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Everything posted by imthenewguy

  1. imthenewguy

    Epic Scrap Splitting

    Most stacks plugins will fix this issue, but I will add it to the plugin next update for those that don't run one
  2. The game will notify players in chat when it starts. EventHelper also reminds players periodically that they can vote for events.
  3. Have you assigned the permission to give kits, and have you enabled recycling in the config?
  4. imthenewguy

    tell me about config

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. Yeah. Players shouldn't really ever die unless they jump off the edge, but EventHelper works with it so it won't restore the paintball items for the player if they die. You can set the config to require a command for the player to get their stuff back after respawning, rather than it happening automatically as well.
  6. Building is disabled on purpose as the buildings continue to float there when the arena de=spawns
  7. Yeah the 2 arena files are acquired by the plugin from my dropbox and added to oxide data. They are constructed when the event starts and despawn when it ends.
  8. That permission increases the chance by 100%, it doesn't set it to 100%. For example, if the base value was a 25% chance of success, that permission would instead offer a 50% chance.
  9. How have you set it up?
  10. Yeah it should work with them all. It doesn't actually require damage to count a hit.
  11. imthenewguy


    Ahh right I understand the concept. It seems a little over-complicated and nieche for this plugin. Would be simpler to add a straight roll for Item/economics/server rewards to re-roll the stats of the item. Example: Re-rolling c tier items would cost $100 and has the potential to re-roll using the default chances (could remain C, upgrade to B, A or S). Re-rolling B tier items would be the same, except that they could not downgrade to C, but would cost $200. Re-rolling A tier items would be the same, except it could not downgrade to B or C, but would cost $500. etc
  12. imthenewguy

    tell me about config

    Hey mate, why not use the NightVision plugin? The plugin supports it by default. If you do want to use the nightvision item specifically, adjust your config value to this: "Commands to run for each player when the game starts and the gates open. Use {id} in replacement of the players steam id": [ "inventory.giveto {id} nightvisiongoggles" ], Regarding adding extra loot profiles, you basically want to ensure you format it correctly or you will run into json format issues. "TestLoot": { "Chance for this profile to be selected for the game (weighted system)": 100, "min_items": 2, "max_items": 4, "items": [ { "shortname": "weapon.mod.8x.scope", "min_amount": 1, "max_amount": 1, "skin": 0, "displayName": null }, { "shortname": "weapon.mod.small.scope", "min_amount": 1, "max_amount": 1, "skin": 0, "displayName": null } ] }
  13. imthenewguy

    XP to use in Shop plugin

    Hey I have never used the shop plugin, but I assume you can add commands to it that run when a player makes a purchase. If so, I would suggest simply running the givexp console command for the player.
  14. imthenewguy


    I dont quite follow your process there. Mind doing a step by step with examples for what you are after?
  15. Version 1.0.4


    Paintball is a plugin that spawns an arena in the sky to host a paintball match using snowball launchers. Players have a set number of hits that they can take before they are eliminated. There are 2 game modes included with the plugin: Free-for-all: Everyone vs everyone. Team death-match: Players are split into 2 teams. Players can be awarded with items, economics, server rewards and custom commands if they win. The plugin comes with 2 dynamic arenas included, which will be selected randomly each game. EventHelper is used to automatically start the event and will also allow players to vote for the event manually. The only permission is paintball.admin. This is required to run all commands except for joining and leaving an event, or redeeming prizes. Command: pbstart Parameters: <optional: arenaFile, optional: heightMod, optional: startDelay> Type: Console & Chat Description: Manually starts the game. Command: pbend Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Manually stops the game. Command: pbjoin (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Joins an active game. Command: pbleave (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Console & Chat Description: Leaves an active game. Command: pbprize (configurable) Parameters: none Type: Chat Description: Redeems a prize for winning. Command: pbsetcentrepoint Parameters: <arenaFile> Type: Chat Description: Sets the centre point of an arena at the players location. The arena will spawn from that location moving forward.
  16. imthenewguy


    Just tested on my server and it works fine with grayidtag. Ingredients are not skin based, they are skin, name and shortname based. All 3 components must match in order for it to be recognized as an ingredient. If you have old flour that is using a different item, it wont be recognized anymore.
  17. imthenewguy

    its me again...

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  18. imthenewguy

    its me again...

    The only way to block it at the moment is to use ZoneManager, or add the grid values into the config. "Grids To Block Spawns At"
  19. imthenewguy


    Can not for the life of my figure that one out, so I have re-written it and it seems to work now. Will be included in the next release as well.
  20. imthenewguy


    You would mind listing the steps on how I can re-create this please?
  21. imthenewguy


    I see the issue now. Will be fixed in the next release.
  22. Please submit a support ticket and explain how it isn't working. Stating that it is not working tells me nothing.
  23. imthenewguy

    Idea: New Skills

    Since that is an ultimate, its values are adjusted else-where in the config. "What scale of damage should the player receive as health [1.0 = 100%]" I'll think about your suggestions.
  24. imthenewguy

    hemp clone multiplying

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  25. imthenewguy

    hemp clone multiplying

    I will look at adding it though.


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