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  1. More information about "Bank System"

    $29.95 $21.95

    Bank System

    Enhance your server's economy with a comprehensive banking system! Players can manage their finances through ATMs, transfer money, and even earn interest. Fully customizable and integrable with other economy plugins.

    💰 Features
    ATM system: Players can install their own ATMs and receive profit from them. ATMs can break and be repaired. Money transfer system between players. Support for HumanNPC. Ability for players to earn money. Adds banknotes as a new item to the game. Auto Wipe options for each item. Works with third-party economy plugins (optional). Conversion from ServerRewards and Economics. 💻 Commands
    bank - open the bank interface bank.givenote [target] [amount] - give banknotes to the player bank.giveatm [target] - give ATM to the player bank.setbalance [target] - set balance for the player bank.deposit [target] - deposit money to the player bank.withdraw [target] - withdraw money from a player bank.transfer [player] [target] - transfer money from a player to another player bank.wipe [type] (0 - all, 1 - players, 2 - logs, 3 - ATMs) - wipe data bank.convert.economics - convert from Economics bank.convert.serverrewards - convert from ServerRewards 📑 Hooks and API
    The plugin provides several hooks and API methods for developers to integrate with other plugins or custom scripts.
    private object CanPlayerCreateCard(BasePlayer player) private void OnPlayerCreatedCard(BasePlayer player) private void OnBalanceChanged(ulong member, int amount) API Methods:
    private bool HasCard(BasePlayer player) private bool HasCard(ulong member) private int Balance(BasePlayer player) private int Balance(ulong member) private bool Deposit(BasePlayer player, int amount) private bool Deposit(string member, int amount) private bool Deposit(ulong member, int amount) private bool Withdraw(BasePlayer player, int amount) private bool Withdraw(string member, int amount) private bool Withdraw(ulong member, int amount) private bool Transfer(BasePlayer member, BasePlayer target, int amount) private bool Transfer(string member, string target, int amount) private bool Transfer(ulong member, ulong target, int amount) 🛡️ Permissions
    Permissions can be configured in the plugin's config file. For example: "Permission (example: banksystem.use)": "banksystem.use", Additionally, you can set permissions for ATM breakage percentages. 📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A: Config
    Q: How do I spawn an ATM at a monument using BankSystem and MonumentAddons?
    A: Follow these steps to auto-spawn an ATM at your monuments:
    Go to a Monument:
    Position yourself at a monument where you want the ATM to appear (e.g., near a vending machine location). Spawn a Vending Machine:
    Run the following command to spawn a vending machine using MonumentAddons:
    /maspawn vendingmachine.deployed Convert It to an ATM:
    Immediately change the vending machine’s skin to the ATM design by running:
    /maskin 2551771822
    Confirm that 2551771822 matches the ATM skin ID configured in your BankSystem settings. Your ATM is now installed at the monument and will automatically respawn during wipes or map changes.
    Q: How do I fix RUSTNote stack splitting issues?
    A: You need to find "Enable item split control? (if there are errors with stack plugins - it is worth turning off)" in the config and set it to false.
  2. More information about "Personal Animal"


    Personal Animal

    Bring these intelligent animal companions to your server! They can fight, gather resources, carry supplies, and even be ridden. Choose from various customizable animals: bear, boar, chicken, deer, or wolf!
    ✔ Resource Gathering & Looting
    • Collect essential resources like wood, stone, and ore.
    • Automatically gather resources within 50 meters using auto-pickup.
    • Loot crates and boxes for valuable items.
    ✔ A True Companion
    • Command your animal to attack enemies, structures, or objects.
    • Ride your animal for faster travel.
    • Store items in the animal’s inventory (configurable up to 36 slots).
    • Keep your companion healthy with a nutrition system that restores health.

    Total Customization & Control
    🎯 Animal Settings
    • Select your preferred animal: Bear, Boar, Chicken, Deer, or Wolf.
    • Configure max health, respawn time, and combat abilities.
    • Adjust damage rates, player interactions, and looting permissions.
    🛠 User-Friendly Controls & UI
    • Assign commands with a customizable buttons.
    • Display 3D arrows over targets for better visibility.
    • Fully customize the GUI layout, colors, and refresh rate.
    • Blacklist specific items from your animal’s inventory bag.
    🍖 Feeding System
    • Enable nutrition settings to maintain your animal’s health.
    • Configure health restoration values for different food items.
    Useful Commands:
    ✅ /panimal – Spawn or despawn your animal.
    ✅ /panimal follow – Have your animal follow you.
    ✅ /panimal health – Check your animal’s current health.
    ✅ /panimal auto-pickup enable/disable – Turn resource auto-collection on or off.
    ✅ /panimal where – Locate your animal on the map.
    📺 See It in Action! Watch the Video
    📃 Configuration:
    {   "Controls setup": {     "Which button will assign tasks to the animal, attack / collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE",     "Range of action of the assignment button": 25.0,     "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true,     "Arrow display duration": 2   },   "GUI setup": {     "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6,     "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay",     "Panel position": {       "type": "RectTransform",       "anchormin": "1 1",       "anchormax": "1 1",       "offsetmin": "-170 -104",       "offsetmax": "-10 -10"     },     "Second position of the panel (used if the player has a personal bot)": {       "type": "RectTransform",       "anchormin": "0.0 0.0",       "anchormax": "1.0 1.0",       "offsetmin": "0.0 0.0",       "offsetmax": "0.0 0.0"     },     "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d",     "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7",     "Health bar color": "#2ecc71",     "Shortcut buttons": []   },   "Setting up personal animals by permission": {     "personalanimal.wolf": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "wolf",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "wolf",       "Maximum health": 200,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     },     "personalanimal.bear": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "bear",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "bear",       "Maximum health": 200,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     },     "personalanimal.boar": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "boar",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "boar",       "Maximum health": 200,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     },     "personalanimal.chicken": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "chicken",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "chicken",       "Maximum health": 200,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     },     "personalanimal.stag": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "stag",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "stag",       "Maximum health": 200,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     },     "personalanimal.polarbear": {       "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "polarbear",       "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "polar-bear",       "Maximum health": 400,       "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0,       "Addons setup": {         "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true,         "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,         "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12       },       "Functions setup": {         "Can the animal attack objects?": true,         "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,         "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,         "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,         "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,         "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true       },       "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {         "Animal damage rate": 2.0,         "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,         "Can the animal damage players?": true,         "Can players damage the animal?": true,         "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,         "Setting up resource pickup rates": {           "stones": 5.0         },         "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [           "rocket.launcher"         ]       },       "Nutrition setup": {         "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,         "Setting health for food eaten": {           "corn": 5.0         }       }     }   },   "List of prefabs that the animal can loot (useful if the animal attacks loot instead of looting it)": [     "foodbox",     "vehicle_parts"   ] }  
  3. More information about "Detective Stewie"


    Detective Stewie

    The NpcDetective plugin adds a detective named Stewie, standing in the outpost and bandit camp.
    Detective for a specified fee through time will send information about the location of the player, but there is a chance that the detective will not be able to find him, as well as that the target will feel the gaze of the detective directed at him.
    The plugin is aimed at PVP content and will definitely be of interest to your players who love battles, because they will be able to find out the whereabouts of the obitchik or if they are lucky to find out where his house is, which will allow them to raid him.
    Some details of the default plugin settings:
    There are 2 spawn points on the monuments, in the outpost and the bandit camp. Default mission completion time is 5 to 10 minutes. Chance of mission failure - 30% Chance that the target will feel the detective's gaze - 10%. Kulldown 10 minutes Price for the service is 200 scrap Features:
    The plugin supports 4 types of economics namely Economics, ServerRewards, IQEconomics, Items Has completely identical UI that Rust uses for conversations as well as for player selection. The UIs have been replicated from scratch and do not require extra dependencies. It has dialogs already ready to use. Provides the ability to translate each of the plugin texts, including the name of the bot above. A wide range of mission settings, including the chances of a variety of events, which greatly fuels interest. The plugin is immediately ready to use without further customization. Permissions:
    npcdetective.allow - allows you to use the services of NPCs Commands:
    getnpcpos - allows you to get a spawn point for an NPC, relative to a monument or world (in this case specified as “custom”)

    Default Config:
    { "Spawn Points": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab": "-26.38629 0.2249966 -20.25003 -6.138487 245.2638 7.046678", "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab": "42.65682 7.059561 -31.20314 8.198808 329.3285 7.740015" }, "Payment Settings": { "Provider (Economics | ServerRewards | IQEconomics | Item)": "Item", "Provider Currency Name": "scrap", "[Item Provider] Short Name": "scrap", "[Item Provider] Skin ID": 0, "Price of search service": 200 }, "Mission Properties": { "Information Accuracy Type (Mark | Grid)": "Mark", "Lead Time Range Min (in seconds)": 300.0, "Lead Time Range Max (in seconds)": 600.0, "Cooldown in seconds": 600.0, "Chance of mission failure (0-100%)": 30.0, "Сhance that the target will sense the presence (0-100%)": 10.0 } }  
  4. More information about "ItemPerks"



    Item Perks is a plugin that enhances everyday weapons, tools and armour with over 50 different types of perks.
    Items with perks can be obtained a variety of ways, including:
    Finding them randomly in crates or barrels during your morning scrap farm. Randomly crafting an enhanced version of your equipment while you roof camp noobs from your base. Recycling enhanced equipment and finding enhancement kits stuck in the teeth of the recycler. Using a console or chat command that can be ran through seedy plugin traders like GUIShop.  
    The plugin gives a large amount of control to server owners when it comes to implementation. You can:
    Enable/disable perks, or modify the minimum and maximum values that they roll when applied to gear. Blacklist or whitelist items to each perk, so they will be exclusively excluded or included (based on the list you choose). Adjust the weight of each perk, so it is more or less likely to be seen on gear., or adjust the chances amount of perks that items can potentially have. Fully adjust or disable the chance for item drops to be found, or enable the enhancement kit system so players can recycle gear. So much more (watch the configuration section of the video below to see the full extent).  

    There are over 50 perks included with the plugin. The following list will describe briefly what each perk does.
    Name: Prospector Description: This perk increases your mining yield when mining stone, metal and sulfur nodes. Name: Lumberjack Description: This perk increases your woodcutting yield when chopping living or dead trees. Name: Butcher Description: This perk increases the resources gained from skinning humans and animals. Name: Horticulture Description: This perk increases the amount of resources gained when harvesting grown plants. Name: Forager Description: This perk increases the amount of resources gained when picking up map generated collectibles. Name: Angler Description: This perk increases the amount of fish you receive upon a successful catch. Name: BeastBane Description: This perk increases the damage dealt to animals. Name: ScientistBane Description: This perk increases the damage dealt to scientists. Name: FlakJacket Description: This perk reduces the damage received from explosions. Name: Elemental Description: This perk reduces damage from received from cold and heat sources. Name: Scavenger Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find additional scrap from crates and barrels. Name: Manufacture Description: This perk increases the speed of your crafting. Name: Durable Description: This peark reduces the durability damage of all equipped items. Name: BeastWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from animals. Name: ScientistWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from scientists. Name: Builder Description: This perk provides you with a chance for your building upgrades to be free. Name: Thrifty Description: This perk provides you with a chance for your crafting components to be refunded upon a successful craft. Name: Fabricate Description: This perk provides you with a chance to duplicate an item upon a successful craft. Name: Pharmaceutical Description: This perk increases the amount of healing received from all sources. Name: MeleeWard Description: This perk reduces the damage received from melee weapons. Name: Academic Description: This perk provides you with a chance to receive a scrap refund when researching an item at the research bench. Name: FallDamage Description: This perk reduces the impact damage received from falling. Name: Lead Description: This perk reduces the damage from radiation. Name: Smasher Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to instantly destroy barrels with any amount of damage. Name: Environmentalist Description: This perk will increase the speed of recyclers that you activate. Name: Smelter Description: This perk will increase the smelting speed of furnaces you activate. Name: Paramedic Description: This perk provides players that you revive with additional health. Name: Prepper Description: This perk provides you with a chance to not consume food when eating. Name: Regeneration Description: This perk will passively regenerate you. Name: SharkWard Description: This perk will reduce the amount of damage received from sharks. Name: SharkBane Description: This perk will increase the amount of damage dealt to sharks. Name: Deforest Description: This perk provides you with a chance to cut down nearby trees when successfully cutting a tree down. Name: BlastMine Description: This perk provides you with a chance to mine out nearby nodes when successfully mining out a node. Name: Tanner Description: This perk provides you with a chance to skin nearby corpses when successfully skinning out a corpse. Name: Vampiric Description: This perk will heal you for a percentage of the damage dealt to certain enemies. Name: Reinforced Description: This perk will reduce the the amount of damage that your vehicles receive when mounted. Name: ComponentLuck Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to receive additional components when looting barrels and crates. Name: ElectronicsLuck Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to receive additional electronics when looting barrels and crates. Name: UncannyDodge Description: This perk provides you with a chance to dodge incoming damage, reducing it to 0. Name: LineStrength Description: This perk increases the tensile strength of your fishing line. Name: HealShare Description: This perk will share healing effects with nearby players. Name: Attractive Description: This perk will provide you with a chance to automatically pick up components when destroying barrels. Name: WoodcuttingLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you cut down a tree. Name: MiningLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you mine out a node. Name: SkinningLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you skin out a corpse. Name: FishingLuck Description: This perk provides you with a chance to find a random item when you catch a fish. Name: Sated Description: This perk will increase the amount of calories and hydration you receive from food and water sources. Name: IronStomach Description: This perk provides you with a chance to negate negative effects when consuming food. Name: TreePlanter Description: This perk will provide a chance for a tree to instantly regrow when cut down. Name: RockCycler Description: This perk will provide a chance for a node to instantly respawn when mined out. Name: BradleyDamage Description: This perk perk increases the damage dealt to Bradley Tanks. Name: HeliDamage Description: This perk perk increases the damage dealt to Patrol Helicopters.  

    Command: ipgive
    Type: console/chat
    Parameters: <target ID/Name> <optional: shortname> <optional: perks>
    Description: Gives the target player an enhanced item. If shortname is specified, it will base the enhancement off of that item. If perks are specified, it will add only those perks to the item.
    Command: ipgivekit
    Type:  console/chat
    Parameters:  <target ID/Name> <perk>
    Description:  Gives an enhancement kit to the target.

    itemperks.use - Required to receive any benefit from enhanced items. itemperks.loot - Required to loot enhanced items from crates and barrels. itemperks.craft - Required for a chance to received enhanced versions of crafted gear. itemperks.admin - Required to use admin commands. itemperks.enhance - Required to add enhancement kits to items via the workbench. itemperks.recycle - Required to receive enhancement kits from recycling enhanced items.  

    IPAPI_CreateItem - creates and returns an enhanced item using the details fed into the method. If shortname is left blank, it will pick a random valid item. If api_perks is null it will pick random perk(s) and add them.
    Returns Item
    [HookMethod("IPAPI_CreateItem")] public object IPAPI_CreateItem(string shortname = null, ulong skin = 0, Dictionary<string, float> api_perks = null) { List<KeyValuePair<Perk, float>> perks = Pool.GetList<KeyValuePair<Perk, float>>(); foreach (var perk in api_perks) { Perk _perk; if (parsedEnums.TryGetValue(perk.Key, out _perk)) perks.Add(new KeyValuePair<Perk, float>(_perk, perk.Value)); } var result = CreateItem(shortname, skin, perks); Pool.FreeList(ref perks); // Returns an Item class return result; } Example usage:
    [ChatCommand("testipapi")] void TestIPAPI(BasePlayer player) { Dictionary<string, float> perks = new Dictionary<string, float>() { ["Prospector"] = 1f, ["Lumberjack"] = 1f, ["Butcher"] = 1f, ["Horticulture"] = 0.5f }; var item = (Item)ItemPerks.Call("IPAPI_CreateItem", "hammer.salvaged", (ulong)2830083288, perks); if (item == null) { Puts("Failed"); return; } item.name = "tool of the trade"; player.GiveItem(item); }  
  5. More information about "Battlefront"



    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away imperial armed forces invaded in the rust island. After the arrival imperial forces ruined a huge amount of civilisation facilities, they showed no mercy, and the life was almost exterminated, however not every habitant was killed. A little bit later valiant dwellers of the island started to develop with the velocity of light, they unified into several clans and repelled the imperial forces. The clans were able to destroy the main invaders’ troops, but there were too many of them. Now, the fate of the Rust island depends only on you, the Warrior. We wish you good luck on the battlefield!
    There are a large number of objects on the map that remain visible for a long distance. For a higher and more stable FPS, I advise you not to include a drawing range above 1500.
    About 95k prefabs Map size 4000 Optimal FPS The atmosphere of a very famous media universe 15 large and medium custom monuments with loot Over 5 custom locations for building Сustom locations where you can build are marked with “X” All custom locations have names on the map Combined outpost with a bandit camp Recycler added to fishing villages Compatible with Raidable Bases plugin Custom configuration of BetterNpc for the map is set up How can I view the map?
    You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.

    For which plugins do I provide configuration files?
    Defendable Bases
    Custom monuments:
    Battle of Hoth (A huge location is a place of battle) Advanced Bunker Space Fighter Base (A large base on the mountainside) Imperial Destroyer (A huge ship of invaders) Bestin City (a city from the planet Tatooine) Fresh Water Generator Rebel Generator (Location with an underground part) Yoda Swamp Oil Plant Intergalactic market (Savezone without turrets) Jabba Ship Sand Crawler Fighter Hangar Space Parts Warehouse Zyabkino Station Green Station Custom zipline points Monuments from Facepunch:
    Launch Site Radtown Ferry Terminal Nuclear Missile Silo Outpost Junkyard Water Treatment Plant Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Airfield Power Plant OilRig (2) Harbor (2) Sewer Branch Desert Military Base Lighthouse Fishing Village Ranch The Dome Satellite Dish Underground Tunnels Arctic Research Base Underwater Lab


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