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Everything posted by kaysharp

  1. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    Pterodactyl is now supported by auto wipe. but i didn't add reset plugin data files because there's a bug the script delete every thing for some reason
  2. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    Yes, i hope i can make it update the server and oxide. next Friday i'll start working on it.
  3. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    Im really busy with exams rn and auto wipe script doesn't work with pterodactyl but when i finish my exams ill start working on it.
  4. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    do you have windows dedicated server?
  5. Fixed? if you need more help contact me on discord kaysharp#2008
  6. change channel id to another one or give the bot admin role.
  7. make sure the bot have access to the given channel, you put the correct bot API key.
  8. Failed to call hook 'cmdStartVote' on plugin 'MapVoter v1.1.13' (FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.) you typed letter after /startvote as an argument, either you select map from select maps tab and then /startvote to start the vote or /startvote "number of maps to generate" example /startvote 3 to generate 3 maps with size in the config.
  9. can you update to version 1.1.17 please and tell me exactly how you get that error.
  10. after you select maps and type /startvote you get that error ?
  11. Version 1.0.12


    This plugin adds more features to the free one : Get random items on gathering resources, quarry gather, Excavator gather, loot containers, Airdrops, Supply Drops. Populate NPC corps with random loot. You can enable/disable these features from config file. Update 1.0.6 Video Configuration To add or remove items this link may be helpful : https://github.com/OrangeWulf/Rust-Docs/blob/master/Items.md { "Give bonuses if player have active boost": true, "How many items should spawn when barrel is destroyed?": 2, "Give random items on quarry gather": { "Loot table (Item name , amount)": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Enabled": true }, "Give random items on Excavator gather": { "Loot table (Item name , amount)": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Enabled": true }, "Fill loot containers with random items": { "Loot table (Item name , amount)": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Enabled": true }, "Fill airdrops with random items": { "Loot table (Item name , amount)": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Enabled": true }, "Populate NPC corps with random loot": { "Loot table (Item name , amount)": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Enabled": true }, "Items": [ "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.handmade.shell", "ammo.nailgun.nails", "ammo.pistol", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.fire", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.sam", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.shotgun", "ammo.shotgun.fire", "ammo.shotgun.slug", "apple", "arcade.machine.chippy", "arrow.bone", "arrow.fire", "arrow.hv", "arrow.wooden", "attire.bunnyears", "attire.hide.boots", "attire.hide.helterneck", "attire.hide.pants", "attire.hide.poncho", "attire.hide.skirt", "attire.hide.vest", "attire.ninja.suit", "autoturret", "axe.salvaged", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.metal", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.stone", "barricade.wood.cover", "battery.small", "bbq", "bed", "black.berry", "black.raspberries", "blue.berry", "blueberries", "bone.armor.suit", "boots.frog", "bow.compound", "bow.hunting", "box.repair.bench", "box.wooden", "box.wooden.large", "bucket.helmet", "building.planner", "burlap.gloves", "burlap.gloves.new", "burlap.headwrap", "burlap.shirt", "burlap.shoes", "burlap.trousers", "can.beans", "can.tuna", "cctv.camera", "ceilinglight", "chainsaw", "chocholate", "clatter.helmet", "coffeecan.helmet", "coffin.storage", "computerstation", "corn", "crossbow", "crude.oil", "cupboard.tool", "cursedcauldron", "diving.fins", "diving.mask", "diving.tank", "diving.wetsuit", "door.double.hinged.metal", "door.double.hinged.toptier", "door.double.hinged.wood", "door.hinged.industrial.a", "door.hinged.metal", "door.hinged.toptier", "door.hinged.wood", "dropbox", "explosive.satchel", "explosive.timed", "explosives", "flamethrower", "flameturret", "flashlight.held", "floor.grill", "floor.ladder.hatch", "floor.triangle.grill", "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch", "fridge", "furnace", "furnace.large", "fuse", "gates.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "gears", "generator.wind.scrap", "grenade.beancan", "grenade.f1", "grenade.smoke", "guntrap", "habrepair", "hammer.salvaged", "hat.beenie", "hat.boonie", "hat.cap", "hat.ratmask", "hat.wolf", "hatchet", "hazmatsuit", "hazmatsuit.spacesuit", "healingtea", "healingtea.advanced", "healingtea.pure", "heavy.plate.helmet", "heavy.plate.jacket", "heavy.plate.pants", "hitchtroughcombo", "hobobarrel", "hoodie", "horse.armor.roadsign", "horse.armor.wood", "horse.saddle", "horse.saddlebag", "horse.shoes.advanced", "horse.shoes.basic", "icepick.salvaged", "innertube", "innertube.horse", "innertube.unicorn", "jacket", "jacket.snow", "jackhammer", "jackolantern.angry", "jackolantern.happy", "jar.pickle", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.handmade.shell", "ammo.nailgun.nails", "ammo.pistol", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.fire", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.sam", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.shotgun", "ammo.shotgun.fire", "ammo.shotgun.slug", "jumpsuit.suit", "jumpsuit.suit.blue", "kayak", "keycard_blue", "keycard_green", "keycard_red", "knife.bone", "knife.butcher", "knife.combat", "ladder.wooden.wall", "lantern", "largecandles", "largemedkit", "laserlight", "lmg.m249", "locker", "longsword", "lowgradefuel", "mace", "machete", "mask.balaclava", "mask.bandana", "maxhealthtea", "maxhealthtea.advanced", "maxhealthtea.pure", "metal.facemask", "metal.fragments", "metal.plate.torso", "metal.refined", "metalblade", "metalpipe", "metalspring", "microphonestand", "minihelicopter.repair", "mining.quarry", "mixingtable", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "mushroom", "nightvisiongoggles", "oretea", "oretea.advanced", "oretea.pure", "paddle", "paddlingpool", "pants", "pants.shorts", "paper", "partyhat", "pickaxe", "pistol.eoka", "pistol.m92", "pistol.nailgun", "pistol.python", "pistol.revolver", "pistol.semiauto", "pitchfork", "planter.large", "planter.small", "plantfiber", "pookie.bear", "potato", "powered.water.purifier", "propanetank", "pumpkin", "pumpkinbasket", "radiationremovetea", "radiationremovetea.advanced", "radiationremovetea.pure", "radiationresisttea", "radiationresisttea.advanced", "radiationresisttea.pure", "red.berry", "research.table", "rf.detonator", "rf_pager", "rifle.ak", "rifle.bolt", "rifle.l96", "rifle.lr300", "rifle.m39", "rifle.semiauto", "riflebody", "riot.helmet", "roadsign.gloves", "roadsign.jacket", "roadsign.kilt", "roadsigns", "rocket.launcher", "rope", "rug", "rug.bear", "salvaged.cleaver", "salvaged.sword", "samsite", "scraptea", "scraptea.advanced", "scraptea.pure", "scraptransportheli.repair", "searchlight", "secretlabchair", "semibody", "sewingkit", "sheetmetal", "shelves", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.handmade.shell", "ammo.nailgun.nails", "ammo.pistol", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.fire", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.sam", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.shotgun", "ammo.shotgun.fire", "ammo.shotgun.slug", "shirt.collared", "shirt.tanktop", "shoes.boots", "shotgun.double", "shotgun.pump", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.waterpipe", "shutter.metal.embrasure.a", "shutter.metal.embrasure.b", "shutter.wood.a", "sickle", "sleepingbag", "small.oil.refinery", "smg.2", "smg.mp5", "smg.thompson", "smgbody", "spear.stone", "spear.wooden", "speargun", "speargun.spear", "stone.pickaxe", "stonehatchet", "storage.monitor", "strobelight", "submarine.torpedo.rising", "submarine.torpedo.straight", "supply.signal", "surveycharge", "syringe.medical", "table", "tactical.gloves", "targeting.computer", "tarp", "techparts", "tool.instant_camera", "vending.machine", "wall.external.high", "wall.external.high.ice", "wall.external.high.stone", "waterpump", "weapon.mod.8x.scope", "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight", "weapon.mod.lasersight", "weapon.mod.muzzleboost", "weapon.mod.muzzlebrake", "weapon.mod.silencer", "weapon.mod.simplesight", "weapon.mod.small.scope", "white.berry", "wood.armor.helmet", "wood.armor.jacket", "wood.armor.pants", "woodtea", "woodtea.advanced", "workbench1", "workbench2", "workbench3" ], "Amount": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": 10, "ammo.grenadelauncher.he": 1, "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke": 1, "ammo.handmade.shell": 15, "ammo.nailgun.nails": 30, "ammo.pistol": 30, "ammo.pistol.fire": 10, "ammo.pistol.hv": 10, "ammo.rifle": 30, "ammo.rifle.explosive": 10, "ammo.rifle.hv": 15, "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 15, "ammo.rocket.basic": 1, "ammo.rocket.fire": 1, "ammo.rocket.hv": 1, "ammo.rocket.sam": 5, "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1, "ammo.shotgun": 10, "ammo.shotgun.fire": 10, "ammo.shotgun.slug": 10 }, "Give random items when barrel is destroyed": true, "Give random items on gathering resources": true, "Give random items only on full gather": false, "Give random item when collecting resources": true }
  12. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  13. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    delete files on map wipe or full wipe or both ?
  14. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    I'll see what i can do.
  15. kaysharp


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  16. kaysharp


    hello, No sorry , I did say in Requirements Rust Server(s) setup in a standard way on a Windows dedicated server. Administrator privileges on said dedicated server.
  17. kaysharp

    Need info about feature

    Deletes Only files in server/my_server_identity (.sav, .map , .db)
  18. Version 1.2.14


    Workbench crafter is a new crafting system, instead of the current way of staying AFK next to workbench waiting for the craft to finish now you can leave that task to the workbench and go to PVP with your teammates. Depends on: Image Library Features: Craft panel has easy to use GUI and perfectly blends with Rust native UI. Crafting task & storage saved when server restart and will finish craft upon server startup. When destroying Workbench all the loot will be dropped. Allow craft menu access in building privilege only. Open craft menu anywhere. Auto Craft items. Link loot boxes with workbench for an easy way to craft. A permission and Chat command to open UI instead of pressing "E" to open the craft menu anywhere. Permissions Permission use: WorkbenchCrafter.use. Permission no crafting time: WorkbenchCrafter.nocraftingtime. Permission use anywhere: WorkbenchCrafter.useAnywhere. Update 1.2.12 Update 1.1.5 Video Config { "Permission use": "WorkbenchCrafter.use", "Permission no crafting time": "WorkbenchCrafter.nocraftingtime", "Permission use anywhere": "WorkbenchCrafter.useAnywhere", "Settings": { "GUI color": "0.6 0.6 0.6 0.3", "GUI color (when using /workbench command)": "0 0 0 0.9", "Allow craft menu access in building privilege only (true or false)": true, "Don't allow using /workbench when building blocked (true or false)": true, "Crafting time multiplier": 1.0, "Storage slots(0 no limit)": 0, "Default stack size": true, "Custom stack size": 1.0, "Maximum items crafting in queue": 8, "Include default blueprints": false } }
  19. I'm still working on custom maps but for auto wipe you can configure your wipe schedule from plugin configuration Example : map wipes weekly on Fridays 8am EST and blueprints wipe monthly "Map Wipe schedule": [ 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 ], "BP Wipe schedule": [ 0 ], "Enable Auto wipe": true, "Wipe BPs at forced wipe day": true,
  20. kaysharp

    Random Gather

  21. kaysharp

    Random Gather

  22. kaysharp

    Map Voter

    Version 1.1.22


    This plugin makes the admin’s life easier by automatically generating maps, initiating a vote that lets users choose which map they would like to play in during the next wipe. Depends on: Image Library Wipe Info API Discord extension UnZip for Windows NEW GUI: Features: Automatically generate maps and start the vote ,every first Thursday of the month. Automatically generate maps on wipe day using https://rustmaps.com/ & wipe-info-api and start the vote. Allows players to vote on maps through an in-game UI or Discord (if you use any plugin that links a player and a Discord user, enable “only authenticated users can vote” in the config file to avoid duplicate votes). Automatically checks if it’s wipe day using wipe-info-api and the plugin’s config. Configure the plugin through a GUI (not all settings are available on the GUI). Select maps from rustmaps.com through a GUI via a RustMaps share code. Note : This plugin does not include auto wipe script. if you wish to automatically restart and update the server and wipes it on forced wipe or on schedule check the other version of Map voter. Video How to add Custom maps : Permissions: MapVoter.use only allows an admin to generate maps and start a vote. MapVoter.Manager allows an admin to use all the features. Commands: /mvote : Opens the plugin’s main GUI. /startvote After selecting which maps will appear on the vote, starts the vote. MapVoter.generate <Number of maps to generate> <seed> <voting duration in minutes>. voteresult : Shows which map had won the vote. Mapvoter.reload reload the plugin. MapVoter.stopvoting : stops ongoing voting. Discord commands: !vote !generate <Number of maps to generate> <seed> <voting duration in minutes>. Configuration { "Commands": { "Open MapVoter UI": "mvote", "Generate Mpas": "MapVoter.generate", "vote result": "voteresult" }, "Options": { "Select random maps from rustmaps filter id instead of generating random maps on wipe day (true/false)": true, "How many pages the plugin looks up per search request(every page has 30 maps": 10, "Enable Discord bot (true/false)": true, "Only players with permission MapVoter.Vote can vote (true/false)": false, "Map size": 3500, "Disable UI": false, "RustMaps API key": "https://rustmaps.com/user/profile", "staging": false, "barren": false, "Stop voting after (minutes)": 60, "avatar url": "", "Discord footer": "", "filter Id": "Visit https://rustmaps.com/ and adjust your map requirements. In the red box above the settings hit the Share button,the string at the end of the URL is the filterId.Example URL: https://rustmaps.com/?share=gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ the string at the end in this case {gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ} is the filterId." }, "Discord Settings": { "Discord Webhook": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Discord Apikey": "BotToken", "Discord Command Prefix": "!", "Discord Channels": [ { "Discord Channel ID": "", "Commands": [ "generate", "vote", "mapwipe", "bpwipe", "cancelwipe", "stopvoting", "update", "cancelupdate" ] } ], "Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)": { "generate": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "vote": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "mapwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "bpwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "cancelwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "stopvoting": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "update": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "cancelupdate": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ] } }, "Auto Vote": { "Auto start vote": true, "Only Authenticated users can vote through discord": true, "Start voting at (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "17:00", "Number of maps to generate": 4 }, "Auto Wipe": { "Custom Map": { "Custom map": false, "Map URL": "" }, "Map Wipe schedule": [ 7, 14, 21, 28 ], "BP Wipe schedule": [ 0 ], "Enable Auto wipe": true, "Wipe BPs at forced wipe day": true, "Forced Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "19:00", "Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "19:00" } } Contact kaysharp#2008
  23. Version 1.0.8


    Get random items on gathering resources or on full gather. Configuration { "Items": [ "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.handmade.shell", "ammo.nailgun.nails", "ammo.pistol", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.fire", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.sam", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.shotgun", "ammo.shotgun.fire", "ammo.shotgun.slug", "apple", "arcade.machine.chippy", "arrow.bone", "arrow.fire", "arrow.hv", "arrow.wooden", "attire.bunnyears", "attire.hide.boots", "attire.hide.helterneck", "attire.hide.pants", "attire.hide.poncho", "attire.hide.skirt", "attire.hide.vest", "attire.ninja.suit", "autoturret", "axe.salvaged", "barricade.concrete", "barricade.metal", "barricade.sandbags", "barricade.stone", "barricade.wood.cover", "battery.small", "bbq", "bed", "black.berry", "bleach", "black.raspberries", "blue.berry", "blueberries", "bone.armor.suit", "boots.frog", "bow.compound", "bow.hunting", "box.repair.bench", "box.wooden", "box.wooden.large", "bucket.helmet", "building.planner", "burlap.gloves", "burlap.gloves.new", "burlap.headwrap", "burlap.shirt", "burlap.shoes", "burlap.trousers", "can.beans", "can.tuna", "cctv.camera", "ceilinglight", "chainsaw", "chocholate", "clatter.helmet", "coffeecan.helmet", "coffin.storage", "computerstation", "corn", "crossbow", "crude.oil", "cupboard.tool", "cursedcauldron", "diving.fins", "diving.mask", "diving.tank", "diving.wetsuit", "door.double.hinged.metal", "door.double.hinged.toptier", "door.double.hinged.wood", "door.hinged.industrial.a", "door.hinged.metal", "door.hinged.toptier", "door.hinged.wood", "dropbox", "explosive.satchel", "explosive.timed", "explosives", "flamethrower", "flameturret", "flashlight.held", "floor.grill", "floor.ladder.hatch", "floor.triangle.grill", "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch", "fridge", "furnace", "furnace.large", "fuse", "gates.external.high.stone", "gates.external.high.wood", "gears", "generator.wind.scrap", "grenade.beancan", "grenade.f1", "grenade.smoke", "guntrap", "habrepair", "hammer.salvaged", "hat.beenie", "hat.boonie", "hat.cap", "hat.ratmask", "hat.wolf", "hatchet", "hazmatsuit", "hazmatsuit.spacesuit", "healingtea", "healingtea.advanced", "healingtea.pure", "heavy.plate.helmet", "heavy.plate.jacket", "heavy.plate.pants", "hitchtroughcombo", "hobobarrel", "hoodie", "horse.armor.roadsign", "horse.armor.wood", "horse.saddle", "horse.saddlebag", "horse.shoes.advanced", "horse.shoes.basic", "icepick.salvaged", "innertube", "innertube.horse", "innertube.unicorn", "jacket", "jacket.snow", "jackhammer", "jackolantern.angry", "jackolantern.happy", "jar.pickle", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.handmade.shell", "ammo.nailgun.nails", "ammo.pistol", "ammo.pistol.fire", "ammo.pistol.hv", "ammo.rifle", "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ammo.rifle.hv", "ammo.rifle.incendiary", 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}


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