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YaMang -w-

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Everything posted by YaMang -w-

  1. Try it with rcon or server console.
  2. Is the player online?
  3. Sorry, now I checked. We will update it by adding console commands soon.
  4. YaMang -w-

    Min Max Bug

    Now whenever I move the position or change the size, the value gets weird 1920x1080
  5. YaMang -w-

    Min Max Bug

    Even if you do what you did, have problems. It is the same even if you add an image and a button
  6. YaMang -w-

    Min Max Bug

    Save -> Load Min, Max changed strangely.
  7. I have corrected that part. Added UI to force up because I don't know how to check wall and distance.
  8. Version 1.0.4


    Auto Clans is a plugin that allows players to automatically join a clan when joining the server. Feature: Automatically join a clan when connecting to the server Automatically join or custom process after warning when leaving the clan Permission: AutoClans.bypass - Players with this permission will be exempt from notifications. Config: { "General Settings": { "Debug": false, "SteamID": 0, "Prefix": "<b><size=18><color=#4F728D>Auto</color> <color=#ECBD16>Clans</color></size></b> ", "Command": "ac" }, "Clan Settings": { "Tag Size (6 - ex] AFBAFE)": 6, "Server Connected Auto Create Clan (false -> Show Warn Time)": true, "Not Join Warn Time": 60, "Not Join Process (1 - auto clan create, 2 - custom)": 1, "Not Join Custom (ex] kick $player.id reason)": "kick $player.id \"Clan Not Join\"" }, "GUI Settings": { "Anchor Min": "0.3 0.77", "Anchor Max": "0.75 0.81", "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.8" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }
  9. YaMang -w-

    Imgur problem

    Can't an exception be made when it's a Two-Many Request? Unable to extract UI
  10. I will work on it later.
  11. Version 1.1.3


    Mount Computer Station is a plugin that allows the player to access the cameras around the world anywhere with a simple command. Feathers: Use the computer station with chat/console commands. Config: { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Mount Computer Station ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": null, "Commands": [ "scs" ], "Location Station": { "Summoned from player position (If false, use location)": true, "location": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 } }, "Auto Add Station CCTVs": [ "DOME1", "HALLWAY3240" ], "UI Settings": { "oMin": "381.104 239.333", "oMax": "542.896 296.667", "Color": "0.176 0.72 0.72 1" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } Permission:
  12. YaMang -w-

    Min Max Bug

  13. Please message me on Discord. ! YaMang -w-#0001
  14. Did you edit it in config?
  15. contact ! YaMang -w-#0001
  16. Would you like to add settings that only individuals can see?
  17. Everyone can see the effect.
  18. Version 1.0.5


    Features: Effect occurs when firing Chance Effect List: [EffectList] have any ideas to add, I'll keep them in mind! Effect does not occur when ricocheting Config: { "Effect Apply (skin = true, name = false)": true, "Activate NPC Gun Effect": false, "Effect Settings": { "Effect1": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.shock.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] }, "Effect2": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/dig_effect.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] }, "Effect3": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/dig_effect.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 3 } } Exmple Config : [Config]
  19. Version 2.2.71


    Add commands to items. Press Unwrap to run the command. And Healing Items And Throw Items (smoke, f1, etc...) Effect List: Effects | https://umod.org/plugins/effects-panel Commands: /cicd - Cooldown Hud /ci - basic command Config: { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "<color=#5892bf>[Commands-Item]</color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Commands": "ci", "Use Active Commands": true, "Use Throw Commands": false, "Use Healing Commands": false, "Use Message on used count": false, "Use Map Wipe Data Clear": false, "Debug": false }, "Item Settings (custom name)": { "Supply Space Fanny Drop": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2867732572, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $player.id" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": null, "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/smoke_signal_full.prefab", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Teleport Granade": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "teleport.topos $player.id $entity.x $entity.y $entity.z" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Teleporting", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Unwarp Space Drop": { "Item short name": "xmas.present.medium", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $player.id" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] } }, "items Shared Cooldowns": { "Shard Name | Time (sec)": { "testshared": 5 } }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 7 } } Permission: CommandsItem.allow - access command Lang: { "NotExist": "<color=#d0d0d0>Item (<color=orange>{0}</color>) could not be found. Please use a valid SkinID!</color>\n<color=#5892bf>Usage: /{1} <skinid></color>", "UsageCI": "<color=red>Usage Sta: /{0} <Name> [Amount]</color>", "InvFull": "<color=#d0d0d0>Inventory is full. Clear some space and try again!</color>", "Received": "<color=yellow>[{0}] Was added to your inventory.</color>", "NoPerm": "<color=#d0d0d0>You dont have permission!</color>", "HasCooldown": "<color=yellow>{0}</color> <color=red>can be used after {1}</color>" } Flags: IsBuildingBlock - Unusable while player is build block IsSwimming - Unusable while player is swimming InSafeZone - Unusable while player is in safe zone IsBleeding - Unusable while player is bleeding IsPlayerInZone - Unusable while player is special zone ※Require Zone Manager※ IsPlayerInGrid - Unusable while player is special grid HasTCAuth - Usable while player is Has Tool Cupboard Auth Format: pconsole - player input console ex) pconsole chat.say /shop timer_x - Execute the command after x seconds. ex) timer_15 say commandsitem! $player.id - player steam id $player.name - player name $player.x - player x location $player.y - player y location $player.z - player z location $entity.x - entity x location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.y - entity z location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.z - entity y location (※Only Throw Items※) @Azmo idea Thanks image, text fleids
  20. YaMang -w-

    Min Max Bug

    No, once, if the Min and Max values are stored in a strange state when creating the UI, there is a phenomenon in which the UI is not visible when the created UI is loaded
  21. Version 1.0.1


    Only available on RCON or server console due to abuse protection. Features: Avoid duplicate purchases mrefund user playerid permission amount rp ex) mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 5000 eco ex2) mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 5000 rp ex3) mrefund group $player.id admin 5000 rp has permission 5000 eco refund Example Server Rewards) "Backpack": { "description": "Buy Backpack", "iconName": "", "commands": [ "mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 500 rp" ], "displayName": null, "cost": 500, "cooldown": 5 }, Config: { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Money Refund ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Lang: { "HasPerm": "<color=red>You already have this permission</color> <color=yellow>I got {0} {1} back</color>", "HasGroup": "<color=red>You already have this group</color> <color=yellow>I got {0} {1} back</color>" "RP": "<color=lime>RP</color>", "ECO": "<color=lime>ECO</color>" }
  22. Empty desert plain, map size 1000, nothing is summoned, 1 spawn area in the middle of the map If you want to make it, please let me know. Add Me ! YaMang -w-#0001


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