manually trigger events or players can purchase them, allowing for spontaneous fun whenever desired.
Buyable Events : Players can buy events with command in UI .. With differnet zones ,difficulties ,they chose !

Customizable Zones and Difficulties:

Multiple Spawn Zones: Define specific areas on the map where hunting events will take place. Each zone can have its own settings and difficulty levels.
Difficulty Settings: Create and assign different difficulty levels to each zone, with varying numbers and types of animals, ensuring the event suits both solo players and groups.

Rewards System:

Rewards: Winner rewards , kill rewards ,all configurable .
Claimable Rewards: After the event, players can claim their rewards using a simple command, ensuring they don’t miss out on their hard-earned loot.

Safe in and out from event:

Automatic Teleportation: Participants are automatically teleported to event zones and back to their original location, preserving their gameplay flow.
Chat Notifications: Players receive countdown notifications before being teleported, keeping them informed and ready for action.
Prevent Item Loss: The plugin ensures players do not lose their valuable items or backpacks during the event, enhancing the overall player experience.

User-Friendly UI:

Intuitive Kit Selection: Players can choose from a variety of kits before the event begins, each tailored for different playstyles and strategies.
Clear Event Feedback: Real-time UI feedback helps players stay informed about event status, rewards, and their performance.

Admin Controls:

Flexible Configurations: Easily configure event timing, locations, difficulty levels, rewards, and more through the comprehensive settings.
Permission-Based Commands: Secure your event commands with admin-only access, ensuring full control over the plugin’s features.

Command (all commands can be changed in config) :
Admin and Players =   animalhunt - it show all commands in chat .

AdminCommands =    starthunt - Start an animal hunt event.
                                     endhunt - End an animal hunt event.
                                     animalkit - Open the kit UI. (this is only for admins that you can check what you put in config about kits )
                                     addanimalspawn - Add an animal spawn point.
                                     addplayerspawn - Add a player spawn point.
                                     wipeanimalspawns - Wipe animal spawn points.
                                     wipeplayerspawns - Wipe player spawn points.
                                     wiperewards - Wipe all pending rewards.

PlayerCommands =    join - Join the animal hunt event.
                                     leave - Leave the animal hunt event.
                                     claimanimalrewards - Claim rewards.
                                     buyanimalhunt - Openes Ui where player can buy event.

Perms :
animalhunt.admin - to be able to use admin commands.
animalhunt.buyevent - if you have this then you are able to buy events true UI for cost .

How to use it :
You will need plugins ,all are FREE:
ZoneManager ( https://umod.org/plugins/zone-manager ) , Image Library ( https://umod.org/plugins/image-library ) , AnimalSpawn ( https://codefling.com/extensions/animal-spawn ) .
One of currency plugins (ONLY CUSTOM CURRENCY IS PAID) :
CustomCurrency ( https://codefling.com/plugins/custom-currency ) , Economics ( https://umod.org/plugins/economics ) , ServerRewards ( https://umod.org/plugins/server-rewards ) .
When you have required plugins you can start making your animal hunt event .

You will need to make zones where event will happen  , you can have more zones , with different options ,ONLY 1 EVENT PER TIME CAN BE ACTIVE !
Rest of explanation from config file :

"Enable Automatic Events": true,    //// Will events automaticla start with that min max timer between events !
  "Minimum time between events [sec.]": 1800.0,
  "Maximum time between events [sec.]": 3600.0,
  "Join Timer [sec.]": 300.0,  //// Join timer is timer how long will players have to join event !
  "Lobby Timer [sec.]": 60.0,  //// Loby timer is when players are teleported to event zone ,how much time they will have to chose kit ,and maybe location where they will be !
  "Preparation Time [sec.]": 10.0,    //// Prep time is after loby time , players will get kits ,and prepare for battle , you dont need prep time ,you can put 0 if you like that way !
  "Strip Corpses in Event": false,  //// This will decide will corpses from dead player have loot(what they had from animalkits) ,so other player can loot them !
  "Kit Cost Type [0-CustomCurrency, 1-Economics, 2-ServerRewards]": 0,  //// Here you chose for what players will buy kits in event ,you can make free kits ofc!
"Spawn Locations": [
      "Zone ID": "defaultZoneID",   //// When you create zone with zone manager ,look there for zoneid ,and put it here !
      "Zone Name": "SoloZone",  //// This is name of zone what player will see in chat ,when there event starts ,or when they are buying event !
      "Probability": 0.5,   //// When you have more zones ,you can chose probability where automatic event will start based on chances !
      "End Duration [sec.]": 300.0,  //// This is time how long event in this zone will last !
      "Respawnable Animals": true,  //// Will animals respawn,so full duration time they will play , or when all animals are dead event is over !
      "Minimum Players": 1,   //// How much min players need to join event to event happens !
      "Maximum Players": 1,  //// How much max players can join event !
      "Use Custom Animal Spawn Points": false,   //// If false , it will be random spawn point in that zone ,if true then you will need to place those spawns with addanimalspawn
      "Use Custom Player Spawn Points": false,    //// If false , it will be random spawn point in that zone ,if true then you will need to place those spawns with addplayerspawn
      "Buyable Event": true,  //// Will this event be buyable !
      "Use Global Cost": false,  //// If you use global cost true ,all difficulties will cost that price !
      "Event Cost": 300,  //// That global cost if you use it !
      "Cooldown [sec.]": 1200.0,   //// How long player will not be able to buy that same zone event again !
      "Difficulties": [
          "Difficulty Level": "Easy",  //// You can put what ever difficulty !
          "Probability": 0.5,   //// Chance to start that difficulty ,if you have more difficulties!
          "Event Cost": 150,   //// Cost for buying this difficulty if global cost false !
          "Animal Profiles": [
              "Profile Name": "EasyWolf",   //// Chose profile what animal will spawn in event , you can put more profiles in one dificulty ,example wolf and bears !
              "Amount": 10   //// How much of that profile animals will spawn ,if respawnable animals false ,when that 10 animals are dead event is over !
              "Profile Name": "EasyBear", //// As you can here , we have wolf and bear in same difficulty !
              "Amount": 5
"Animal Profiles": [    //// You can add more animal profiles !
      "Profile Name": "EasyBear",  //// that is name of profile what we used in difficulty in that zone !
      "Kill Reward": {   //// This is what player will get for each kill !
        "Economy": "Item",   //// You can use item and plugin (So type Item , or Plugin)
        "PluginName": "",    //// Here you need to type plugin name ( CustomCurrency, Economics, ServerRewards)
        "Shortname": "scrap",   //// If you use plugin you dont need shortname ,If you go item then chose what item will player get from kill !
        "SkinID": 0,    //// SkinId of that item ,if you wanna give some custom item maybe !
        "DisplayName": "",  //// If you put displayname player will get item with that DisplayName ,good for custom items !
        "MaxAmount": 5,   //// Min , max  how much Amount of that item or currency will player get per kill !
        "MinAmount": 1
      "Animal Spawns": [   //// Here you edit your animals profile stats !
          "Animal DisplayName": "EasyBear", //// Display name of animal !
          "Prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/bear/bear.prefab",  //// Chose animal based on prefab !
          "Health": 400,   //// I think i dont need to explain stats of animal !
          "Chase Range": 30.0,
          "Sense Range": 20.0,
          "Listen Range": 10.0,
          "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0,
          "Check Vision Cone": true,
          "Vision Cone": 140.0,
          "Hostile Targets Only": false,
          "Attack Damage": 25.0,
          "Attack Rate": 1.0,
          "Turret Damage Scale": 1.0,
          "Can Run Away Water": false,
          "Can Sleep": false,
          "Speed": 10.0,
          "Memory Duration": 60.0
    },   //// You can add more animal profiles !

{      ///// You can add more kits !
      "Kit Name": "Sniper", //// name of kit !
      "Image URL": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tdntadioit4cm8mlpfira/rifle.bolt.png?rlkey=3o7j5mbxmp405o2otanieqjfq&st=bpazs6jq&dl=1", //// what image will kit use !
      "Max Claim": 1,  //// Max claims of that kit in one event !
      "Cost Amount": 200,  //// Cost of that kit ! It can be 0 so its free !
      "Main": [
          "Short Name": "ammo.pistol",   ////Here you are adding items in Main Container !
          "Amount": 30,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
          "Short Name": "ammo.rifle",
          "Amount": 60,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
      "Wear": [   ////Here you are adding items in Wear Container !
          "Short Name": "burlap.shirt",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
      "Belt": [   ////Here you are adding items in Belt Container !
          "Short Name": "rifle.bolt",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [
          "Ammo": 4
          "Short Name": "pistol.prototype17",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 18
          "Short Name": "knife.combat",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
          "Short Name": "syringe.medical",
          "Amount": 4,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
          "Short Name": "bandage",
          "Amount": 8,
          "Skin ID": 0,
          "Mods": [],
          "Ammo": 0
    }, ///// You can add more kits !

"Total Winners": 3, //// how much there will be winners in event ! if you go 3 or some other number ,then make for all 3 places rewards!
  "Winner Rewards": [
      "Position": 1,  //// this are rewards for first place !
      "Rewards": [
          "Economy": "Item",   ////Again like in kill rewards , Item or Plugin !
          "PluginName": "",   //// If plugin ,then plugin name !
          "Shortname": "rifle.ak",
          "SkinID": 0,
          "DisplayName": "",
          "MaxAmount": 1,
          "MinAmount": 1
          "Economy": "Plugin",
          "PluginName": "CustomCurrency",
          "Shortname": "",
          "SkinID": 0,
          "DisplayName": "",
          "MaxAmount": 200,
          "MinAmount": 100
          "Economy": "Plugin",
          "PluginName": "Economics",
          "Shortname": "",
          "SkinID": 0,
          "DisplayName": "",
          "MaxAmount": 200,
          "MinAmount": 100
      "Position": 2, //// this are rewards for 2 place !
      "Rewards": [
      "Position": 3 //// this are rewards for 3 place ! ,,so add more if you put more winners !
      "Rewards": [
"Commands": {   //// You can change all commands in config !
    "Start Hunt Command": "starthunt",
    "End Hunt Command": "endhunt",
    "Join Event Command": "join",
    "Leave Event Command": "leave",
    "Claim Rewards Command": "claimanimalrewards",
    "Buy Event Command": "buyanimalhunt",
    "Wipe Rewards Command": "wiperewards",
    "Animal Kits": "animalkit",
    "Add Animal Spawn Command": "addanimalspawn",
    "Add Player Spawn Command": "addplayerspawn",
    "Wipe Animal Spawns Command": "wipeanimalspawns",
    "Wipe Player Spawns Command": "wipeplayerspawns",
    "Show Commands Command": "animalhunt"


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