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  1. More information about "Gesture to Activate"


    Gesture to Activate

    Gives players the option to activate Smart Switches with in game gestures. This allows you do to things like:
    Clap to turn the lights on  Wave to open a gate Turn on a turret unless you are surrendering! 😈 Whatever else you can think of!  
    How to Use
    Its very simple and intuitive to use this plugin. No clunky commands or complicated setup. However it does require that you have a basic understanding of how to use electricity in Rust.
    Make sure you have BOTH permissions. Place a Smart Switch, hook it up with a power source, and an output. You can make the output whatever you like, I recommend a light for an easy example. Hit the newly placed Smart Switch with a hammer, this will open up the new gesture configuration menu. Select whatever gesture(s) you want this switch to activate with. Then at the bottom of the menu, hit the button so that it reads "NO AUTH" (text may differ depending on your localization configuration). This is to ensure that you will not need building rights in order to activate this switch (if you have building rights then you can leave it on "REQUIRE AUTH". Close the menu using the X button in the top right. Open the gesture wheel and perform one of the gestures you configured to activate this switch with. If it is properly wired up, it should turn on! Features
    Adds a new UI for Smart Switches that fits in with the Rust UI aesthetic and can be accessed by hitting the Smart Switch with a hammer The Smart Switch can be setup to toggle with ANY combination of Rust gestures Can also be configured to only activate for those who are authed on the tool cupboard (if desired) Permissions
    gesturetoactivate.set - required to configure smart switches with gestures gesturetoactivate.use - required to activate an already configured smart switch with a gesture
    Note: If you want to test this plugin out you will need BOTH of these! Commands
    None! - Okay there is a few, but they are only used by the UI, so you don't need to worry about them (players cannot use them). The only one you might want to know if is: gta.close - this will force close the UI menu in the event that it is stuck and the close button is not working (shouldn't happen) Default Config
    Activation Delay - This is the time it takes for the switch to toggle after using a gesture (in seconds). Activation Range - The distance a switch can be activated with a gesture from. Gesture Images - You can change the icon of each of the gestures here (in case these links stop working). Message Avatar ID - If you have Show Messages enabled, you can change the icon in which these messages will be displayed. Put a Player ID or Steam Profile ID here. Show Messages - Set to false if you do not wish to see any of the chat messages displayed by the plugin. UI Open SFX - The sound effect that is played when the gesture menu is opened. Set to "" to disable. UI Updated SFX - The sound effect that is played when the gesture menu is closed. Set to "" to disable. { "Activation Delay (seconds)": 1.0, "Activation Range": 20.0, "Gesture Images": { "Gesture.Clap": "https://imgur.com/RWp140k.png", "Gesture.Friendly": "https://imgur.com/6S3Pdrs.png", "Gesture.Hurry": "https://imgur.com/GUPm19I.png", "Gesture.Ok": "https://imgur.com/R9UdmRO.png", "Gesture.Point": "https://imgur.com/yKykIMu.png", "Gesture.Shrug": "https://imgur.com/i3CFKyN.png", "Gesture.ThumbsDown": "https://imgur.com/nwaSJ0h.png", "Gesture.ThumbsUp": "https://imgur.com/ILzUCzR.png", "Gesture.Victory": "https://imgur.com/3XiFdcE.png", "Gesture.Wave": "https://imgur.com/NCRI1pT.png" }, "Message Avatar ID": 0, "Show Messages": true, "UI Open SFX": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.unlock.prefab", "UI Updated SFX": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.updated.prefab" } Default Localization (English)
    { "Directions": "Select the gestures that can activate this Smart Switch.", "Require Auth": "REQUIRE AUTH", "No Auth": "NO AUTH", "No Perm": "You do not have permission to set gesture activation for this object.", "Set Gestures": "You can setup this Smart Switch to be controlled with gestures. Hit it with a hammer to configure these settings." } Donation Link
    Buy me a coffee here!
  2. More information about "EpicLoot"



    Epic Loot is a plugin that adds additional RPG style loot to crates, NPC corpses, barrels and crafting.
    There is a configurable chance that an enhanced piece with varying set types and modifiers will appear in a loot crate, barrel or corpse.
    Players also have a chance to receive an enhanced version of their crafted items, rather than the plain old vanilla armor/weapon/tool.
    Wearing more than 1 of the same type of item will provide the user with a set bonus. Depending on the set type, they may get access to higher mining yields, more damage to scientists or even access to exclusive loot tables that proc while gathering.
    The plugin is incredibly configurable, supports language conversions and allows users to modify and design their own set bonuses.
    There are currently 24 different set types and 27 unique set bonuses!

    Set types are added to the name of the item and are responsible for providing the user with a buff.
    Miners, - Increases the wearers mining yield. Lumberjacks, - Increases the wearers woodcutting yield. Skinners, - Increases the wearers skinning yield. Farmers, - Increases the wearers farming yield. Foragers, - Increases the wearers collection yield. Fishermans, - Increases the wearers fishing yield. Assassins, - Increases damage done to players. Demo, - Decreases damage from explosives. Elemental - Reduces cold and fire damage. Scavengers - Offers the wearer a chance to obtain additional scrap from barrels and crates. Transporters - Reduces the fuel costs for helicopters and boats. Crafters - Increases crafting speed. Reinforced - Reduces durability loss on all equipped items. Tamers - Reduces damage taken from animals. Hunters - Increase damage done to animals. Operators - Increases damage done to humanoid NPCs. Jockeys - Increases speed of the wearers mounted horse. Raiders - Offers the wearer a chance for their fired rocket/thrown explosive to be refunded. Builders - Offers the wearer a chance for their building/upgrade costs to be refunded. Assemblers - Offers the wearer a chance for their crafting materials to be refunded. Fabricators - Offers the wearer a chance for an additional crafted item to be produced. Medics - Increases healing received. Knights - Decreases damage received from melee attacks. Barbarians - Increased damage done with melee attacks. Smelting - Chance to receive a refined ore, instead of a raw ore, while mining. InstantMining - Chance to instantly mine the rest of a node out on hit. InstantWoodcutting - Chance to instantly cut down the rest of the tree on hit. Regrowth - Chance for the felled tree to respawn. InstantSkinning - Chance to instantly skin the rest of an animal on hit. InstantCook - Chance to receive cooked meat instead of raw meat while skinning. PVPCrit - Chance to critically damage a player, adding an additional 10-30% damage. Reflexes - Reduces damage taken from PVP. IncreasedBoatSpeed - Increases the speed of all watercraft. FreeVehicleRepair - Removes the repair cost for repairing vehicles of all kinds. Survivalist - Increases calories and hydration from all food sources. Researcher - Chance to receive your scrap back while researching. Feline - Reduces fall damage. Lead, - Reduces radiation damage. Gilled - Underwater breathing. Smasher - % Chance to destroy barells and roadsigns instantly. WoodcuttersLuck - Access to a loot table for woodcutting. MinersLuck - Access to a loot table for mining. SkinnersLuck - Access to a loot table for skinning. RockCycle - Chance to spawn a new rock once mined out. Attractive - Chance for loot to be instantly moved to your inventory. FishersLuck - Access to a loot table for fishing. TeamHeal - Shares heals with nearby team mates. HealthShot - Heals team mates for damage that would have been done when shot. BulletProof - Reduces the damage received from bullets. FishingRodModifier - Adjusts the tensile strenght of the cast fishing rod, making it harder to snap the line. UncannyDodge - Chance to dodge a projectile and negate its damage.  

    When a user wears enough pieces of the same set, they will get access to extra set bonuses, depending on the number of pieces worn.
    Any of the buffs from the set types can be added as set bonuses to any set. You can also add the BonusMultiplier set bonus if you want to increase the set bonus percentage based on the number of pieces worn.
    BonusMultiplier - Add an additional bonus on top of the existing modifier.  

    Type: chat
    Command: genitem
    Parameters: <optional: item shortname> <optional: set type> <optional: tier>
    /genitem pants miners s - will spawn a pair of pants with the miners set type and a random modifier from s tier range. /genitem transporters c - will spawn a random item with the transporters set type and a random modifier from the c tier range. /genitem pants b - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random modifier from the b tier range. /genitem pants - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random set modifier.  
    Type: console
    Command: genitem
    Parameters:  <target name/steam ID> <optional: item shortname> <optional: set type> <optional: tier>
    /genitem "new guy" pants miners s - will spawn a pair of pants with the miners set type and a random modifier from s tier range. /genitem "new guy" transporters c - will spawn a random item with the transporters set type and a random modifier from the c tier range. /genitem "new guy" pants b - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random modifier from the b tier range. /genitem 76561197988695317 pants - will spawn a pair of pants with a random set type and a random set modifier.  
    Type: chat
    Command: eladdskin
    Parameters: <set type> <item shortname>
    /eladdskin Transporters pants 2533474346 - Adds the specified skin ID to the list of skins for the transporters pants.  
    Type: chat
    Command: givescrappercurrency
    Parameters: <quantity>
    /givescrappercurrency 100 - gives 100 scrapper currency to the player.  
    Type: console
    Command: givescrappercurrency
    Parameters:  <target name/ID> <quantity>
    givescrappercurrency new 100 - gives new guy 100 scrapper currency.  
    Type: console
    Command: elprintitems
    Parameters:  none
    /elprintitems - will print a list of items that can be enhanced into console.  
    Type: chat
    Command: el
    Parameters: none
    /el - opens up the EpicLoot menu.  
    Type: chat
    Command: reseticonpositions
    Parameters: none
    /reseticonpositions - forces all player icon positions to be set to the default config value.  

    epicloot.use - Required to access the menu.
    epicloot.admin - Required to use the genitem commands.
    epicloot.drop - Required for items to drop from crates, barrels and corpses.
    epicloot.salvage - Required to access the salvager menu.
    epicloot.enhance - Required to access the enhancement menu.
    epicloot.enhance.free - Enhancements have no cost.
    epicloot.craft - Required to randomly craft epic loot items.

    void GenerateItem(BasePlayer player, string type = null, List<string> item_shortname = null, string tier = null, bool msg = false) Type must be a set type (miners, transporters etc).
    Item_shortname can contain a number of item shortnames. The hook will pick a random item from the list.
    Tier must be either s, a, b or c.
  3. More information about "IQSorter"



    IQSorter - an item sorter for your players! A simple and compact UI designed in the style and colors of RUST. A special UI layout that won't interfere with the standard UI functions in RUST and won't obscure any important information!

    Supports a large list of storage options
    No configuration needed - the plugin is fully automated and will work immediately after being uploaded to the server!
    With the introduction of new items into the game, the plugin will not require updates. If they have storage capabilities, they will automatically work with the sorter, such as the cabinet and new cabinet with a skin.
    Permissions :
    iqsorter.use - permission to use sorter functions

    Supports functions in :
                              Red Also supports functions in vehicles (boats, minicopters, etc.)

    API :
    OnStartSortedContainer(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container) // Called when the player starts sorting the container OnSortedContainer(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer container) // Called when the player has sorted the container OnStartMoveAllItems(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer fromContainer, ItemContainer toContainer) // Called when the player starts moving all items from one container to another OnMovedAllItems(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer fromContainer, ItemContainer toContainer) // Called when the player has moved all items from one container to another OnStartMoveSimilarItems(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer fromContainer, ItemContainer toContainer) // Called when the player starts moving "similar" items from one container to another OnMovedSimilarItems(BasePlayer player, ItemContainer fromContainer, ItemContainer toContainer) // Called when the player has moved "similar" items from one container to another  
  4. More information about "IQAlcoholFarm"



    IQAlcohol – an unusual plugin that allows you to create an unusual alcohol farm among players on your server!
    Players can make their own alcohol and consume it, getting various bonus and negative effects, which will add interest to the game!
    It will also allow you to sell alcohol among players or for merchant Ivan, who will exchange a bottle of alcohol for interesting resources that you can customize!

    CONFIGURATION - https://pastebin.com/w8SegLAt
    Plugin Features :
    Commands :
    barrel.add <SteamID:Name:IP> - issue a fermentation barrel [ConsoleCommand]
    /set.custom.npc NamePos - adds a position for an NPC [ChatCommand]
    /remove.custom.npc NamePos - deletes a position for an NPC [ChatCommand]
    Full customization of alcohol:
    Changing the SkinID of alcohol Change of SkinID wort (alcohol consumable) SkinID change for Alcohol bottle Full customization and control of effects for a sip of alcohol:
    The cost of one sip (how much liquid will be taken) The time of intoxication after one sip After what time will the negative effects work How many calories will one sip take off How much thirst will one sip take away How much health will be added after a sip Chance of negative effects How much to take away health after activating the negative effect How much to take away thirst after activating the negative effect How many calories to take away after activating the negative effect You can specify the positive effects modifiers yourself Setting up the fermentation of alcohol
    Frequency of berry processing in seconds The number of berries in one processing tick (for wort) How much wort gives out for one processing tick How much wort fits into a barrel The size of the processor's inventory is wort How much water to process per minute Rates of wort and alcohol processing (IN the CAMPFIRE) Setting up NPC Merchants
    Selection of places where NPCs will be installed (Airport, peaceful city, bandit city) Configuring the appearance of an NPC Clothing and SkinID The appearance of the NPC itself DisplayName NPC Setting up an NPC Exchange You can fully customize the exchange rate and the items that the NPC changes things for Setting up voice acting :
    There is a voice acting for NPC (30% Russian (Ivan from Russia)) There is a database with a lot of greetings and goodbyes to the players NPC Animation
  5. More information about "IQBearRide"



    Conquer the world of RUST on a riding bear!
    The bear has a portable inventory, increased characteristics such as speed, health and other indicators!
    The plugin has an intuitive and pleasant interface for interacting with the bear, as well as an additional interface with instructions for managing it!
    Your players will be able to fight on bears, kill other players or animals with the help of a bear!
    Break trees and smash barrels!

    Permissions : 
    Rights to use a bear by players - iqbearride.usedbear
    Rights to give a bear to a player - iqbearride.givebear
    Rights to give a teddy bear to a player - iqbearride.giveteddy
    Detailed configuration in the configuration :
    You will be able to change various indicators, such as : Movement speed Running speed Speed of turns Bear Growth Time Damage done Number of inventory cells Full interface configuration Full customization of the bear cub item Full customization of the bear item There is a language file and localization!
    The plugin has support for many other plugins :
    1. IQChat – configured in the plugin configuration
    2. IQRates – the bear will mine the same amount as the player. He is affected by the same X production indicators as the player
    3. Working with a variety of plugins to multiply mining ratings
    4. AnimalLoot – bear prey will be affected by the settings from this plugin
    5. IQCraftSystem – you can add the creation of an adult bear to the crafting system
    Console Commands :
    Permission for this command – iqbearride.givebear
    iqbr.bear <SteamID:Name:IP> – Issuance of an adult bear
    Permission for this command – iqbearride.giveteddy
    iqbr.teddy<SteamID:Name:IP> – Issuing a bear cub
    { “Chance of a bear cub falling out”: 20, “Make a bear immortal (true – yes/false – no)”: false, “The number of hp of the bear”: 1200, “How long does a bear grow in seconds”: 100, “Walking speed”: 5.0, “Leash speed”: 7.5, “Running speed”: 7.5, “Running speed with shift”: 10.0, “Turning speed”: 150.0, “Step size up (If you don’t know what it is, don’t touch this function)”: 1.0, “Step size down (If you don’t know what it is, don’t touch this function)”: 1.0, “Board size length (If you don’t know what it is, don’t touch this function)”: 1.5, “Board size width (If you don’t know what it is, don’t touch this function)”: 0.2, “The maximum height that can climb”: 50.0, “The radius of checking for objects (If you don’t know what it is, don’t touch this function)”: 0.6, “The radius of the rotation balls check (If you do not know what it is, do not touch this function)”: 0.35, “Maximum depth”: 150.0, “Inventory Size”: 24, “The damage inflicted is individual”: { “default”: 50.0, “player”: 20.0 }, “How much health to give when eating”: 50.0, “IQ Chat : Custom prefix in the chat”: “[IQBearRide]”, “IQChat : Custom avatar in the chat (If required)”: “0”, “IQChat : Use UI notifications”: false, “Setting up the Bear Item”: { “DisplayName”: “Медведь | Bear”, “ShortName”: “stash.small”, “SkinId”: 2445048695 }, “Setting up the Bear Cub item”: { “DisplayName”: “Медвеженок | Teddy bear”, “ShortName”: “stash.small”, “SkinId”: 2445033042 }, “Picture To Follow”: “https://i.imgur.com/0sGNhqD.png”, “Picture to ride”: “https://i.imgur.com/xar8gWn.png”, “Picture Raise”: “https://i.imgur.com/973xdCt.png”, “Picture Inventory”: “https://i.imgur.com/OpjOCgL.png”, “Picture Instructions”: “https://i.imgur.com/32JQy4R.png” }  


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