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  1. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    thank you nivex for your amazing support with your plugins. problems fixed.
  2. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    so this has been a problem for a while now. I have this option set on all my profiles "Allow Third-Party Npc Explosive Damage To Bases": true, but the raiding zombies/zombie horde plugin still can't damage bases and I get a warning that states. (03:46:20) | Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RaidableBases - False (Boolean), RaidingZombies (True (Boolean)) every time a base is damaged by one of these NPCs. It did work 4-5 patches ago but hasn't since. is it a setting on my end?
  3. Lawnmorr

    Raid Protection

    Could this be made to count the waterbase's plugin foundations when counting foundations? currently, it does not
  4. Lawnmorr

    Island Lottery

    Pretty cool however, a better name for this would be "The Cobalt Lottery" or "Island Lottery" It's not really a casino, just sayin.
  5. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    That seemed to have done it. I even had a full load of NPC's raiding bases no problem. Not sure why that option was on for me in the first place. I was surprised when I Raided an easy base before and the thing just "poofed" up in smoke like a piece of flash paper lol. Well done @nivex thank you. Now the Nomads can raid a base and people can grub them to their hearts content lol.
  6. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    for me I only Have "maintained events" enabled set to maintain 15 bases. 0 easy (no limit), 2 medium, and 1 hard. Expert and Nightmare are -1 for now. hard to believe it's a lack of spawn points for me. I reverted back to 2.4.1 version and config file and a couple people have raided a few bases now with no issue. the zombie horde plugin is disabled for now. I do have it set to end the raid when the TC is destroyed too
  7. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    I have a server with 5 people playing. I Raided a base less than 3 minutes before typing this and the exact same thing happened. yesterday I thought it was the zombie horde plugin causing the trouble (because they are now doing damage to bases again), but I believe now, it was the zombie horde plugin raiding the base that caused the crash. however, the zombie horde plugin was not loaded this last time so it is definitely raidable bases doing it. It happened immediately after getting the chat message that I had raided the base.
  8. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    I have not had any new problems with the update however the NPC's still ignore the Nomad (zombie) horde npc's and bases take no damage from their rockets with a reported conflict from raiding zombies: Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RaidableBases - False (Boolean), RaidingZombies (True (Boolean)) see: They just want to raid! lol Could it be my config? It worked beautiful with version 2.3 though and I haven't really changed anything with truepve, the only other plugin I have that could be causing the conflict.
  9. Lawnmorr

    Raidable Bases

    I had a similar issue, it was my kits. My scientists were shooting melee damage from m92 pistols. I had made kits that matched the default names. So to fix my issue.. I removed the kits from these settings in each profile. "Murderer Kits": [ "murderer_kit_1", "murderer_kit_2" ], "Scientist Kits": [ "scientist_kit_1", "scientist_kit_2" ], then reloaded the plugin so they would revert back to default gear. That fixed them. Then resaved the kits. put the kit settings back and the pistols started shooting bullets again. If your not using kits then probably not the same issue. My issue however is The Zombie horde are still being ignored by the base npc's , and the horde that are raiders do no damage to base entities with their explosives.


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