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Everything posted by YaMang -w-
Try it with rcon or server console.
Is the player online?
Sorry, now I checked. We will update it by adding console commands soon.
Now whenever I move the position or change the size, the value gets weird 1920x1080
Even if you do what you did, have problems. It is the same even if you add an image and a button
Save -> Load Min, Max changed strangely.
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Version 1.0.4
Auto Clans is a plugin that allows players to automatically join a clan when joining the server. Feature: Automatically join a clan when connecting to the server Automatically join or custom process after warning when leaving the clan Permission: AutoClans.bypass - Players with this permission will be exempt from notifications. Config: { "General Settings": { "Debug": false, "SteamID": 0, "Prefix": "<b><size=18><color=#4F728D>Auto</color> <color=#ECBD16>Clans</color></size></b> ", "Command": "ac" }, "Clan Settings": { "Tag Size (6 - ex] AFBAFE)": 6, "Server Connected Auto Create Clan (false -> Show Warn Time)": true, "Not Join Warn Time": 60, "Not Join Process (1 - auto clan create, 2 - custom)": 1, "Not Join Custom (ex] kick $player.id reason)": "kick $player.id \"Clan Not Join\"" }, "GUI Settings": { "Anchor Min": "0.3 0.77", "Anchor Max": "0.75 0.81", "Background Color": "0 0 0 0.8" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }$4.99 -
Can't an exception be made when it's a Two-Many Request? Unable to extract UI
- 1
Version 1.1.3
Mount Computer Station is a plugin that allows the player to access the cameras around the world anywhere with a simple command. Feathers: Use the computer station with chat/console commands. Config: { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Mount Computer Station ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": null, "Commands": [ "scs" ], "Location Station": { "Summoned from player position (If false, use location)": true, "location": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 } }, "Auto Add Station CCTVs": [ "DOME1", "HALLWAY3240" ], "UI Settings": { "oMin": "381.104 239.333", "oMax": "542.896 296.667", "Color": "0.176 0.72 0.72 1" }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } Permission:Free- 9 comments
Version 1.0.5
Features: Effect occurs when firing Chance Effect List: [EffectList] have any ideas to add, I'll keep them in mind! Effect does not occur when ricocheting Config: { "Effect Apply (skin = true, name = false)": true, "Activate NPC Gun Effect": false, "Effect Settings": { "Effect1": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.shock.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] }, "Effect2": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/dig_effect.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] }, "Effect3": { "Hit Effect (null = notting)": [ "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/dig_effect.prefab" ], "Hit Effect Chance (1.0 = always-on)": 1, "Allow Skin List": [ "1234" ] } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 3 } } Exmple Config : [Config]$4.99 -
Version 2.2.71
Add commands to items. Press Unwrap to run the command. And Healing Items And Throw Items (smoke, f1, etc...) Effect List: Effects | https://umod.org/plugins/effects-panel Commands: /cicd - Cooldown Hud /ci - basic command Config: { "General Settings": { "Prefix": "<color=#5892bf>[Commands-Item]</color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Commands": "ci", "Use Active Commands": true, "Use Throw Commands": false, "Use Healing Commands": false, "Use Message on used count": false, "Use Map Wipe Data Clear": false, "Debug": false }, "Item Settings (custom name)": { "Supply Space Fanny Drop": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2867732572, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $player.id" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": null, "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/smoke_signal_full.prefab", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Teleport Granade": { "Item short name": "grenade.smoke", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "teleport.topos $player.id $entity.x $entity.y $entity.z" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Teleporting", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] }, "Unwarp Space Drop": { "Item short name": "xmas.present.medium", "Item skin": 2814909703, "Commands": [ "ad.dropspace $player.id" ], "Message on use (leave blank for no message)": "Warning Space Drop !!", "Global Cooldown [true | false]": false, "Shared Cooldown": "testshared", "Cooldown (0 for disable - ※second※)": 0, "MaxUsed (0 for unlimited)": 0, "Sound Effect (blink notting)": "", "Effect (blink notting)": "", "Flags": [ "" ] } }, "items Shared Cooldowns": { "Shard Name | Time (sec)": { "testshared": 5 } }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 7 } } Permission: CommandsItem.allow - access command Lang: { "NotExist": "<color=#d0d0d0>Item (<color=orange>{0}</color>) could not be found. Please use a valid SkinID!</color>\n<color=#5892bf>Usage: /{1} <skinid></color>", "UsageCI": "<color=red>Usage Sta: /{0} <Name> [Amount]</color>", "InvFull": "<color=#d0d0d0>Inventory is full. Clear some space and try again!</color>", "Received": "<color=yellow>[{0}] Was added to your inventory.</color>", "NoPerm": "<color=#d0d0d0>You dont have permission!</color>", "HasCooldown": "<color=yellow>{0}</color> <color=red>can be used after {1}</color>" } Flags: IsBuildingBlock - Unusable while player is build block IsSwimming - Unusable while player is swimming InSafeZone - Unusable while player is in safe zone IsBleeding - Unusable while player is bleeding IsPlayerInZone - Unusable while player is special zone ※Require Zone Manager※ IsPlayerInGrid - Unusable while player is special grid HasTCAuth - Usable while player is Has Tool Cupboard Auth Format: pconsole - player input console ex) pconsole chat.say /shop timer_x - Execute the command after x seconds. ex) timer_15 say commandsitem! $player.id - player steam id $player.name - player name $player.x - player x location $player.y - player y location $player.z - player z location $entity.x - entity x location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.y - entity z location (※Only Throw Items※) $entity.z - entity y location (※Only Throw Items※) @Azmo idea Thanks image, text fleids$15.00- 60 comments
- 7 reviews
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- #custom item
- #command item
- (and 4 more)
No, once, if the Min and Max values are stored in a strange state when creating the UI, there is a phenomenon in which the UI is not visible when the created UI is loaded
Version 1.0.1
Only available on RCON or server console due to abuse protection. Features: Avoid duplicate purchases mrefund user playerid permission amount rp ex) mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 5000 eco ex2) mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 5000 rp ex3) mrefund group $player.id admin 5000 rp has permission 5000 eco refund Example Server Rewards) "Backpack": { "description": "Buy Backpack", "iconName": "", "commands": [ "mrefund user $player.id backpacks.use 500 rp" ], "displayName": null, "cost": 500, "cooldown": 5 }, Config: { "Prefix": "<color=#00ffff>[ Money Refund ] - </color>\n", "SteamID": 0, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Lang: { "HasPerm": "<color=red>You already have this permission</color> <color=yellow>I got {0} {1} back</color>", "HasGroup": "<color=red>You already have this group</color> <color=yellow>I got {0} {1} back</color>" "RP": "<color=lime>RP</color>", "ECO": "<color=lime>ECO</color>" }Free -
Empty desert plain, map size 1000, nothing is summoned, 1 spawn area in the middle of the map If you want to make it, please let me know. Add Me ! YaMang -w-#0001