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  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    This plugin is a plugin that changes the player's nickname. [Available on single server and multi server.] Commands: Permissions: Config: { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "[ReName]", "SteamID": "0", "Commands": [ "syncname", "name", "changename", "rename" ], "Debug": false }, "nameSettings": { "Default Change Name Count": 1, "Name Min Length": 2, "Name Max Length": 15, "Can't Words": [ "fuck", "porn", "ass", ".com", ".io", ".net" ] }, "Mysql Settings": { "MySqlIp": "", "MySqlPort": 3389, "MySqlUsername": "", "MySqlPasword": "", "MySqlDatabase": "", "If there are multiple servers": false }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Lang: { "NoPerm": "<color=red>You are have not permission</color>", "CantChange": "<color=red>You cannot change your name because you do not have the right to change it.</color>", "Changed": "<color=#00ff00>Previous name: {0} -> New name: {1} changed. [Remaining count: {2}]</color>", "EmptyName": "<color=red>name is blank.</color>", "CantContains": "Contains words that cannot be set as names.", "NameLengthInvalid": "Minimum {0} ~ Maximum {1} name length" }
  2. Version 1.3.1


    Allows your players to personalize their horses by naming them and displaying these names by sitting on the horse or using a command. This plugin fosters a deeper connection between players and their horses. Players often already get quite attached and like to call there horses names so this adds a nice little touch. Tired of players not knowing whos horse is who's? Do you want to know if that's really the stolen horse your looking for? This is the solution. Installation and Setup: 1. Permissions - nameyourhorse.use: Allows players to name their horses. - nameyourhorse.rename: Allows players to rename horses already named. 2. Commands /namehorse <name> - Names the horse the player is looking at with the specified name. /checkname - The /checkname command allows players to check the name of the horse they are currently looking at. This is useful for identifying horses, especially if multiple horses are present or if a player wants to confirm the name of their horse (Great for police). How It Works: Players use the `/namehorse` command to name horses they are looking at. If a horse is already named, players will need the `nameyourhorse.rename` permission to rename it. Example Usage: - A player with the `nameyourhorse.use` permission looks at their horse and types `/namehorse Shadowfrax`. The horse is now named Shadowfrax, and the name will be visible in the UI panel. Release Video
  3. Version 1.4.15


    SAVE 13% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This is a server management plugin. It allows you to have consistency and visibility over all the information related with your server, including it's basic configuration. You may find this valuable no matter if you manage ONE or TEN servers, it works great with automation tools, docker and alike. It has four main features: Wipe schedule calculator (support weekly, biweekly and monthly) Manages server information (Title, description, tags, logo, banner, etc) Manages the basic server configuration (cvars) Manages Oxide's groups, permissions and user membership. Loading messages when a player is joining and/or waiting in queue. Timed messages (adverts) Public chat command "!wipe" that will inform: Last wipe date Next wipe date The current time in UTC Support the new Nuclear Missile Silo computer countdown Support dynamic slots (increase total slots according to connected players) 1. Wipe schedule calculator The plugin provides four "tokens" that you can use within the server's title or description to inform your users when was the last wipe and when it will be the next wipe. You can customize the date format and wipe schedule on the config file and the wipe schedule calculator will have into account the Thursday forced wipe. // You can format the date as you'd like "Date": { "Short": "dd/MM", "Long": "dd/MM/yyyy" }, "Wipe": { "DoW": 4, "Hour": 19, "Timezone": "Europe/London", "Frequency": "BiWeekly" }, 2. Manages server information This one is pretty self-explanatory, it allows you to define all the metadata about your server. "Server": { "Name": "DEVELOPMENT SERVER | %LASTWIPE%", "Description": [ "Map size is %WORLDSIZE% using seed %WORLDSEED%.", "Last wipe was at %LASTWIPE_LONG%, Next wipe is at %NEXTWIPE_LONG%", "Server has %UPTIME% seconds uptime, running at %FPS% fps with %ONLINE%/%MAXSLOTS% players online." ], "Banner image": "https://assets.example.com/banner.jpg", "Logo image": "https://assets.example.com/logo.png", "Tags": [ "weekly", "vanilla" ], "Website": "https://example.com/", "Custom map name": "kasvoton was here", "Wipe schedule": 7 }, Notice the special feature "Custom map name" which allows you to customize the map name that is displayed on the server list (Procedural Map). This shows in not only at Rust's in-game server browser, but also all on all the other sites that show off your server, i.e. Battlemetrics. WE DO NOT REQUIRE OXIDE'S SANDBOX MODE TO BE TURNED OFF AS OTHER PLUGINS DO. 3. Manages the basic server configuration (cvars) It allows you to have a clear view of what cvars are applied, very helpful if you run automation tools such as docker or github to manage server configurations. "CVars": { "fps.limit": "32", "server.tickrate": "10", "server.censorplayerlist": "true", "server.maxplayers": "8", "env.time": "12", "env.progresstime": "false" }, 4. Manages Oxide's groups, permissions and user membership. When you define a group inside the plugin's config file it means that the plugin will make sure that the group is created, that the permissions are assigned and that the listed members are part of the group. You can (and should) assign users to your groups using the oxide's tools or any other third party plugin as usual, the only difference is that the members listed on this config file will always be added back to the groups even when manually removed. "Permissions": { "Delay": 60.0, "Groups": [ { "Name": "admin", "Title": "Administrators", "Parent": "developer", "Rank": 0, "Default": false, "Permissions": [], "Members": [] }, { "Name": "default", "Title": "Default", "Parent": null, "Rank": 0, "Default": true, "Permissions": [], "Members": [ "*" ] }, { "Name": "developer", "Title": "Developer", "Parent": "administrator", "Rank": 800, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.e", "plugin.f" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789" ] }, { "Name": "administrator", "Title": "Administrator", "Parent": "moderator", "Rank": 80, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.b", "plugin.c", "plugin.d" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789" ] }, { "Name": "moderator", "Title": "Moderator", "Parent": "default", "Rank": 60, "Default": false, "Permissions": [ "plugin.a" ], "Members": [ "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789", "123456789123456789" ] } ] } Note the important config parameter "Delay", when the server starts we have no way to tell in which order the plugins will get loaded by Oxide, which means that when OxidationMetadata loads it's probable that we will not be the last one getting loaded. If we try to assign a permission to a group but the third party plugin has not yet loaded then the permission is not found and we'll get an error. The "Delay" creates a waiting period for OxidationMetadata to wait for all other plugins to load and only then it tries to assign the permissions, the value of the delay is really dependent of your own server. List of supported string format "tokens": %FPS% Average FPS value on the server %MAXSLOTS% Max number of players on the server %ONLINE% Total number of online players %UPTIME% Server uptime in seconds %WORLDSEED% Seed used to generate the world %WORLDSIZE% World size i.e. 3500 %LASTWIPE% Last wipe date formatted in short form %LASTWIPE_LONG% Last wipe date formatted in long form %NEXTWIPE% Next wipe date formatted in short form %NEXTWIPE_LONG% Next wipe date formatted in long form
  4. Duff


    Version 1.0.0


    NamePermissions automates group management based on player username. Players who include a specific phrase in their name when joining are automatically added to a set Oxide group. If they rejoin without the phrase, the plugin automatically removes them from the group. A debug feature is included to log group assignments and any issues. Example Configuration: Join My Discord Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Allows you to hide player names in-game tips by replacing them with a configurable string or phrase instead. Perms: hidegametipnames.bypass - Allows see nicknames. Config: { "General Settings": { "Hide Names": [ "???", "UNKNOWN", "NONAME" ], "Debug": false }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Another big thank you to @beee for helping me create this plugin.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Features: Automatically add players to the Oxide permission group when the specified link(s) or string(s) is detected in their name. Automatically remove players from the permission group if they remove the specified link(s) or string(s) from their name. Configuration: Note, caps don't matter { "Check Strings": [ "example.com", "codefling.com" ], "Oxide Group": "urlname" }
  7. Zeeuss

    Bed Name Logs

    Version 0.1.3


    What is it? This is a simple plugin, that lets you monitor all bed and bag renames. Usage People are changing bag names to racist or inappropriate names? With this plugin you can take care of these people by checking who did it! Just install & punish! Discord WebHook Just create a webhook for your channel, paste it into the config, reload the plugin and it's done! Localization {0} - X Y Z Position {1} - Player name {2} - Player ID {3} - Old Bed/Bag name {4} - New Bed/Bag name { "SleepingBagRename": "{0} {1}({2}) renamed sleeping bag from {3} to {4}", "BedRename": "{0} {1} ({2}) renamed bed from {3} to {4}" } Config { "Discord webhook url": "Your discord webhook URL", "log to discord?": true } Where's the log folder? Since the 1st log it should automatically create a folder and you can find logs here: oxide/logs/BedNameLogs/bednamelogs_renames-xxxx-xx-xx.txt
  8. Version 1.0.1


    NameCheck checks a players name to see if it contains part of the config list and then kicks the player with a custom message. Prevent players advertising on your server with their display name. Configuration Default config looks like this { "Names": [], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For a single entry input it in quotations like this { "Names": [".com"], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For multiple entries enter them separated with a comma { "Names": [".com",".gg","skins"], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } Just enter values, reload and forget about it. Make sure all entries are in Lower Case.


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