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  1. More information about "PveMode"



    This plugin does not have its own functionality
    This plugin is only used as an API for other plugins
    Creates a configurable PVE mode out of compatible events and plugins
    Supported Plugins
    AirEvent HarborEvent WaterEvent Satellite Dish Event Power Plant Event JunkyardEvent Defendable Bases BossMonster BetterNpc Convoy  
    void EventAddPveMode(string shortname, JObject configJson, Vector3 position, float radius, HashSet<uint> crates, HashSet<uint> scientists, HashSet<uint> tanks, HashSet<ulong> owners, BasePlayer owner)
    Creates a PVE event mode
    shortname – name of event configJson – PVE mode configuration (more details below in the description) position – event position on the map radius – radius of the event zone crates – list of all event crates (including locked crates) scientists – list of all NPCs active during event tanks – list of all Bradley events owners – list of all event owners (this parameter is necessary if you need to create an event zone several times) owner – event owner (this parameter is required if you need to run an event with the owner) void EventRemovePveMode(string shortname, bool addCooldownOwners)
    Removes PVE mode for the event
    shortname – name of event addCooldownOwners – should there be a cooldown for all event owners if this parameter is active in the PVE mode configuration? (this parameter is necessary if you need to create an event zone several times and issue a cooldown only in the last iteration) void EventAddCrates(string shortname, HashSet<uint> crates)
    Adds crates to the event if active in PVE mode
    shortname – name of event crates – list of event crates to be added (including locked crates) void EventAddScientists(string shortname, HashSet<uint> scientists)
    Adds NPCs to the event if active in PVE mode
    shortname – name of event scientists – list of added event NPCs to be added void EventAddTanks(string shortname, HashSet<uint> tanks)
    Adds Bradley to the event if active in PVE mode
    shortname – name of event tanks – list of added Bradleys event to be added HashSet<ulong> GetEventOwners(string shortname)
    Returns a list of SteamID for all of the Event Owners during the operation of an event
    shortname – name of event ulong GetEventOwner(string shortname)
    Returns the SteamID of the current Event Owner (if there is no Event Owner, it returns 0)
    shortname – name of event void SetEventOwner(string shortname, ulong owner)
    Sets the current Event Owner
    shortname – name of event owner – SteamID of the player HashSet<string> GetEventsPlayer(ulong id)
    Returns a list of event zones where the player is located
    id - SteamID of the player Dictionary<string, double> GetTimesPlayer(ulong id)
    Returns a list of events and the time when the player participated in the event the last time
    id - SteamID of the player  
    PVE Mode Configuration
    float Damage – The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner HashSet<ScaleDamageConfig> ScaleDamage – Damage coefficients for calculation to become the Event Owner bool LootCrate – Can other players and teams loot the crates if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool HackCrate – Can other players and teams hack locked crates if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool LootNpc – Can other players and teams loot NPC corpses if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool DamageNpc – Can other players and teams deal damage to the NPC if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool DamageTank – Can other players and teams do damage to Bradley if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool TargetNpc – Can an Npc attack other players and teams if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool TargetTank – Can Bradley attack other players and teams if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool CanEnter – Allow other players and teams to enter the Event Zone if not Event Owner or their team? [true/false] bool CanEnterCooldownPlayer – Allow a player who has an active cooldown as the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false] int TimeExitOwner – The time that the Event Owner can leave the Event Zone and retain title [sec.] int AlertTime – The Warning time until Event Owner status will end [sec.] bool RestoreUponDeath – Prevent RestoreUponDeath plugin from functioning in the Event Zone? (Player will drop gun and inventory when in Event Zone) [true/false] double CooldownOwner – Cooldown timer for Event Owner until they can achieve the title again, after the end of an event where the player was its owner [sec.] int Darkening – Darkening of the dome (0 – disables the dome) Example:
    JObject config = new JObject { ["Damage"] = 500f, ["ScaleDamage"] = new JArray { new JObject { ["Type"] = "NPC", ["Scale"] = 1f }, new JObject { ["Type"] = "Bradley", ["Scale"] = 2f } }, ["LootCrate"] = false, ["HackCrate"] = false, ["LootNpc"] = false, ["DamageNpc"] = false, ["DamageTank"] = false, ["TargetNpc"] = false, ["TargetTank"] = false, ["CanEnter"] = false, ["CanEnterCooldownPlayer"] = true, ["TimeExitOwner"] = 300, ["AlertTime"] = 60, ["RestoreUponDeath"] = true, ["CooldownOwner"] = 86400, ["Darkening"] = 12 };  
    Chat commands
    EventsTime - shows the player a list of how much time has passed since participating in the event the last time
    Console commands (RCON only)
    ClearTimePveMode {steamid} - clears the list of the time when the player with SteamID ({steamid}) participated in the event the last time
    My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923
    Join the Mad Mappers Discord here!
    Check out more of my work here!
  2. More information about "BotReSpawn"



    Spawns set numbers of customised npcs at monuments,
    various events, supply drops, biomes, custom locations, and 'toplayer'.
    Plugin Description.
    Highly customisable and intuitive npc plugin, setup almost exclusively in UI.
    See images for an overview of the available options globally, and per npc profile.
    Every option in the UI is clickable, showing a detailed description of its use.
    Optional dependencies -
    Kits (free at uMod.org) CustomLoot
    botrespawn.allowed - Required for non-admin use
      Chat commands.
    /botrespawn - Opens UI. /botrespawn add *profilename* - Adds a custom profile then opens UI. (please don't use  spaces or hyphens) /botrespawn remove *profilename* - Removes a custom profile. /botrespawn info - Tells you about the npc you're looking at. Console commands.
    bot.count - Gives total number of spawned npcs. bots.count - Gives a breakdown of spawned npcs per profile. botrespawn toplayer NameOrId ProfileName amount(optional) botrespawn enable/disable "Profile name here" botrespawn tempspawn "Profile name here" - Spawns npcs from a profile at random points around that profile's location addspawn - Enabled via UI, in Edit Spawnpoints menu - for keybinding. botrespawn showspawns - Added for binding convenience. botrespawn checknav - Added for binding convenience. * Note = addspawn and showspawns commands require the user to select "Edit with console commands" first, from a profile's spawnpoints menu.
    Default locations.
    All major monuments are automatically included, plus profiles for the four biomes.
    The following events also have default profiles
    Airdrop (supply grenade optional) Locked Crate Spawn Locked Crate Hack Start APC Kill PatrolHeli Kill CH47 Kill  
    Configurable via json, per profile.
    BotNames BotNamePrefix Announcement_Text Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons (accepts item shortnames) See note at end for weapon list formatting.
    Everything else is configurable via UI - All options have a description in UI, accessible by clicking the name/label.
    Kits are managed, per profile, in UI.
    As with BotSpawn, kit probability can be balanced by assigning a number to a kit.
    When selecting multiple kits, increasing a kit's number increases its chances of being picked.
    Only kits with weapons in the belt are shown in UI.
    Most weapons are supported for npc use, including normal bullet and melee weapons,
    rocket launchers, bows, crossbows, MGLs, nailguns, flamethrowers, etc.
    Throwable explosives can be used but throwable melee (like spears) can be used but will not be thrown.
    Adding and managing spawnpoints is done, per profile, in UI,
    or by enabling 'add by command' in spawnpoints menu, then using 'addspawn' console command.
    You can bind this command for your convenience.
    When opting to use the 'addspawn' command, a button will show in UI main page, allowing you to quickly return to the profile you were editing.
    A new feature is that each spawn point can have overrides, forcing that specific npc to have different values to the rest of the profile's npcs.
    At present you can override
    Stationary Kits Health RoamRange  
    If you choose to use Parent_Monument, you can select it via UI, but do so before you add custom spawn points (if applicable).
    Parent_Monument ensures that your profile and its spawn points will relocate after a map change,
    so that they are in the same place, relative to that chosen monument.

    If a profile uses custom spawn points, but does not have enough custom spawn points to cover the whole population,
    it will spawn randomly placed npcs to make up the numbers, in accordance with the profile "Radius" setting.
    EG :
    Day_Time_Spawn_Amount 10
    Number of custom spawn points 5
    Result : 5 npcs on custom spawn points, and 5 randomly placed around the area, within the specified radius.
    Murderer true/false is no longer an option.
    Instead, the AI will respond differently based on the weapons you give it.
    If you want the AI to run directly at victims and attack, give it melee weapons only.
    I believe you can still make murderer-style kits, although you also have Frankenstein clothing options built into the the UI options now.
    Peacekeeper is now based on whether or not players are marked hostile.

    An additional option 'Peacekeeper_Uses_Damage' restores the old behaviour,
    where peacekeeper npcs will completely ignore players until attacked by them.
    "DataPrefix": "default", (tells BotReSpawn which data files to load),
      Allow_Parented_HackedCrates Allow_HackableCrates_With_OwnerID Allow_HackableCrates_From_CH47 Allow_HackableCrates_At_Oilrig Allow_All_Other_HackedCrates
      Disable_WaterWells Disable_Substations Disable_UndergroundCaves Disable_UnderwaterLabs
      "UseServerTime": Uses server IsNight check, instead of manual day/hour settings, "Show_Profiles_Seconds": 10, "DayStartHour": 8, "NightStartHour": 20, "SuicideBoom": true, (toggles explosion sound for suicide npcs), "Animal_Safe": true, "Supply_Enabled": false, (spawn 'airdrop' bots for user-called supplys), "Ignore_Skinned_Supply_Grenades": true, "Remove_BackPacks_Percent": 100 is always : 0 is never, "Remove_KeyCard": true, (any keycards in bot default loot will be destroyed), "Remove_Frankenstein_Parts": true, (any frankenstein parts in bot default loot will be destroyed), "Ignore_Sleepers": true/false, "Pve_Safe": true, (bots will not be injured by fire/barbs, etc.), "Max_Chute_Fall_Speed": 100, "Chute_Speed_Variation": 100, "Staggered_Despawn": false, "Disable_Non_Parented_Custom_Profiles_After_Wipe": false "Announce_Toplayer": false "RustRewards_Whole_Numbers": true "XPerience_Whole_Numbers: true "NPCs_Damage_Armour": true "Limit_ShortRange_Weapon_Use": false "Allow_Ai_Dormant": false "Prevent_Biome_Ai_Dormant": false "Scale_Meds_To_Health": false (increases npc heal amount relative to npc's max health. "Ignore_Factions": false - Makes all profiles fight all profiles if true. "Reduce_Damage_Over_Distance: false "Deaggro_Memory_Duration: 20 - Number of seconds it takes an npc to forget you outside deaggro range/line of sight. "Ignore_HackableCrates_With_OwnerID" - Makes hackable crate profiles only respond to crates with OwnerID 0 (server spawned) "NPCs_Assist_NPCs" - true/false. When a botrespawn npc is attacked, nearby botrespawn npcs will also respond and defend. "Enable_Targeting_Hook": false "Allow_AlphaLoot": true Can be used to prevent AlphaLoot from giving loot to BotReSpawn npcs. "Parachute_From_Height": 200 "Smooth_Damage_Scale": false "Allow_Oilrigs": false - NPCs here must be custom spawn point and stationary true. "Show_Spawns_Duration": 20, These values are adjustable and described in detail in in-game UI, with the exception of DataPrefix.
    Profile values.
    Each profile value and description is not listed here, but all (apart from text strings) are now configurable via UI,
    and have sensible default values.
    Every option has a full in-game description, accessible by clicking an option's name/label.
    If any specific setting/value is unclear, please just ask in CF discord, my discord, or the support section here.
    Notes : 
    Durations which used to be in seconds are now in minutes.
    "Type" is an internal use variable - Users should not change this option.
    Profile copy/paste does not include location, Parent_Monument, or custom spawnpoints.
    BotNames, and Headshot weapons should be formatted as follows:
    ["name1"], for single or ["name1", "name2", "name3"], for many.
    ["rifle.lr300"], for single or [ "rifle.lr300", "pistol.m92" ], for many.
    Faction and Subfaction of 0 means this profile will not fight any other, and will not be attacked by any other.
    Faction and Subfaction settings greater than 1 are used for configuring which profiles should be allies / enemies.
    API :
    string[] AddGroupSpawn(Vector3 location, string profileName, string group, int quantity) string[] RemoveGroupSpawn(string group) string NPCProfile(NPCPlayer npc) (returns "No Name" for non BotReSpawn npcs) object OnBotReSpawnNPCTarget(ScientistNPC npc, BasePlayer player) void OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profilename, string group) void OnBotReSpawnNPCKilled(ScientistNPC npc, string profilename, string group, HitInfo info) bool IsBotReSpawn(NPCPlayer npc) bool IsBotReSpawn(ulong id)  
    For preventing BotReSpawn npc spawns for event profiles.
    object OnBotReSpawnCrateDropped(HackableLockedCrate crate) object OnBotReSpawnCrateHackBegin(HackableLockedCrate crate) object OnBotReSpawnAPCKill(BradleyAPC apc) object OnBotReSpawnPatrolHeliKill(PatrolHelicopterAI heli) object OnBotReSpawnCH47Kill(CH47HelicopterAIController ch) object OnBotReSpawnAirdrop(SupplyDrop drop)  
    Example usage.
    [PluginReference] private Plugin BotReSpawn; Vector3 location = new Vector3(0,0,0); string[] Spawn = BotReSpawn?.Call("AddGroupSpawn", location, "The Dome 0", "MadeUpNameHere", 5) as string[]; Puts($"{Spawn[0]}"); Puts($"{Spawn[1]}"); Passing 0 for quantity will spawn the appropriate amount of npcs for the time of day, according to the profile.
    Method call OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profile, string group, notifies of spawned npcs.
    void OnBotReSpawnNPCSpawned(ScientistNPC npc, string profile, string group) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(group)) Puts($"BotReSpawn spawned an npc from profile {profile}"); else Puts($"BotReSpawn spawned an npc from profile {profile} - API group name {group}"); }  
    Q: My npcs don't move and/or won't attack
    A: If you have any PVE plugins or settings please try disabling those temporarily to test.
    A: Make sure the server has the following settings.
    nav_wait true nav_disable false ai.think true A: If you use Rust Admin, please ensure that the animal AI option is enabled.
    A: If you have Vanish installed please try unloading it. If this worked, check you don't have the permission for permanent Vanish.

    Q: There's a million options. Where do I start?
    A: Open the UI with /botrespawn and set AutoSpawn to true for at least one monument, then click the button to reload that profile.
    A: Everything else is preference/user customisation.
    A: If the monument has a building/structure near the middle, like Dome, you may need to increase the spawn radius option to get going.

    Q: My bots won't die / my bots take damage when attacking people.
    A: Make sure Godmode permissions allow you to do damage.
    A: Same for vanish ^.
    A: Ensure you don't have a PVE plugin which is causing this damage behaviour.

    Q: I take damage when attacking my bots.
    A: This can also be caused by server, or plugin, PVE settings.

    Q: Will X kill my bots?
    A: Radiation, drowning, falling, and helicopters should not kill your bots.
    A: Turrets targeting bots can be toggled. Bradleys targeting bots can be toggled.
    A: Fire (campfires etc) will kill your bots. Damage from barbs, cacti etc will kill your bots, but can be prevented with the 'Pve_Safe' config option set to true.

    Q: What weapons can my bots use?
    A: As far as I know they should use all weapons except for throwable melee (eg. spears).
    A: Flamethrowers, nail guns, rocket launchers, bows, grenade launchers, etc were added in a recent update.
    A: Throwable explosives can be used as 'backup' weapons and are thrown when line-of-sight is temporarily broken.
    A: All npcs, even those with throwables, must have at least one valid held weapon to use.

    Q: Can I have custom profile locations?
    A: Yes. Your custom locations are stored in data with a filename of *YourPrefix*-CustomProfiles.json.
    Use chat command '/botrespawn add NewNameHere' to create a profile at your present location.
    A: Doing so will open the UI, at the page for your new profile's settings.

    Q: Can I spawn bots at events.
    A: Yes. There are event profiles for aidrop, hackable crate spawn and hack start, and the destruction of CH47, Patrol Heli, and APC.
    For the airdrop profile, spawn at user-supply call is an additional option, found in the global config.
    Q: Can I have specific custom spawn points? (underground, etc)
    A: Yes. Use the built in UI to create custom spawn points and set UseCustomSpawns to true, for some profile..
    A: That BotReSpawn profile will now ignore radius settings and use the precise spawn points from your file.
    A: Event profiles which can occur underground should work automatically now (crate spawn/crate hack).
    A: Even if parachutes are enabled, these profiles should still work with underground-spawning npcs, if the event takes place under ground.

    Q: My bot kits aren't working.
    A: Kits which don't have a valid weapon in the belt will not be made available in the UI.
    A: Please redeem the kit yourself to an empty inventory, to ensure that the expected items are definitely in it.

    Q: How can I prove that bots have spawned? I can't find them.
    A: Type bot.count into console for a total number, or bots.count for a per-profile breakdown.
    A: Respawn timer is taken into account so if you spawn one and kill him, bot.count will show 0 until respawn.

    Q: bot.count console command shows that there are 0 bots.
    A: Double check that at least one monument is set "AutoSpawn": true in your config, and reload the plugin.
    A: Also, don't forget their respawn timer. If they're all dead when you do bot.count, it will show 0.
  3. More information about "Custom Icon Creator"


    Custom Icon Creator

    This is a simple tool for developers who want to make custom items, this allows you to chose a item name (Workshop Name) and item image anywhere on your computer (.png) and upload it to your rust steam workshop. This will allow you to get the workshop ID in which you use to create a "custom" item.
    - Must have steam running
    - Must have rust in steam library
    Download the zip and extract the folder to chosen location
    Run the unity game named, Rust Custom Icons.exe
    I recommend running this in windowed which you can get to by pressing ALT + ENTER
    GIF of how it work
  4. More information about "IQAlcoholFarm"



    IQAlcohol – an unusual plugin that allows you to create an unusual alcohol farm among players on your server!
    Players can make their own alcohol and consume it, getting various bonus and negative effects, which will add interest to the game!
    It will also allow you to sell alcohol among players or for merchant Ivan, who will exchange a bottle of alcohol for interesting resources that you can customize!

    CONFIGURATION - https://pastebin.com/w8SegLAt
    Plugin Features :
    Commands :
    barrel.add <SteamID:Name:IP> - issue a fermentation barrel [ConsoleCommand]
    /set.custom.npc NamePos - adds a position for an NPC [ChatCommand]
    /remove.custom.npc NamePos - deletes a position for an NPC [ChatCommand]
    Full customization of alcohol:
    Changing the SkinID of alcohol Change of SkinID wort (alcohol consumable) SkinID change for Alcohol bottle Full customization and control of effects for a sip of alcohol:
    The cost of one sip (how much liquid will be taken) The time of intoxication after one sip After what time will the negative effects work How many calories will one sip take off How much thirst will one sip take away How much health will be added after a sip Chance of negative effects How much to take away health after activating the negative effect How much to take away thirst after activating the negative effect How many calories to take away after activating the negative effect You can specify the positive effects modifiers yourself Setting up the fermentation of alcohol
    Frequency of berry processing in seconds The number of berries in one processing tick (for wort) How much wort gives out for one processing tick How much wort fits into a barrel The size of the processor's inventory is wort How much water to process per minute Rates of wort and alcohol processing (IN the CAMPFIRE) Setting up NPC Merchants
    Selection of places where NPCs will be installed (Airport, peaceful city, bandit city) Configuring the appearance of an NPC Clothing and SkinID The appearance of the NPC itself DisplayName NPC Setting up an NPC Exchange You can fully customize the exchange rate and the items that the NPC changes things for Setting up voice acting :
    There is a voice acting for NPC (30% Russian (Ivan from Russia)) There is a database with a lot of greetings and goodbyes to the players NPC Animation
  5. More information about "Better Tin Can Alarm"


    Better Tin Can Alarm

    This plugin will add 5 new types of traps to your server based on Tin Can Alarm. Make the players be careful about the clinking sticks with cans. There are also some parameters in the config that you can adjust, and most importantly, you can set the rules for whom the trap should work and who should not.

    Trap Types
    Tin Can Alarm Boom - This trap is complemented by a regular grenade, which falls at the moment when the player passes through it. Tin Can Alarm Flame - This trap is complemented by the usual Molotov cocktail, which falls at the moment when the player passes through it. Tin Can Alarm Tesla - This trap is based on a Tesla coil that shocks players. Tin Can Alarm Electrical - This trap is based on a flasher that can sell N amounts of energy to other electrical appliances that the player will connect Tin Can Alarm Broadcaster - this trap will send a signal to the pager or Rf Receiver when someone passes through it.


    Console Command (RCON only)
    givetincan <type trap> {amount} {SteamID64} - give a custom trap to a given player.
    Example: givetincan Boom 1 76561198334533025

    Boom (SkinID: 3299661003)
    Flame (SkinID: 3299661403)
    Tesla (SkinID: 3299661633)
    Electrical (SkinID: 3299661847)
    Broadcaster (SkinID: 3299662188)

    Plugin Config
    Check out more of my work here JTedal's library.
    Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.
    Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!


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