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Everything posted by Damo

  1. Damo


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Damo


    I'm not sure what's wrong with it, it's sold a lot and no one has reported the problem you're talking about 1.You can uninstall the plugin first, and then see if the 3D backpack model behind the player disappears,If the 3D backpack model doesn't disappear Solution : This needs to restart the server to solve the problem 2. After uninstalling the plugin, if the 3D backpack model disappears normally Then it means that there is still a problem with giving the player or permission group permission. Then the problem is still that you gave the player multiple 3D backpack model permissions o.show user {player id} Check the permissions that the player has to see if there are multiple 3D backpack model permissions, if there is more than one 3D backpack model permission, please only keep the one you want it to display After deleting the permission, use o.show user {player id} to continue to check, if the redundant 3D backpack model permission has not been deleted, it means that the permission is in the group You need to delete permissions from the corresponding group Example : o.revoke group {group name} backpackpro.backpack.mgian
  3. Damo


    The permissions to specify the backpack model are as follows : Its judgment order is from bottom to top 1 backpackpro.smallstash.mini 2 backpackpro.smallstash.small 3 backpackpro.smallstash.medium 4 backpackpro.smallstash.large 5 backpackpro.smallstash.mgiant 6 backpackpro.backpack.mini 7 backpackpro.backpack.small 8 backpackpro.backpack.medium 9 backpackpro.backpack.large 10 backpackpro.backpack.mgiant If you give the player backpackpro.backpack.mgiant and then give it to backpackpro.smallstash.mgiant then it will still show the backpack model of backpackpro.backpack.mgiant you need to delete the backpackpro.backpack.mgiant permission before it will show the backpack model of backpackpro.smallstash.mgiant If you want to give players a unified 3D backpack model, you can set it under config "Default 3D Model Settings": { "Default 3D model (false = Small stash , true = Backpack)": true, "Default 3D Model size (giant,large,medium,small,mini)": "medium", "Enable default model Display": true } Example of deleting a specified player permission : o.revoke user "Player ID" backpackpro.backpack.mgiant delete group permission release : o.revoke group "group name" backpackpro.backpack.mgiant I will add judgment in the next version. When you give the player backpack model permission, it will delete other backpack model permissions it has, which is convenient for operation. Thank you for your support, my English is not good, the above content is using Google Translate !
  4. Please use the latest version 1.0.6 it has fixed the problem you said, Thanks for your support!
  5. Thank you for your support, please use the latest version 1.0.5 He added the console command "backpackpro.open" to bind keys has description sales page: When the player uses the small stash 3D model, if the third angle of view is used at the same time,It will feel pressed by something, of course if it is normal view everything will be normal!So he does not affect normal use! My English is not good. The above content is using Google Translate. Thank you for your support!
  6. I only received one payment from you, please check your successful payment record, maybe you made a mistake, if there are multiple payments, please contact the site administrator, because I don't have this permission...
  7. Please delete config/BackPackPro.json because I changed its content in version 1.0.2, then oxide.reload "BackPackPro" Mainly modified the setting content of the default backpack size model
  8. There is no need to add settings about economics and erver-rewards to it, otherwise it will make it appear complicated to use You can use the GuiShop to allow players to buy the right to the corresponding lattice backpack You can customize the number of grids of the backpack backpackpro.size1 ~ 9999
  9. I've added the functionality you need to it : permission : backpackpro.smallstash.mini backpackpro.smallstash.small backpackpro.smallstash.medium backpackpro.smallstash.large backpackpro.smallstash.mgiant backpackpro.backpack.mini backpackpro.backpack.small backpackpro.backpack.medium backpackpro.backpack.large backpackpro.backpack.mgiant
  10. I understand what you mean, But I am afraid that some users will find this very troublesome, I just updated the new version to allow the user to set the size of the backpack model I thought about it, I will update the plugin in a while and add the functions you said..
  11. My English is not good, I often misunderstand user feedback. In this case, you need to authorize the models of different models separately. If you judge the size of the model according to the capacity of the backpack, because the capacity of the backpack can be unlimited, for example, 999999. So it is not a good judgment. Too small or too large will be ugly ...
  12. You can set the player to have a backpack from 1 to 9999 squares However, when the number of grids in the player's backpack exceeds 42, it will be displayed in a page-turning form.
  13. 1.The possible conflict is that when the jetpack is destroyed, the backpack of the backpackPro will also be destroyed (But it's just a destroyed 3D model,Does not affect accessing items from the backpack)You can also set Enable physical backpack display to false in settings 2.Regarding the binding of the open backpack button, you can let the player enter bind X "chat.say /b" in the F1 console. This is to bind the X key on the keyboard to open the backpack
  14. Damo

    Custom Wings

    You need to give the player permission: customwings.2687914104 or customwings.all The player then uses the chat command : /wing set (and turn on) Considering that many panel servers will limit the distance of entity display, I optimized the code logic. Please download the latest version,If you have any questions, please contact me again
  15. The configuration file rules of each plugin are different My plugin description page contains configuration file information { "➊ Global Messages settings": { "Enable About Animal": true, "Enable About Entitys": true, "Enable About NPC": true }, "➋ Display name modification and activation": { "➀ Animal name": { "bear": { "Display name": "bear", "Enable": true }, "boar": { "Display name": "boar", "Enable": true }, "chicken": { "Display name": "chicken", "Enable": true }, "horse": { "Display name": "horse", "Enable": true }, "stag": { "Display name": "stag", "Enable": true }, "testridablehorse": { "Display name": "testridablehorse", "Enable": true }, "wolf": { "Display name": "wolf", "Enable": true }, "zombie": { "Display name": "zombie", "Enable": true } }, "➁ NPC name": { "bandit_conversationalist": { "Display name": "bandit_conversationalist", "Enable": true }, "bandit_shopkeeper": { "Display name": "bandit_shopkeeper", "Enable": true }, "boat_shopkeeper": { "Display name": "boat_shopkeeper", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_bandit_a": { "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_a", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_bandit_b": { "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_b", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_fishing_a": { "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_a", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_fishing_b": { "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_b", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_outpost_a": { "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_a", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_outpost_b": { "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_b", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_stables_a": { "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_a", "Enable": true }, "missionprovider_stables_b": { "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_b", "Enable": true }, "npc_bandit_guard": { "Display name": "npc_bandit_guard", "Enable": true }, "npc_tunneldweller": { "Display name": "npc_tunneldweller", "Enable": true }, "npc_underwaterdweller": { "Display name": "npc_underwaterdweller", "Enable": true }, "player": { "Display name": "player", "Enable": true }, "scarecrow": { "Display name": "scarecrow", "Enable": true }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Display name": "scientistnpc_patrol", "Enable": true }, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": { "Display name": "scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "Enable": true }, "scientistnpc_roam": { "Display name": "scientistnpc_roam", "Enable": true }, "scientistnpc_roamtethered": { "Display name": "scientistnpc_roamtethered", "Enable": true }, "stables_shopkeeper": { "Display name": "stables_shopkeeper", "Enable": true } }, "➂ Entity name": { "autoturret_deployed": { "Display name": "autoturret_deployed", "Enable": false }, "beartrap": { "Display name": "beartrap", "Enable": false }, "bradleyapc": { "Display name": "bradleyapc", "Enable": true }, "flameturret.deployed": { "Display name": "flameturret.deployed", "Enable": false }, "guntrap.deployed": { "Display name": "guntrap.deployed", "Enable": false }, "landmine": { "Display name": "landmine", "Enable": false }, "patrolhelicopter": { "Display name": "patrolhelicopter", "Enable": true }, "sam_site_turret_deployed": { "Display name": "sam_site_turret_deployed", "Enable": false }, "sentry.scientist.static": { "Display name": "sentry.scientist.static", "Enable": false } }, "➃ Weapon name": { "Assault Rifle": "Assault Rifle", "Bolt Action Rifle": "Bolt Action Rifle", "Bone Club": "Bone Club", "Bone Knife": "Bone Knife", "Butcher Knife": "Butcher Knife", "Candy Cane Club": "Candy Cane Club", "Chainsaw": "Chainsaw", "Combat Knife": "Combat Knife", "Compound Bow": "Compound Bow", "Crossbow": "Crossbow", "Custom SMG": "Custom SMG", "Double Barrel Shotgun": "Double Barrel Shotgun", "Eoka Pistol": "Eoka Pistol", "explosive": "explosive", "Flame Thrower": "Flame Thrower", "Flashlight": "Flashlight", "grenade": "grenade", "Hatchet": "Hatchet", "heat": "heat", "Hunting Bow": "Hunting Bow", "Jackhammer": "Jackhammer", "L96 Rifle": "L96 Rifle", "Longsword": "Longsword", "LR-300 Assault Rifle": "LR-300 Assault Rifle", "M249": "M249", "M39 Rifle": "M39 Rifle", "M92 Pistol": "M92 Pistol", "Mace": "Mace", "MP5A4": "MP5A4", "Multiple Grenade Launcher": "Multiple Grenade Launcher", "Nailgun": "Nailgun", "Pickaxe": "Pickaxe", "Pump Shotgun": "Pump Shotgun", "Python Revolver": "Python Revolver", "Revolver": "Revolver", "Rock": "Rock", "Rocket Launcher": "Rocket Launcher", "Salvaged Axe": "Salvaged Axe", "Salvaged Cleaver": "Salvaged Cleaver", "Salvaged Hammer": "Salvaged Hammer", "Salvaged Icepick": "Salvaged Icepick", "Salvaged Sword": "Salvaged Sword", "Semi-Automatic Pistol": "Semi-Automatic Pistol", "Semi-Automatic Rifle": "Semi-Automatic Rifle", "Spas-12 Shotgun": "Spas-12 Shotgun", "Stone Hatchet": "Stone Hatchet", "Stone Pickaxe": "Stone Pickaxe", "Stone Spear": "Stone Spear", "Thompson": "Thompson", "Torch": "Torch", "Waterpipe Shotgun": "Waterpipe Shotgun", "Wooden Spear": "Wooden Spear" }, "➄ Body part name": { "Arm": "Arm", "Body": "Body", "Chest": "Chest", "Foot": "Foot", "Hand": "Hand", "Head": "Head", "Leg": "Leg", "Stomach": "Stomach" } }, "➌ Other settings": { "Chat Icon Id": "0", "Click on FloatUI switch to the chat box in seconds": 10, "Default command": "dm", "Default display(true = FloatUI , false = Chat box)": true, "FloatUI message closing time second": 10 }, "➍ Lang settings": { "AnimalKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "BradleyapcKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "ButtonSwitch": "Auto switch death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color> <color=#FF0000>{0}</color> seconds", "ChatTitle": "", "DisplayNumber": "Display number", "DIY": "DIY control panel", "EntityKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "FloatUILocation": "UI Location", "FontPosition": "Font position", "FontSize": "Font size", "IntervalStretch": "Interval stretch", "LengthWidth": "Length Width", "MessageTochat": "Toggle death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color>", "MessageToFloatUI": "Toggle death message to <color=#66FF00>FloatUI</color>", "NoPermission": "Not have permission !", "NPCKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PatrolHelicopterKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "PlayerKillAnimal": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillBradleyapc": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillEntity": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillNPC": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m", "PlayerKillPatrolHelicopter": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m", "PlayerSuicide": "<color=#FFFF00>{0}</color> suicide", "Reset": "Reset" } }
  16. Regarding the display of weapon pictures, this is easy to achieve But it will greatly increase your calculation and memory consumption (And it's a very serious burden) Check the memory occupied by the text and the memory occupied by the image in your computer, make a comparison and you will know The memory usage is a thousand times difference, and the occupied memory will not be released immediately.. If the frequency of displaying pictures is high enough, the player's client will soon need to be restarted to release the memory And it takes up too much screen area to display multiple death messages Of course, if your server CPU is good enough, memory is large enough, and the player’s computer is the same, you can ignore its advantages
  17. Obtaining the object type is officially designated, and the official shark belongs to the entity type instead of the animal. In the entity type, enable shark He can now display normally, and the kill information includes the weapon used spear or others The new version is 1.0.3
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Gremlins Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  19. You first try this hidden mode, I think it is more reasonable than the previous hidden button
  20. 你先试试这个隐藏模式,我觉得比之前的隐藏按钮更合理


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