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Everything posted by Ben

  1. Ben

    Raidable Bases

    What would be good settings to get more bases to spawn outside the desert biome. Ive adjusted some settings and some bases do spawn in the green area now but also some bases in the desert started to float..
  2. Ben

    consol error

    Ah oke, i did make a bot with nailgun and one with crossbow. Ill remove those for now then. Thanks for the fast answer.
  3. Ben

    consol error

    Hi, im getting these errors.. Any idea what it is? System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at BaseProjectile.ServerUse (System.Single damageModifier, UnityEngine.Transform originOverride) [0x000e3] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at NPCPlayer.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x000f7] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at ScientistNPC.ShotTest (System.Single targetDist) [0x00000] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at HumanNPC.TickAttack (System.Single delta, BaseCombatEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00106] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at HumanNPC.AttackTick (System.Single delta, BaseEntity target, System.Boolean targetIsLOS) [0x00007] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at AttackTickAIEvent.Execute (AIMemory memory, AIBrainSenses senses, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x00042] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at AIEvents.Tick (System.Single deltaTime, StateStatus stateStatus) [0x000c3] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at BaseAIBrain`1[T].Think (System.Single delta) [0x0007e] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at BaseAIBrain`1[T].DoThink () [0x0000d] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0 at HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000] in <32dc9dfab36748728a319b6b3ccd8f41>:0
  4. Ben

    Quarry Levels

    I have a couple suggestions to add to the plugin. -ServerReward option -Tickrate to speed up quarry. -Friends/Clan support -Upgrade option for players in team/clan who didnt placed down the quarry. Now only the one who placed it can upgrade.
  5. Ben

    Trading Platform

    Maybe the staff should pauze the ability to buy these plugins till the author starts reacting again.. Luckly i checked out the discussions before clicking the buy button.
  6. Ben

    Rust Rewards

    Hi, Is it possible to add the roadsigns to the plugin?
  7. Ben

    manual spawn

    What would be great is the option to let only an easy bradley spawn automaticly. Then the option to spawn medium/hard etc on command. So we can offer in /s harder tier bradleys for sale for the players.
  8. Ben

    No brad/heli RP

    Topic can be closed @nivex Made the necessary changes in the lootdefenders plugin and everything is working fine now.
  9. Ben

    No brad/heli RP

    Hi Steenamaroo, First of all, thanks for the fast response. I will make contact with nivex to see if he is willing to make some changes. I keep you updated.
  10. Ben

    No brad/heli RP

    Hello, I don't get any RP rewarded for killing Brad/Heli when the nivex plugin LootDefender is active. Is there away way to make both of those plugins work together? Grtz Ben
  11. The prices you ask are just ridiculous. Look at it from our point of view, not only are you new to this community and havent proven yourself or the quality of your coding yet. You also as double / tripple the prices of what very respected coders of the rust community ask for plugins that are way way way more complicated. You are free to ask what you want ofcourse, but if you wanna make a name for yourself (at least in the good way) you gonna have to drop your prices a lot. Its better to sell a product multiple times at a lower rate, then only 1-2 times at a higher one. Basic rules of doing business. When you have proven yourself and are very well known within the community you can pull of stupid prices like that, but even then a lot of the community will pass and look to buy from someone else.
  12. Damn mate, i gladly pay a tenner for this plugin but 27$ +renewal for updates... Thats way to much for this plugin! I would say lower it to 10$, i will buy it and then use that 10$ to buy a calculator. Cuz in every post you say renewal = 10% but its always more For example an other plugin price you have is 7$, renewal 2$. 10% of 7$ is 0.70$ not 2$
  13. BVL1#9841
  14. Says the discord name isnt right
  15. Plugin that makes the salvaged hammer into a removal tool for everyone. Destroys every wall/foundation etc in one hit as long as your the entity owner and picks up deployable items en puts them back into the inventory. No need for "/" command to activate it or special permissions to use it.


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