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Everything posted by Gt403cyl2

  1. Gt403cyl2

    Console Commands

    Done, see the Docs for the new console commands.
  2. Gt403cyl2


    Sorry I don't understand your question. What steps were done and what are you trying to do? I should reword the description, only Owners and Mods (anyone with Auth 2 / Auth 1) will be auto added.
  3. Gt403cyl2


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to 1.1.7
  4. Gt403cyl2


    Just copy the data file to the other servers, I won’t say it’s impossible, but would add complication to a relatively simple plugin.
  5. Gt403cyl2

    Console Spam

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.4
  6. Gt403cyl2


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.1.7
  7. Gt403cyl2


    Added the Discord support for when players are rejected. Add your webhook to the new config and reload the plugin.
  8. Gt403cyl2


    At work for the next 8 hours will check back when i’m home.
  9. Gt403cyl2

    Console Spam

    Updated with an easy enable/disable for animals in the config, should fix your issue, if I'm right about why yours broke.
  10. Gt403cyl2

    Console Spam

    Ok, well loaded it up on my test server, nothing in console... First glance makes me think your config is not right... How did you disable animal rewards (sounds like you have the rest enabled still) Feel free to hop in my support discord: https://discord.gg/C86HEhjz
  11. Gt403cyl2

    Console Spam

    I’m at work for the next 8 hours, will take a look once i get home. any other info you can provide? is it just constantly spamming console? is it when something specific is killed?
  12. Gt403cyl2

    Basic Info

    I didn't see the original post, so ignored... That said I will take the suggestion and see. However this plugin does nothing when players join, it's only done when the commands are used...
  13. Gt403cyl2

    Loot Audit

    Thanks, I am aware of it, I am actively working on a replacement for this, just working out some fine details, it has been fixed in the new plugin. While I understand it's a problem, I am not going to update this as the new version is almost complete. as noted here:
  14. Gt403cyl2

    Chicken Bow

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.3
  15. Gt403cyl2


    Found the issue and fixed it. Try v1.0.3
  16. Gt403cyl2


    First: this is the discussion section, not the support section. Second: can you provide any details/context to what was happening when this occurred?
  17. Gt403cyl2

    Chicken Bow

    Like I say that would require a way to differentiate between a naturally spawning chicken and a chicken spawned by the plugin. I haven't used that plugin but given the request I believe there is nothing unique about the spawned chickens, so currently there is no way to differentiate. If by they suggested a fix this: "bool IsSpawnedChicken(ulong id)" I will play with it later but not sure it will work given how DTags works.
  18. Gt403cyl2

    Chicken Bow

    Not sure it is, it's using the prefabID so if it's a chicken (natural or not) it will reward with tags...
  19. Gt403cyl2


    Version 1.0.3


    Allows players with the required permission to automatically loot items from a distance from destroyable containers with the option for them to enable/disable it for themselves whenever they see fit. Permission: "autoloot.use" - Required to use the plugin Command: /aloot - Enables or disables the plugin for the individual player as they see fit. Configuration: Lets you set the maximum distance the plugin will be allowed to work. Set the command for players to use. Enable optional containers. Add/remove optional containers using the short prefab name. Default Config: { "Distance to allow Auto Loot to be used (meters): ": 15.0, "Auto Loot command for players: ": "aloot", "Enable Optional Containers": true, "Optional Containers": [ "box.wooden.large", "woodbox_deployed", "cupboard.tool.deployed", "coffinstorage", "vendingmachine.deployed", "dropbox.deployed", "fridge.deployed", "tunalight.deployed", "furnace.prefab", "furnace.large.prefab", "bbq.deployed", "mixingtable.deployed", "composter", "fireplace.deployed", "researchtable_deployed", "hitchtrough.deployed", "locker.deployed" ] }
  20. Gt403cyl2

    No Tags From New Scientist

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.1
  21. Gt403cyl2

    No Tags From New Scientist

    I have tested it and they do on my end. https://gyazo.com/c7a13fef3de7782ab1a2355ec6d8fdec any other details you could provide?
  22. I mean it was updated 4 months ago, which is after elevators... Industrial I get, I haven't tested if there are issues but afaik it's still working otherwise.
  23. Afaik there isn't an all in one. Use GatherManager and a loot table modifier such as BetterLoot, AlphaLoot or MagicLoot.
  24. I want to say it was WhiteThunder, who I saw answer the same question (literally) and they gave a good answer/reason. The jist of it is that it's hard disabled, the best you could do is have someone recreate it but then having it re-draw in real-time for players would be such a resource hog on the server it would cripple it. https://umod.org/community/plugin-requests/47410-bring-vanilla-compass-to-hardcore-mode


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