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Everything posted by Tangerine

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. Yea, I'm aware of this conflict, I'll try to do smt about it.
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  4. Make sure you doesn't have any other plugins that might conflict with it, also, what platform do you use?
  5. Yea, according to this logic I must add stack size control for turrets, also craft UI and store UI into this plugin. It doesn't even make any sense. There're separate plugins that provide such functionality. Have you ever heard about single responsibility principle in coding? My plugin should control NPC turret behaviour and provide delivery methods and that's all. Why aren't you writing same messages in discussion to entity limit plugin owner, but only here? Even if I ever consider to implement feature you are requesting, I'll do it as a separate plugin anyway.
  6. Tangerine

    update oxide

    Last update was on last Sunday, what do you mean?
  7. He asks 25$ for a plugin that has free analog on umod with same functions and he can't add skin check? This is not smt that my plugin should handle, it must be handled by entity limit or store plugin.
  8. Well, he can add skin check for entities into his plugin and it will be easy to limit.
  9. My plugin doesn't provide such functionality, it should be handled by external plugin, store or the one you are using to deliver turrets to user.
  10. Tangerine


    Oh, I remember, but this wasn't about interface look, but functionality. That was the only possible layer to attach. I told you to check layering of plugins you are using.
  11. Tangerine


    So, why not to leave feedback about it? I would add configuration for that, even when this plugin is exact copy of mine with couple small modifications.
  12. Tangerine

    Small UI issues

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  13. Are you sure you have added right prefab into blacklist in config?
  14. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 3.0.8
  15. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce
  16. Tested plugin, it works fine. After enabling PVE mode it no longer attacks any player related objects. Make sure u don't have other turrets plugin, that might conflict with my plugin. To help me find problem you could record and send me a video with bug.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  18. Did I sell you a TV? You cannot refund digital products, because they are virtual and it works one way.
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  20. Plugin is quite complex, has ton of features and of course it might break, as any other plugin in Rust, u must accept this rule as soon as u install mods on your server. Also, I support more than 100 plugins and sometimes I don't have time to update everything, and the bugs you encountered happened during the holidays, which is another factor. Of course, none of this is an excuse for me, and I apologise for that, but I always try to respond and update my products as quickly as possible. If you check your support tickets, I always responded to your messages in the same day or next one.
  21. No refunds. It's not smt that u can refund. U got file already. It shouldn't really affect PVE mode, are u sure u have it enabled in config? I'll test it tomorrow again.
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  23. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 3.0.7
  24. Made an update check if it fixes your issue.
  25. Tangerine

    server Heli , gun no work

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 3.0.7


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