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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. So we had a plugin that would automatically split the items you placed in a composter into the open slots evenly. But it was de-listed because it broke and the developer stopped responding. Players want this feature, but there are no other plugins that do this except for this one and another one, but they both have other features I do not need.
  2. so it looks like the player is getting messages about the train cars and the turrets when they are in TC range and she also had an issue when taking the train from her base and the turrets ignoring her in her own TC range. she wanted to share this info with you, so i am passing it on:
  3. dustyhansen

    Ignore Old Versions

    Yes, I have it in my overrides. I realize that is how it works and was asking if there could be logic added to prevent getting notified of older plugin versions. But I know you think I have too many suggestions as it is. It stopped on 1/8 after 6 days of hourly pings, so the API must have finally been updated with the correct version number.
  4. Can this be used just as a compost splitter? I don't think so, since I don't see any way to disable the industrial stuff. plus you can only split one item (i.e. dung). But I thought I would ask...
  5. Is this working correctly now? I am looking for a splitter plugin that doesn't adjust smelting speed, charcoal output, fuel amount, etc. Also, would you be willing to make something like this for composters? The one on this site has been pulled.
  6. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    On server restart I got completely different numbers. Started playing with the numbers again and the smelting rates started getting crazy. Unloaded it and now it is still affecting smelting. So I have to restart the server again. This plugin is messed up.
  7. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    It seems to still have an affect on rates even when unloaded. And the error still shows. I don't think this fully unloads?
  8. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    I am still getting the error and unexpected results. Here is my new config and 500 metal ore now smelts in less than 20 seconds: { "Compatible Ovens": [ "bbq.deployed", "bbq.static", "campfire", "campfire.static", "cursedcauldron.deployed", "fireplace.deployed", "furnace", "furnace.large", "furnace.static", "furnace_static", "hobobarrel_static", "hobobarrel.deployed", "refinery_small_deployed", "small_refinery_static", "skull_fire_pit", "electricfurnace.deployed", "legacy_furnace" ], "Oven charcoal Overrides - Higher the number the less often charcoal is made": {}, "Oven Smelting Overrides": {}, "Auto Start Ovens on Deploy or restarts": false, "Fuel * This = Additional Charcoal per Tick": 3.0, "Delays Smelting by a Factor 0-25 (Used to reduce speeds below vanilla)": 5, "Disable Multi Fuel Speed Bonus": true, "Enable Charcoal Creation in Electric Furnace": true, "Enable Composters - Splitting items into Composters": true, "Enable QuickSmelt - Smelting of multiple slots at once": true, "Fuel Burned Per Tick": 1, "Ignore Stack Limit In Smelted Output Slots": false, "Max Smelt slots at once": 5, "Max Ore Smelted Per Tick": 3, "Require Ore In Electric Oven For Charcoal": true, "Number of seconds to delay after reload (5 default)": 5.0, "Smelting Speed (Time Between Ticks 0.5 Default)": 1.75 } Before I made any changes today, this configuration took 54 seconds to smelt: { "Compatible Ovens": [ "bbq.deployed", "bbq.static", "campfire", "campfire.static", "cursedcauldron.deployed", "fireplace.deployed", "furnace", "furnace.large", "furnace.static", "furnace_static", "hobobarrel_static", "hobobarrel.deployed", "refinery_small_deployed", "small_refinery_static", "skull_fire_pit", "electricfurnace.deployed", "legacy_furnace" ], "Oven charcoal Overrides - Higher the number the less often charcoal is made": {}, "Oven Smelting Overrides": {}, "Auto Start Ovens on Deploy or restarts": false, "Fuel * This = Additional Charcoal per Tick": 1.0, "Delays Smelting by a Factor 0-25 (Used to reduce speeds below vanilla)": 2, "Disable Multi Fuel Speed Bonus": true, "Enable Charcoal Creation in Electric Furnace": true, "Enable Composters - Splitting items into Composters": true, "Enable QuickSmelt - Smelting of multiple slots at once": true, "Fuel Burned Per Tick": 1, "Ignore Stack Limit In Smelted Output Slots": false, "Max Smelt slots at once": 5, "Max Ore Smelted Per Tick": 3, "Require Ore In Electric Oven For Charcoal": true, "Number of seconds to delay after reload (5 default)": 5.0, "Smelting Speed (Time Between Ticks 0.5 Default)": .5 } Doesn't make any sense.
  9. dustyhansen

    Bradley Loot Inaccessible

    So I enabled bradley loot crates for players, but many of them drop into the train car and then despawn when the train does. Anything that can be done about this?
  10. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    I respawned the config and tried that too. But here is my config I was using. SimpleSplitter (1).json
  11. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    Plus it is spamming this in console, even though the plugin is not even loaded anymore. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format. [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format.
  12. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    Sorry, this doesn't help at all. I have spent hours now adjusting all of these settings and nothing is working as expected. I have increased smelting speed, increased the delay and it gets faster. I have increased the charcoal output and it gives less charcoal and uses less wood. I turn off Quick Smelt and it doesn't pull the fuel from your inventory anymore.
  13. dustyhansen

    Not Smelting Properly

    Sorry to bother again...but I can't get this to work correctly. I am trying to set it up so that it splits the stacks and pulls the fuel and all that, but the smelt rates remain vanilla. When I smelt 500 metal ore on a vanilla server, it produces 85 charcoal and takes about 190 seconds. Your plugin causes the same 500 ore to make 34 charcoal, a 40% reduction. When I set "Delays Smelting by a Factor 0-25 (Used to reduce speeds below vanilla)" to the default of 2 that it came with, it smelts in 54 seconds, about 3.5x faster than vanilla. I tried changing this to 1 and it got faster, so I changed it to 5 and it slowed down some, but when I went to 10 it got faster again. What do I need to set this thing up at to get vanilla smelting and charcoal and fuel rates?
  14. dustyhansen

    Game Tips

    Is it possible to have game tips show on the screen a little longer or make this configurable? They are pretty short.
  15. dustyhansen

    Armored Train Event

    Well I am uninstalling Bradley Tiers. My players are disappointed, but since there is no response on this and it continues to be an issue that has been going on for almost 2 years now, I don't see it getting fixed any time soon. Between this and there being no command to see what the current bradley tier is at launch, makes this plugin not really a good fit for our server.
  16. Did you remove the option to set a price when adding the item in the UI? The problem with the config file is that when you add an item it is free and people can buy it for free until you update the config and reload the plugin.
  17. It was actually only certain turrets on the train.
  18. dustyhansen

    Auto Hover Stuck

    Request sent.
  19. dustyhansen

    Vanish Status

    Are we able to update Vanish now without getting your version?
  20. dustyhansen

    Auto Hover Stuck

    We keep experiencing a bug where when a player jumps out of their mini, the mini continues to run and the controls continue to display on their screen. The only way to stop it seems to be to destroy the mini and respawn it. Relogging doesn't do anything. This happens often on cargo ship, but not exclusively.
  21. So I had another interesting scenario come up today. We use the Armored Train event and when the player engaged the train, it stopped right by another player's TC. Because of this, the turrets on the train were not able to be damaged by the player because they were being protected. Not sure if the "vehicle/train" was protected or the "trap/turret" was protected, but either way they were damaging the player and unable to take return damage. Since the train doesn't move while under attack, it was basically a standoff. Shouldn't the train and turrets be considered NPC? We use other plugins like Convoy and Cargo Train event that could also have this similar issue since they travel the map and may stop near player's TCs.
  22. dustyhansen

    Grade UI

    As I have stated in the support tickets, which are open for everyone to read. I have provided multiple screenshots and an explanation for the issues. You keep asking for more information, but not asking specific questions or stating what you want to know. I have provided all of the information that I have available. If you want to know something specific, then ask.
  23. dustyhansen

    Stuck in Twig Mode

    What more information do you need? I select twig mode and then it gets stuck in twig mode. Not sure how else to explain it.
  24. dustyhansen

    Frontier Skin Issues

    I shared multiple screenshots of the issue. What more do you need? I found 6 issues with your plugin immediately after purchasing it. You need to issue a refund immediately.


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