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  1. Version 1.0.0


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Discord Core creates essential links between your RUST and Discord servers. It lets you display the player count, enable chat between Discord and the game, and send messages to the server or connected players. Allows you to connect users' RUST accounts to their Discord accounts. Send private messages to connected players. You can grant Discord or game roles to players who have linked their accounts. You can create a chat between Discord and RUST, displaying messages from RUST in a Discord channel. Show your player count in the bot's status. Send private and server messages through the API. To make this plugin work, you need to have the Discord Extension and a pre-made Discord Bot. A full tutorial on how to set it up is available on the Discord Extension web page. Please note, the bot must be connected to only one server! How to connect? To connect your Steam account to Discord, generate a code using the /discord command in-game and send it as a private message to your pre-created bot. /discord - Generates or shows your discord connection code. (Editable in config) void API_SendPrivateMessage(string userId, string message) - If player is connected, it sends private message to connected discord user. void API_SendMessage(string channelId, string message) - Sends message to channel on discord. { "BOT API Token": "Paste Token Here!", "Commands": [ "discord", "dc", "connect" ], "Show Player Count In Status": false, "Connect Granted - Discord Group ID": "", "Connect Granted - RUST Group Name": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Channel ID": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Output Format": "**{0}** » *{1}*", "RUST Chat - RUST Output Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Discord]</color> <color=#5c81ed>{0}</color> » {1}" }
  2. Ghosty


    Version 1.0.1


    Simple plugin to redirect players to your new server with a configurable chat message. Config: { "RedirectDelay": 10.0, "RedirectMessage": "<size=20><color=red>Warning</color>: You will be redirected to the new server in {0} seconds.</size>", "ServerIP": "", "ServerPort": "28015" } Permissions: o.grant group admin redirect.admin
  3. Version 1.0.2


    XTravel: Travel and redirect players to other servers using the Rust Nexus System XTravel is a plugin that allows you to travel between servers using the nexus system with a simple custom chat command. You can configure an unlimited number of destinations in an easy-to-use config file. Just enter the command name (which should be the name of your server), the IP, and the port. Configuration The configuration for the servers can be done in the config file. Here is an example of how to add a server: { "Servers": { "myservername": { "IP": "", "Port": 28015 } } } In this example, myservername is the command that will be used to travel to this server. Usage instructions To allow a player to use this command, add the following Oxide permission: xtravel.use. In the in-game chat, type: /myservername. For example: /vanilla, /x2, or /coolserverx10. Upon entering the command, a 10-second timer will start, and a message will inform the player that the travel is about to commence. You can cancel the travel during this period by typing /canceltravel. Important note: Player inventories or BP's will not be transferred to the destination server. Admin commands First, add the admin permission: xtravel.admin - /myservername all: It will transport all players in the current server to the destination server. The cooldown cannot be cancelled by players (ex: /serverx2 all). - /myservername steamid: It will transport the specified player to the destination server (ex: /vanillaserver 76561198396973221). The steamid is a 17 digit number. Language files Language files for all messages can be edited in the oxide/lang/en directory. Support If you have any questions or comments, please post them here or contact me directly. Updates The plugin is regularly updated and tested live on multiple servers to ensure flawless operation. Please check the version number in the XTravel.cs file to ensure you are using the latest version.
  4. Ghosty


    Version 1.0.1


    About: A simple plugin that enables players to seamlessly warp between different servers, which can be set up in the config or using the /addwarp command. Commands: /warp [name] - Warps you to a set server /addwarp [warpName] [ip] [port] /cancelwarp - cancels the warp Permissions: oxide.grant group admin serverwarp.CanAddWarp (Is highly recommended to only grant this to the admin group) oxide.grant group default serverwarp.CanWarp oxide.grant group default serverwarp.CanCancel Config: { "CancelMessage": "<size=20><color=red>Server</color>Warp</size>\n<size=15><color=white>Warp cancelled!</size>", "CountdownSeconds": 5, "WarpMessage": "<size=20><color=red>Server</color>Warp</size>\n<size=15><color=white>You are being warped to {0} in {1} seconds...</size>", "Warps": { "Example_warp": { "IP": "", "Port": "28015" } } }
  5. Version 1.0.1


    ServerRedirect automatically redirect your players to another server of your choice on login. Usefull for when you change IP or merge servers. The plugin handles the reconnection, no action is needed by the players. It's 100% automatic. When they log in to the old server, a message will be displayed and they will be redirected to the new IP and port after the timer runs out. No need for permissions, just load the plugin, edit the config with your ip, port, message and timer (seconds) and reload the plugin so it starts redirecting players to your new ip. Example of config file: { "RedirectDelay": 10, "RedirectMessage": "This server has moved IP, you will be redirected in {0} seconds.", "TargetServerIP": "", "TargetServerPort": 0 }


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