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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Epic

    Skill Tree

    "as a server owner" you know all of us are server owners who own this right? This isnt promoting them for being offline lmao. it doesnt give them xp for being offline...
  2. Epic

    Skill Tree

    Nothing you ever say is positive. learn what an rpg is before commenting dumb thing. it acts like the rested xp in all mmorpgs. you dont earn xp offline. you get a bonus multiplier for coming back
  3. Epic

    Cobalt Dam

    Version 1.0.0


    This monument consist of around 2800 Prefabs. Welcome to the Cobalt Dam, Long abandoned and no longer producing power for the island..... However there are still supplies left over from the Scientist that once worked the dam.... This includes a Green, Blue and Red card access..... Each side of the dam has an entrance to the core of the monument that hold the red room, each side is equal in steps for the green and blue puzzles. Several loot spawns from 4 Military crates, 2 Elite and much more. with a Locked crate spawn aswell. The monument DOES NOT include all of the land surrounding it in the screenshots. If interest arises I can upload a version with and without the terrain! Enjoy!
    Honestly. My players love this plugin, it reminds them of the old zlevels but its soooo much more than that. Honestly would recommend this to anyone looking for an xp system plugin, I do hope there is more to come with this and VIP integration
  4. Epic


    Console seems a bit spammy with this plugin, anything i can do to reduce that? Also anyway to add like a % increase gained for vips?
  5. Let me investigate. Will get back to you shortly
  6. Epic

    Suggestion to add sell option.

    Changed Status from No Response to Closed
  7. Epic

    Add Commands

    Could you add a command or commands to reset skills during a wipe, for testing purposes or exploits ect. if there already is one its not listed on the overview
  8. Epic

    Suggestion to add sell option.

    Changed Status from No Response to Work in Progress
  9. Epic

    Suggestion to add sell option.

    This is being worked on. However other projects are taking priority.
  10. Epic

    Suggestion to add sell option.

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  11. Epic

    more pictures

    Sorry, I have been very busy, the zones do not show on the map for but 10 seconds. I will upload a Screen shot once I am home.
  12. Epic

    more pictures

    Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  13. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In from Next Version to 1.0.0
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  15. This plugin does exactly what youre asking. Zonemanager is ONLY used to mark the zones for sale, NO one is able to build in a zone they do not own by default. Once youve purchased the Land/zone they will be able to build in it. Exactly as you described. Ive added you again
  16. Epic


    works fine for me, no issues
  17. I have added you on Discord. The plugin doesnt change how zonemanager works at is core. That is more or less a question for the creator of Zonemanager. The only flags zonesell manages is nobuild.
  18. Okay, So if you set the zone to nobuild the plugin Does override the nobuild status of the zone.
  19. Hey there! Once you pair the zone you've made with zone manager with this plug-in. You do not need to set any no build flags as this plug-in does that automatically. No one will be able to build in the zone unless they have purchased the land via zone sell. I am unsure if it will override the flag. however i can test it
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Theme: Cobalt Scientists Have made and important discovery in their cloning process and have moved their works to a remote location on land with easier access to supplies. Takes up about the same footprint as Oxums - Roughly 600 Prefabs Green and Blue doors. 4 Scientists 5 Mil crates Other assorted Crates This is my first full blown monument! - Feedback is welcome Please note with how Rustedit Saves Alpha masks you may need to apply the alpha to the cave and the sewer entrance!
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This is a simple concrete bridge pack that includes 4 prefabs 3 Bridge length and an extension piece. Pillars are longer to provide ease of use on different heights. Files included are: Bridgel - Largest Bridge Bridgem - Medium Bridge 2/3rd the size of large Bridges - Small Bridge 1/3rd the size of large BridgeEXs - Size of the small Bridge. Can be added to any bridge These are standalone prefabs
  22. So that look correct. Do you have the Economics Plugin installed as that is the only Valid Currency as of now
  23. Did you set the Zone with ZoneMananger and input the Zone ID into the zone Sell config like the example config?
  24. Correct the zones are made via ZoneManager. - I updated the plugin information and added and example config aswell I will be working on an update to hopefully be able to make it easier to set up zones.


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