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  1. Version 2.2.1


    Allows bases to become raidable when all players in a base become inactive. Compatible with TruePVE and NextGenPVE servers. This plugin is not compatible with servers that have server.pve set true. It is possible to implement this, but I see no reason to do so as TruePVE provides the same protection and more. Abandoned Bases checks each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive. Bases become inactive when all players authorized on the tool cupboard have been offline for the configured amount of days. When a base becomes inactive there are one of two outcomes. 1.) It will be immediately destroyed if it does not meet the configured minimum requirements. 2) It will become raidable for a configurable period of time, and when the time expires the base will be destroyed. Each zone has a map marker, allows PVP and is surrounded by a dome that protects it from being attacked from the outside. Players who zone hop will be flagged with a PVP delay where they can still be attacked for a configurable amount of time. Command /sar - requires abandonedbases.convert permission and converts a base into an abandoned base - this can be used on any base that you are authorized to and will cause the base to be destroyed when the timer expires Command /sab - starts a manual check for each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive (requires abandonedbases.admin permission) Command /sar radius - requires abandonedbases.convert permission and converts a base into an abandoned base and uses the specified radius for the dome / zone radius. Min and max radius are configurable. Command /sar cancel - requires abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.cancel permissions - completely cancels an event (destroys map marker and dome, disables PVP and prevents base from being despawned) effectively allowing the base to be taken over Command /sar claim - requires abandonedbases.convert and abandonedbases.convert.claim permissions and converts a finished abandoned base into a claimed base that can be taken over by players Command /sar purge - converts all bases on the server into abandoned bases for purge day (requires abandonedbases.convert, abandonedbases.admin and abandonedbases.purgeday permissions) This is a two part command that requires you type /sab afterwards to begin. Requires abandonedbases.purgeday, abandonedbases.convert, and abandonedbases.admin permissions. Announcements are muted during purge to prevent spam. Time To Wait Between Spawns (15) will delay how quickly every base is converted Permissions (ADMINS REQUIRE PERMISSIONS TOO) abandonedbases.convert - required to use /sar command abandonedbases.convert.free - converting is free for users that have this permission abandonedbases.convert.claim - required to use /sar claim command abandonedbases.purgeday - required to use /sar purge command abandonedbases.admin - required to use /sab and purge commands abandonedbases.notices - users with this command can see event-opened notices from the plugin abandonedbases.attack - lets players hunt bases and convert them by attacking if they're abandoned abandonedbases.attack.time - shows players how much time is left before a base becomes abandoned when they attack it abandonedbases.attack.lastseen - required to see the last time the player was online when attacking a base Auto-add abandonedbases.immune to configuration if one does not exist already (lifetime set to "none") - abandonedbases.immune will not be automatically added if the configuration contains a different immunity permission already - abandonedbases.immune will give the user immunity to any base they've built at or are authed at from becoming abandoned - abandonedbases.exclude does not provide immunity and is explicitly intended for the plugin to ignore the player only - abandonedbases.exclude is intended for admins, mods, staff or helpers to be able to freely make repairs or auth at bases without interfering with the abandoned timer abandonedbases.exclude: excludes the user from being checked as an authorized user to a TC this permission should not be used to exempt users - exempt users with immunity by assigning them a permission from a role that has the lifetime set to "none" example roles that includes permission abandonedbases.immune and lifetime set to "none" to properly exempt a user or group by granting abandonedbases.immune to a user or group: "Purge Settings": [ { "Permission": "abandonedbases.immune", "Lifetime (Days)": "none" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.vip", "Lifetime (Days)": "7" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.veteran", "Lifetime (Days)": "5" }, { "Permission": "abandonedbases.basic", "Lifetime (Days)": "3" } ], Purge Settings Permission - The permission to use with this setting Lifetime (Days) - The amount of time in days before a base is considered abandoned. Set to none to not consider players with this permission as inactive. Conversions Before Destroying Base (1) - The amount of times a base can become abandoned before it is finally destroyed when the Despawn Timer expires. Comes with 3 configured permissions and lifetime days by default Abandoned Settings Blacklisted Commands (command1, command2, command3) - Commands players are not allowed using at a raid or marked with PVP delay Marker Name (Minutes) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}m]) - Text shown on map marker for minutes Marker Name (Seconds) (Abandoned Player Base [{time}s]) - Text shown on map marker for seconds Foundations Required (4) - Minimum amount of foundations required to become raidable Walls Required (3) - Minimum amount of walls required to become raidable Sphere Amount (10) - Increase to darken the dome, or decrease to brighten it Sphere Radius (50) - How big the dome is in meters Use Dynamic Sphere Radius (false) - Allow the dome to detect the best dome size Max Dynamic Radius (75.0) - How maximum size of the dynamic radius Min Custom Sphere Radius - The minimum radius allowed when using /sar <radius> Max Custom Sphere Radius - The maximum radius allowed when using /sar <radius> PVP Delay (15.0) - The amount of time in seconds that players can take damage after leaving the dome Despawn Timer (1800.0) - The amount of time in seconds that players have to finish the raid Reset Despawn Timer When Base Is Attacked (true) - When enabled this will reset the above despawn timer back to 1800 seconds by default Do Not Destroy Base When Despawn Timer Expires (false) - Use this to override and prevent a base from being destroyed when Despawn Timer expires Backpacks Can Be Opened (true) - When enabled players will be allowed to open their backpacks while inside of the dome Backpacks Can Be Looted By Anyone (false) - Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabled Corpses Can Be Looted By Anyone (true) - Bypass PreventLooting plugin and allow backpacks to be lootable if enabled Allow PVP (true) - Allows PVP while inside of the dome, and when flagged with a PVP delay Seconds Until Despawn After Looting (600) Seconds Until Despawn After Looting Resets When Damaged (true) Cancel Automated Events If Abandoned Owner Comes Online (false) Message Raiders When Event Ends During Automated Cancellation (true) Change Marker Color On First Entity Destroyed (true) Cooldown Between Conversions (3600) - Time required between each manual conversion of a base using /sar Cooldown Between Events (3600) - Time between each event - prevents looting, damage and using /sar claim Cooldown Between Cancel (3600) - Time the player must wait to use /sar cancel Cooldown Between Conversions Ignored During Purge (true) Cooldown Between Cancel Ignored During Purge (true) Cooldown Between Events Ignored During Purge (true) Prevent Hogging Ignored During Purge (false) Run Once On Server Startup (false) - Check for abandoned bases immediately after server startup is complete Run Every X Seconds (0.0) - The time in seconds to check for each building on the server in order to determine which bases are inactive Kill Inactive Sleepers (false) - When enabled players with a permission from purge settings will be executed when they are offline for the configured amount of lifetime days Let Players Kill Abandoned Sleepers (false) - Allows players to kill anyone sleeping inside of an abandoned base rather than the server killing them automatically Economics/ServerRewards Cost To Manually Convert (0 = disabled) - Used with /sar command to convert any base into an abandoned base Use Map Marker (true) Require Event Be Finished Before It Can Be Canceled (true) Various auto turret settings Hooks (implemented in 2.1.4) participants - anyone that has actively participated (excludes admin if configured, and those in noclip or vanish) - this should not contain null elements participantIds - contains the userid of all participants - this list is better as anyone offline and dead will be included in this but not in the participants list because they would be null! intruders - anyone currently inside of the event (does not exclude anyone) - this should not contain null elements intruderIds - contains the userid of everyone inside of the event (does not exclude anyone) - this list is better as anyone offline and dead will be included in the list but not in the intruders list because they would be null! void OnPlayerPvpDelayStart(BasePlayer player, ulong userid, Vector3 eventPos, float radius, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<ulong> intruderIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnPlayerPvpDelayExpiredII(BasePlayer player, ulong userid, Vector3 eventPos, float radius, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<ulong> intruderIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnAbandonedBaseStarted(Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> participants, List<ulong> participantIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnAbandonedBaseEnded(Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> participants, List<ulong> participantIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnPlayerEnteredAbandonedBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<ulong> intruderIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnPlayerExitedAbandonedBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<ulong> intruderIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) void OnAbandonedBaseDespawned(Vector3 eventPos, float radius, bool allowPVP, List<BasePlayer> intruders, List<ulong> intruderIds, List<BaseEntity> entities) Convert Bases and/or Claim Bases Credits: misticos for giving permission to use some of his code
  2. Death

    Quarry Levels

    Version 2.10


    Allows players to upgrade their quarries or pumpjacks with another quarry or pumpjack effectively allowing them to stack up to x quarries and pumpjacks together instead of having them placed individually causing clutter. This plugin is very performant and was designed to run on very high-pop servers. A level 2 quarry will produce the same amount as 2 level 1 quarries. Same for pumpjacks. Every quarry level will also unlock the next tier of production. Level 3 will unlock metal, level 4 sulfur and level 5 HQM. The production rates for each output are default but can be adjusted in the config. The GUI displays the production amount, process rate, capacity and fuel consumption for each level. The production of each type is also displayed under it's respective icon each time fuel is consumed. The time it takes to complete 1 cycle is based on process rate. Permissions quarrylevels.use - Required to use the quarry levels system. Config ChatIconId - Set the Steam ID to the account with your server's icon. UnlockMetalAtLevel - Set what level metal unlocks at while upgrading. UnlockSulfurAtLevel - Set what level sulfur unlocks at while upgrading. UnlockHQMAtLevel - Set what level HQM unlocks at while upgrading. PreventUnauthorizedToggling - When enabled, only authorized players can toggle quarries/pumpjacks PreventUnauthorizedLooting - When enabled, only authorized players can access the quarry/pumpjack. EnableOilCraters - When enabled, oil craters will have a chance to spawn while surveying. OilCraterChance - The chance an oil crater will spawn while surveying. QuarryMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their quarry to. PumpjackMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their pumpjack to. QuarryCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level. PumpjackCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level. EnableEconomics - Enables the Economics plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method. EconomicsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks. EconomicsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text. EnableServerRewards - Enables the ServerRewards plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method. ServerRewardsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks. ServerRewardsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text. Metal_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher. Sulfur_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher. HQM_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher. ButtonBounds - Change the position of the "upgrade" button. ButtonColor - Change the container color of the "upgrade" button. ButtonOpacity - Change the background opacity of the "upgrade" button. ButtonFontColor - Change the font color of the "upgrade" button. PanelBounds - Change the position of the upgrade panel. PanelColor - Change the container color of the upgrade panel. PanelOpacity - Change the background opacity of the upgrade panel. PanelFontColor - Change the font color of the upgrade panel. Commands QL reload - Hot loads the config to apply config changes without having to reload the plugin. (Console command)
  3. Death

    Full Repair

    Version 1.0.2


    A simple plugin that disables max condition loss, the red bar items receive when repaired. Optional permission included to give this feature to specific users or groups instead. Important The plugin will not change existing items, so if you install the plugin while your server is running, old items will be unaffected. Rebooting your server after installation will apply the changes to existing items. Permissions fullrepair.use - Grants user the ability to fully repair items without durability penalty. (The red bar) Config UsePermission - If disabled, all players can fully repair items without durability penalty. Icon by @SawyerWD
  4. Version 1.1.2


    Balance the betting allows server admins to set the compatible item type of wheel terminals within a radius, and configure all slot machine item types as a group. The plugin is designed to give more options to an otherwise bland gambling system, for example allowing various configurations of high-roller and budget oriented big wheel gambling machines in custom casinos. We are currently exploring more options and features for this plugin, including slot spin speed to create fun, unique and immersive content. <I/O> Getting Started <I/O> Permission: - User is required to be admin in order to configure gambling machines. Installation: Stop Server - Existing Users: Delete oxide\data\balancethebetting, install file in plugins folder - New Users: install in oxide\plugins Commands: Setting Terminals: /wheel [itemid/shortname] [unique name/id] - Sets all big wheel terminals within a radius of the player (rouchly 8x8ft) to the given item definition(s), if valid. Setting Slots: /slot [rewardname] [itemid/shortname] - Sets and Saves all slot machines with the given item, if valid, with the given prefix being used where chat notifications are sent to the player. Removing Terminal Settings: /removewheel [name] - Remove wheel terminal groups Config Explained: "General Settings": { "Is Enabled": true, - when false, plugin will do nothing "Load On Wipe": true, - Enable on custom maps, reloads slot gambling machines to configured settings "Enable Skin Mode": true - plugin will subscribe to hooks {CanMoveItem, OnItemAddedToContainer} to check for skin logic }, "Chat Settings": { "Announce Plugin Loaded In Game": true, - when true, allow the plugin to announce when loaded "Chat Prefix Enabled": true, - Enable Balance the Betting tag/prefix in chat notifications "Chat Prefix Color": "4A95CC", - Set the announce/message chat/prefix color "Chat Message Color": "C57039" - Set the color of messages from Balance the Betting }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 2 } } Global Slot Data Settings { "Reward prefix in chat": "hot", - prefix to be used in chat "Item shortname/id to accept": "sulfur", - item to accept and reward "Skin to accept": "1291766032", - Skin to accept. Default Empty. "SlotSpeed - Recommended: 0.7f - 2f": 2.0 - Duration of slot spins } Wheel Data Settings{ { "main": { "Item shortname/id to accept": [ - Items to allow in wheels "sulfur", "stones", "wood" ], "Skins to accept": { - Skins configured by item type "sulfur": "", "stones": "1291766032", "wood": "1291766032" }, "Position to check from": { - Dont change, auto generated "x": 452.5688, "y": 29.0338345, "z": -789.6383 } } } <I/O> Contacting Us <I/O> You can Contact us at Our discord: discord.gg/TTb3f3XEhq
  5. TF Crazy

    Me Actions

    Version 1.0.4


    The me command allows you to display a specific action above the head of a player. It’s particularly used for actions that couldn’t have been done in game in a roleplay context. Permission cme.use => For use command cme.view => For view other player's me Config { "CONFIG": { "» Message duration (seconds)": 10, "» Message size": 20, "» Message color": "#ce422b", "» Message pattern": "* {message} *", "» Message in capital letters ?": true, "» Display range": 15.0 }, "CHAT": { "» Chat Command": "me", "» Chat Prefix message": "Roleplay Message", "» Chat prefix size": 18, "» Chat prefix color": "#ce422b" }, "VERSION": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 } }
  6. Version 1.3.0


    Installation Unzip the archive. Drag TurretTweaks.cs under the oxide/plugins folder of your server. Permissions Default permission - turrettweaks.default You can set permissions for VIP to give them custom values. Example: turrettweaks.vip Features: Auto Turret Settings Health Accuracy Range Bullet Speed Damage Scale Power Consumption Infinite Ammo Block ExploAmmo to be Infinite Sam Site Settings Health Infinite Ammo Damage Scale Flame Turret Settings Health Turret Arc Flame Range Flame Radius Flame Triggered Duration Infinite Low Grade Fuel Consumption Multiplier Damage Scale Shotgun Trap Settings Health Infinite Ammo Aim Cone Sensor Radius Damage Scale Config example { "VERSION": "v1.1.0", "PermissionsList": [ { "Permission Name: (Copy/Paste this for more permissions)": "turrettweaks.default", "AutoTurret Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 1000):": 1000.0, "Accuracy (Default = 5):": 5.0, "Range (Default = 30):": 30.0, "Bullet Speed (Default = 10):": 10.0, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "Power Consumption (Default = 10):": 10, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": false, "Block ExploAmmo to be Infinite (Default = true):": true, "AutoTurrets per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ], "SamSite Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 1000):": 1000.0, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": false, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "SamSite per player (0 means infinite)": 0 } ], "FlameTurret Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 300):": 300.0, "Turret Arc (Default = 45 degrees):": 45.0, "Flame Range (Default = 8):": 8.0, "Flame Radius (Default = 2):": 2.0, "Flame Triggered Duration (in seconds) (Default = 5):": 5.0, "Infinite LowGrade (Default = false):": false, "Fuel Consumption Multiplier (Default = 1):": 1.0, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "FlameTurrets per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ], "ShotgunTrap Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 300):": 300.0, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": false, "AimCone (Default = 40):": 40, "SensorRadius (Default = 1.25):": 1.25, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "ShotGunTraps per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ] }, { "Permission Name: (Copy/Paste this for more permissions)": "turrettweaks.vip", "AutoTurret Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 1000):": 5000.0, "Accuracy (Default = 5):": 10.0, "Range (Default = 30):": 50.0, "Bullet Speed (Default = 10):": 15.0, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.2, "Power Consumption (Default = 10):": 5, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": true, "Block ExploAmmo to be Infinite (Default = true):": true, "AutoTurrets per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ], "SamSite Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 1000):": 5000.0, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": true, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "SamSite per player (0 means infinite)": 0 } ], "FlameTurret Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 300):": 2000.0, "Turret Arc (Default = 45 degrees):": 60.0, "Flame Range (Default = 8):": 10.0, "Flame Radius (Default = 2):": 4.0, "Flame Triggered Duration (in seconds) (Default = 5):": 8.0, "Infinite LowGrade (Default = false):": true, "Fuel Consumption Multiplier (Default = 1):": 1.0, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "FlameTurrets per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ], "ShotgunTrap Settings:": [ { "Health (Default = 300):": 2000.0, "Infinite Ammo (Default = false):": true, "AimCone (Default = 40):": 60, "SensorRadius (Default = 1.25):": 1.5, "Damage Scale (Default = 1.0):": 1.0, "ShotGunTraps per player (0 means infinite):": 0 } ] } ] }
  7. Death

    Console Chat

    Version 1.0.5


    A lite plugin that allows players to read or share chat history, copy links and ensure no messages are missed. Players can toggle this on/off as they choose. The toggle persists until it is re-toggled by the player or the config option is disabled. Console Commands consolechat.toggle - Enables/Disables consolechat on a per-player basis. This is not an rcon command. Configuration Enable_Toggle: Enables or disables consolechat.toggle command. Output_Color: The color of all ConsoleChat messages that output to console. Time_Format: The time format of all ConsoleChat messages that output to console.


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