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  1. More information about "IQRecycler"



    IQRecycler - a plugin that allows you to set up your own recycler for your players!

    This plugin will allow you to extensively customize and monetize the recycler on your server.
    You can have full control over it and customize it according to your preferences, individually for each privilege!

    It supports pickup the recycler, inflicting damage, displaying health, and has a large base of supported plugins.

    List of features:

    - The plugin has a simple, stylish, and intuitive UI interface with the ability to craft the recycler.

    Recycler Configuration:
    - Configuration of the placement of the recycler.
    - Configuration for lifting the recycler by the owner or their friends.
    - Configuration of the durability of the recycler after lifting.
    - Configuration of the overall durability for the recycler.

    Ability to /remove the recycler: 
    - It has support for the IQGradeRemove plugin, which allows players to lift the recycler using /remove.

    Damage to the recycler: 
    - The plugin includes support for damage to the recycler from all types of Rust weapons and items.
    - Support for customizing the damage to the recycler from specific items.

    Repairing the recycler:
    - The plugin supports the ability to repair the recycler by hitting it with a hammer. You can configure the required resources and the amount of durability it will receive per hit.

    Item Recycling:
    - You can configure the speed of item recycling for players.
    - Full customization of recycling, allowing you to configure the final loot after recycling an item. For example, replacing all the loot with an AK47 or any other item, with the option to set the drop chance, support for SkinID, and custom names!

    Blacklist of items:
    - You can prohibit players from recycling specific items in their recyclers. These items will be marked in the player's inventoryand cannot be transferred to the recycler.

    The "Item Recycling" and "Blacklist of items" features can be individually configured for each privilege group, according to their own rights!

    Recycler Crafting:
    - You can allow all players to craft the recycler or only specific groups by granting them permissions.
    - Full customization of the items and quantities required to craft the recycler, with support for custom items.
    - Optionally, you can set a cost for crafting the recycler using: IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards.

    Item Configuration: 
    - You can configure the display of the item in players' inventories by changing its name (supports both Russian and English) and changing the icon (SkinID).
    iqrecycler.craft - ability to use the recycler crafting
    iqrecycler.ignorepayment - ability to ignore payment for crafting from economy plugins
    Other permissions are configured in the configuration.

    Configuration :
    { "Recycler crafting configuration": { "Use craft recycler (UI) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items for the Recycler crafting recipe (can hold no more than 5 pieces)": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 500, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "фрагменты металл", "Text in English": "metal fragments" } }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металл высокого качества", "Text in English": "metal refined" } }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 70, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металлолом", "Text in English": "scrap" } }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "микросхемы", "Text in English": "tech trash" } } ], "Use charging for crafting the recycler (IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards) (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Crafting cost of the recycler (IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards)": 100 }, "Setting up a recycler Item": { "The recycler's display name (in the inventory)": { "Text in Russian": "Домашний переработчик", "Text in English": "Home recycler" }, "SkinID for the image (required field)": 2976924191 }, "Settings Recycler": { "Install recycler controllerr": { "The recycler can be installed only in the area of the cupboard (building zone) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "The ability to install a recycler on the ground (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Prohibit installing a recycler during a raid block (true - yes/false - no)": true }, "Pickup of a recycler": { "How many seconds will a recycler pick up": 12, "You can pickup the recycler only in the area of the cupboard (building zone) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Only the owner who installed it or his friends can pickup the recycler (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Disable recycler pickup during raid block (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Recycler condition setting": { "Use condition removal from recycler when picking it up (true - yes/false - no)": true, "How much % of condition to remove from an object when it is raised (0 - 100)": 25 } }, "Health Count": 750, "Damage Controller Recycler": { "Use Damage Recycler (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Custom Damage List [Shortname] = Damage": { "multiplegrenadelauncher": 40.0, "grenade.beancan": 25.0, "grenade.f1.deployed": 35.0, "explosive.satchel": 130.0, "explosive.timed": 300.0, "ammo.rocket.basic": 190.0, "ammo.rocket.hv": 140.0, "ammo.rocket.fire": 80.0, "surveycharge": 10.0 } }, "Recycler repair settings": { "Use the ability to repair the recycler (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Use prohibition on repairing the recycler if it has recently been damaged (true - yes/false - no) (damage support for the recycler must be enabled)": true, "How many seconds until the recycler can be repaired after it has been damaged": 20.0, "How much durability will be replenished for the recycler per one repair": 100, "Items that will be taken during repairs": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 30, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "фрагменты металла", "Text in English": "metal fragments" } }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 5, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металл высокого качества", "Text in English": "metal refined" } } ] }, "Disallow the use of a recycler during a raid block (true - yes/false - no). (true - yes/false - no)": false }, "Settings supports plugins": { "Settings IQChat": { "IQChat : Custom prefix in chat": "[<color=#64D15D>IQRecycler</color>]\n", "IQChat : Custom chat avatar (If required)": "0", "IQChat : Use UI notification (true - yes/false - no)": false } }, "Standard recycling process settings (available to all players)": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [ { "Shortname": "gears", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 5.0 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 25, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 100, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 15, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 100, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "spraycan", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "bleach", "SkinID": 1337228, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "Coin" } ] } ] } }, "List of recycling settings by privileges [Permission] = Setting": { "iqrecycler.premium": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": false, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 2.0 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 50, "Item drop chance": 80, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 20, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 6, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 10, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" } ] } ] } }, "iqrecycler.vip": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [ { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 3.5 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 50, "Item drop chance": 80, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 20, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 4, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 150, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 60, "Displayed item name": "" } ] } ] } } } }  
  2. More information about "Stack Everything - Stack all entities and Farm stacking"


    Stack Everything - Stack all entities and Farm stacking

    Stack Everything - Stack all entities and Farm stacking, allows you to stack all entities, such as: Stack Chest, Barricade, Large Water Catcher, Small Water Catcher, Locker, Barbeque, Water Barrel, Storage Box, Wood Box, Storage Barrel, Composter, Furnace, Legacy Furnace , Electric Furnace, Hobo Barrel, Mixing Table, Battery, Generator, Test Generator, Water Purifier, Chippy Arcade, Boom Box, Farming entities, etc...
    Allows you to add new entities to stack, set stack size limits, and limit which entities can be stacked based on player permissions. Stack as many entities as you want with just one plugin!
    Oxide/Carbon compatibility
    To be able to stack entities, the player must have the permission:
    stackeverything.use - Allows to use the plugin. In addition, 4 other permissions are created (Default, VIP1, VIP2, VIP3), each of which allows you to create different configurations to assign to the various players.
    stackeverything.default - Assign configurations: Default. stackeverything.vip1 - Assign configurations: VIP1. stackeverything.vip2 - Assign configurations: VIP2. stackeverything.vip3 - Assign configurations: VIP3.
    The settings and options can be configured in the StackEverything.json under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.   { "Use Clan/Team": true, "Skin Blacklist": [], "Role Permission": { "default": { "Maximum number of stackable entities": 2, "Exclude stacking of these entities": [], "Maximum stack number per entity": {} }, "vip1": { "Maximum number of stackable entities": 4, "Exclude stacking of these entities": [], "Maximum stack number per entity": {} }, "vip2": { "Maximum number of stackable entities": 6, "Exclude stacking of these entities": [], "Maximum stack number per entity": {} }, "vip3": { "Maximum number of stackable entities": 10, "Exclude stacking of these entities": [], "Maximum stack number per entity": {} } }, "Stackable Items": [ { "Display Name": "Concrete Barricade", "Item Name": "barricade.concrete", "Item Id": -1950721390, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/barricade.concrete.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.5, "YOffset": 1.24, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/effects/barricade-concrete-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Stone Barricade", "Item Name": "barricade.stone", "Item Id": 15388698, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/barricade.stone.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.4, "YOffset": 1.24, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/effects/barricade-stone-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Sandbag Barricade", "Item Name": "barricade.sandbags", "Item Id": -559599960, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/barricade.sandbags.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.4, "YOffset": 1.18, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/barricades/effects/barricade-sandbags-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Large Water Catcher", "Item Name": "water.catcher.large", "Item Id": -1100168350, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_large.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 4.168319, "YOffset": 4.1, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/effects/water-catcher-large-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Small Water Catcher", "Item Name": "water.catcher.small", "Item Id": -132247350, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_small.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.67044, "YOffset": 2.5, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/effects/water-catcher-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Locker", "Item Name": "locker", "Item Id": -110921842, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/locker.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.3, "YOffset": 2.238, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/effects/locker-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Barbeque", "Item Name": "bbq", "Item Id": 1099314009, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/bbq/bbq.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.2, "YOffset": 0.84, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/bbq/effects/barbeque-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Water Barrel", "Item Name": "water.barrel", "Item Id": -1863559151, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/liquidbarrel/waterbarrel.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.67044, "YOffset": 1.594, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/liquidbarrel/effects/liquid-barrel-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Wood Storage Box", "Item Name": "box.wooden", "Item Id": -180129657, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 0.5552952, "YOffset": 0.5552952, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/effects/wooden-box-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Large Wood Box", "Item Name": "box.wooden.large", "Item Id": 833533164, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 0.790511, "YOffset": 0.76, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/effects/large-wood-box-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Storage Barrel Horizontal", "Item Name": "storage_barrel_c", "Item Id": -1421257350, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 0.94, "YOffset": 0.94, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/effects/storage-barrel-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Storage Barrel Vertical", "Item Name": "storage_barrel_b", "Item Id": 1307626005, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_b.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.3, "YOffset": 1.3, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/effects/storage-barrel-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Fridge", "Item Name": "fridge", "Item Id": 1413014235, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/fridge/fridge.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.0, "YOffset": 2.0, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/fridge/effects/fridge-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Salvaged Shelves", "Item Name": "shelves", "Item Id": 1950721418, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/shelves/shelves.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.8, "YOffset": 2.8, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/shelves/effects/shelves-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Stone Fireplace", "Item Name": "fireplace.stone", "Item Id": -1535621066, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/fireplace/fireplace.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 2.9, "YOffset": 2.9, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/campfire/effects/campfire-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Composter", "Item Name": "composter", "Item Id": -1488398114, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/composter/composter.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.64, "YOffset": 1.54, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/effects/furnace-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Furnace", "Item Name": "furnace", "Item Id": -1999722522, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/furnace.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.6, "YOffset": 1.44, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/effects/furnace-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Legacy Furnace", "Item Name": "legacyfurnace", "Item Id": -1310391395, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/legacyfurnace/legacy_furnace.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.6, "YOffset": 1.44, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/effects/furnace-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Electric Furnace", "Item Name": "electric.furnace", "Item Id": -1196547867, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/electricfurnace/electricfurnace.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.2, "YOffset": 1.15, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/electricfurnace/effects/electric-furnace-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Cursed Cauldron", "Item Name": "cursedcauldron", "Item Id": 1242522330, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/cursed_cauldron/cursedcauldron.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.1, "YOffset": 0.95, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/campfire/effects/campfire-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Hobo Barrel", "Item Name": "hobobarrel", "Item Id": -1442559428, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/misc/twitch/hobobarrel/hobobarrel.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.2, "YOffset": 1.13, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/campfire/effects/campfire-deploy.prefab" }, { "Display Name": "Mixing Table", "Item Name": "mixingtable", "Item Id": 1259919256, "Enable Stacking": true, "Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/mixingtable/mixingtable.deployed.prefab", "Radius Check": 0.1, "Collider Height": 1.64, "YOffset": 0.9, "Effect Name": "assets/prefabs/deployable/mixingtable/effects/mixing-table-deploy.prefab" }, ............................................................ ], "VersionNumber": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }  
    Use Clan/Team: If set to TRUE and the player is part of the clan/team, he can stack entities on entities owned by his teammates. Default: TRUE Skin Blacklist: Here you can enter skins that are prohibited. When an entity is stacked, if it has one of these skins, the skin will be removed.
    Configuration example:
      "Skin Blacklist": [ 0123456789, 9876543210 ]  
    Role Permission: Here you can set the configurations for the various roles: Maximum number of stackable entities: Maximum number of entities that can be stacked. Number of entities that can be placed on top of each other in the stack. Exclude stacking of these entities: Entities that cannot be stacked even if they have been enabled in the configuration file. Here you must enter the PrefabName that you can find in the configuration file in the section: Stackable Items.
    Configuration example:
      "Exclude stacking of these entities": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/bbq/bbq.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab" ]  
    Maximum stack number per entity: Here you can configure the maximum stack size for the single entity bypassing the base limit: Maximum number of stackable entities Also if an entity is disabled in the configuration file, if it is entered here, the entity will now be enabled for the players that are part of this configuration.
    Configuration example:
      "Maximum stack number per entity": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab": 4, "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/storagebarrel/storage_barrel_c.prefab": 3, "assets/prefabs/deployable/composter/composter.prefab": 4, "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/furnace.prefab": 6 }  
    Stackable Items: Here all the entities that can be stacked are defined. You can add new ones manually or open a support request to request a new entity to be added to the plugin. Enable Stacking: If set to TRUE, the entity can be stacked, otherwise not. If the entity is not enabled, you can always bypass the block by configuring: Maximum stack number per entity   LOCALIZATION
    The plugin, therefore the automatic messages and statistics, are translated into the following languages:
    English Italian Spanish Russian Translation files are located in the /oxide/lang folder, here is an example of a /oxide/lang/en/StackEverything.json translation file.
    You can add translations for other languages by adding them to the folder: /oxide/lang

    Concrete Barricade, Stone Barricade, Sandbag Barricade, Large Water Catcher, Small Water Catcher, Locker, Barbeque, Water Barrel, Wood Storage Box, Large Wood Box, Medieval Large Wood Box, Storage Barrel Horizontal, Storage Barrel Vertical, Fridge, Salvaged Shelves, Stone Fireplace, Composter, Furnace, Legacy Furnace, Small Oil Refinery (Available in the next plugin update), Electric Furnace, Cursed Cauldron, Hobo Barrel, Mixing Table, Test Generator, Large Rechargeable Battery, Medium Rechargeable Battery, Small Rechargeable Battery, Large Solar Panel, Small Generator, Powered Water Purifier, RF Broadcaster, RF Receiver, Chippy Arcade Game, Strobe Light, Laser Light, Snow Machine, Fogger-3000, Audio Alarm, Spooky Speaker, Boom Box, Pookie Bear, Large Planter Box, Small Planter Box, Triangle Planter Box, Rail Road Planter, Triangle Rail Road Planter, Minecart Planter, Bath Tub Planter, Single Plant Pot, Beehive.


    New entities will be added with future releases.
    If you want to request the addition of a specific entity, feel free to open a support request and it will be added to the plugin.

    Concrete Barricade Stone Barricade Sandbag Barricade Large Water Catcher Small Water Catcher Locker Barbeque Water Barrel Wood Storage Box Large Wood Box Storage Barrel Horizontal Storage Barrel Vertical Fridge Salvaged Shelves Stone Fireplace Composter Furnace Legacy Furnace Small Oil Refinery (Available in the next plugin update) Electric Furnace Cursed Cauldron Hobo Barrel Mixing Table Test Generator  Large Rechargeable Battery Medium Rechargeable Battery Small Rechargeable Battery Large Solar Panel Small Generator Powered Water Purifier RF Broadcaster RF Receiver Chippy Arcade Game Strobe Light Laser Light Snow Machine Fogger-3000 Audio Alarm Spooky Speaker Boom Box Pookie Bear Medieval Large Wood Box Large Planter Box Small Planter Box Triangle Planter Box Rail Road Planter Triangle Rail Road Planter Minecart Planter Bath Tub Planter Single Plant Pot Beehive  
  3. More information about "Water Town"


    Water Town

    WaterTown, a safe zone for all survivors.
    Here you can recycle unnecessary components, buy weapons, resources, a floating vehicle or a helicopter. Also here you can gather at a friendly table with other players, play roulette or pull the paw of a one-armed bandit. On the territory of the city, you will also be able to melt crude oil or safely exchange through a showcase with other players. There is a container for buying goods via drones. And to all this, I guarantee you beautiful sunsets if you place this city towards the west!
    The archive contains detailed installation instructions
    • Number of objects: 832
    • Availability of the copter purchase zone
    • Availability of a swimming transport purchase zone
    • Availability of a secure exchange zone
    • Availability of a recycling area for items
    • Presence of a crude oil remelting zone
    • The presence of a roulette zone
    • Availability of a poker playing area
    • Availability of a slot machine playing area
    • Availability of an event are
    • Availability of standard vending machines
    • Availability of a custom trading zone under the new system
    Prefab taken from the Foreign Lands map
    When buying this prefab, you get a discount on any of my products
    To get a discount, contact me to Discord Xacku в Macke#8202
  4. More information about "Seaside safe bar"

    $11.50 $7.00

    Seaside safe bar

    The location has a recycler, 2 vending machines.
    Gaming machines and a poker table (a safe zone is installed in this room.
    The location will add unusual content to your server! Enjoy using you and your players!
  5. More information about "Abandoned Lighthouse Island"


    Abandoned Lighthouse Island

    This monument variation is intended to make lighthouse more exciting to explore and rewarding to visit. Complete with a vertically pathed wooden walkway and housing, it appears an abandoned village.
    44 Additional Loot Barrels
    15 Additional Oil Barrels
    15 Additional Normal Crates
    10 Additional Miscellaneous Crates
    190ft Additional Monument


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