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Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
yes but only for few sec then it should be removed ... it to protect players if box exploit punish will happen ..... ill move the check down abit to only happen if punish is going to happen
Version 1.3.6
Extra VendingMachine adds a vending machine at a monument with custom items to be added via a config All items has a refill timer . Setting it at 0 disables the timer for that item (time in seconds) Permission ExtraVendingMachine.use - if config is set to true this is needed from player to use vending machine Chat Commands (admin only) /monpos - Outputs to console monument correction pos of player pos /movevending <amount(can be desimal)> - moves vending machine in player look direction by amount and outputs new correction for config , if amount not entered 0.1 will be used /rotatevending <degree> - rotates vending and updates config so first use monpos to add monument setup to config . save config and reload plugin from this point moving and rotating vending machine will update automaticly to config Config file example item to buy will be the item sold to client item to sell will be what player pays for the buyitem so in this example itemtobuy is 5.56 ammo and itemtosell is scrap vending machine is selling ammo for scrap max stock is amount of ammo in vending machine to sell NOTE : only first 7 sellorders will be listed in vending machine NOTE: you cant have same item sold multiple times as sell orders that will break the stock logic (ItemToBuy must be different in each sellorder) { "Use Permission to access Vending machine": false, "Use second VendingMachine?": true, "Shop 1 Name": "The Awesome Shop 1", "VendingMachine 1 Monument PrefabName": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab", "VendingMachine 1 SkinID": 0, "VendingMachine 1 Sell Orders": [ { "ItemToBuy": 223891266, "ItemSkinID": 3385529905, "ItemName": "goNoob", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 200, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": -1442559428, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 50, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 600, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": -148794216, "ItemSkinID": 1390752238, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 200, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": -1211166256, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 128, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 100, "MaxStock": 10000, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 128 }, { "ItemToBuy": -1003665711, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 500, "MaxStock": 20, "Refilltime": 0, "RefillAmount": 5 }, { "ItemToBuy": 602628465, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 100, "MaxStock": 50, "Refilltime": 300, "RefillAmount": 10 }, { "ItemToBuy": 1545779598, "ItemSkinID": 3419625573, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 5000, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 } ], "VendingMachine 1 Spawn Correction": { "x": -2.5, "y": 0.0, "z": 7.0 }, "VendingMachine 1 Spawn Rotation": 0.0, "Shop 2 Name": "The Awesome Shop 2", "VendingMachine 2 Monumnet PrefabName": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab", "VendingMachine 2 SkinID": 0, "VendingMachine 2 Sell Orders": [ { "ItemToBuy": 223891266, "ItemSkinID": 832577120, "ItemName": "hole", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 1000, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": 573676040, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 500, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": -1651220691, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 500, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 }, { "ItemToBuy": 1545779598, "ItemSkinID": 3419563010, "ItemName": "", "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "ItemsellAmount": 5000, "MaxStock": 10, "Refilltime": 1500, "RefillAmount": 1 } ], "VendingMachine 2 Spawn Correction": { "x": -3.94, "y": 1.75, "z": 29.75 }, "VendingMachine 2 Spawn Rotation": 180.0 }$6.00- 51 comments
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(and 2 more)
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Version 2.0.0
Adds a new rocket launcher that shoots sharks instead of rockets. I don't even know why but I need one. Launcher and ammo can be setup in config to spawn in world . so no need for loot tables. Permission SharkLauncher.spawn - required to spawn launcher with chat command Chat Command /sl Console Comands givelauncher <playername/ID> -gives the shark launcher giveammo <playername/ID> <amount> - gives shark ammo to player CONFIG { "1. Launcher does Damage [when false damage only 5]": true, "2.FireRateCooldown in Sec's": 5, "3. Shark Launch velocity [default = 20]": 20, "4. Weapon SkinID": 1964228252, "5. Ammo SkinID": 3419432559, "Enable Item world spawns?": true, "Drop Settings": [ { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_elite", "Minimum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Maximum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Minimum Ammo item to drop": 1, "Maximum Ammo item to drop": 3, "Item Drop Chance": 10.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "codelockedhackablecrate", "Minimum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Maximum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Minimum Ammo item to drop": 1, "Maximum Ammo item to drop": 3, "Item Drop Chance": 10.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_ammunition", "Minimum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Maximum Weapon item to drop": 1, "Minimum Ammo item to drop": 1, "Maximum Ammo item to drop": 3, "Item Drop Chance": 20.0 } ] } ...and soon this no point becomes your point Does kill players . even if you have TruePVE$6.00 -
sorry you feel that . a paid product should never get new and better aspects. but as a Plugin Developer ... i will be developing my plugins ... so please keep in mind there will be more updates in the future. and also remember most of these updates has been requested by the community and i hope you wouldnt hold this against the plugin . but remember plugin will still work if you don't update
ok so custom commands works like a console command.... so lets say you have a plugin called gifts (all makebelive now) and in gifts you have a console command that looks like this gift <player> <gift> so this command has 2 arguments . so in noob terms gift nooblet c4 so command name first space then player name/ID then gift to give ..... in this plugin there are argument placeholders that you can find in discription .... lets take a normal rust command ..... give a player an c4 inventory.giveto “player name” “short name” “amount” (from https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-give-command/) so your config should have this as command inventory.giveto {playername} “c4” “1”