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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. there is no permissions . only players with auth 1 or 2 can use command sl to spawn the launcher
  3. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    logic for that is in the works . just not that simple to implement without breaking some basic features
  4. Version 1.0.1


    WorldBorderWarning Warns players when they get close to the world border. especially with new tugboats and players hiding on edge of maps Permissions WorldBorderWarning.use - players with this permission will get the warning Config { "1. Distance to start Warning (50 = about 2 grid blocks)": 50.0 }
  5. NooBlet

    Doesn't work...

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.2
  6. NooBlet

    Doesn't work...

    No problem enjoy
  7. NooBlet

    Doesn't work...

    please try update posted now
  8. NooBlet

    Doesn't work...

    can you please confirm permission is applied to player that should receive the warning
  9. No Problem ....Love The plugin , so love to help
  10. click on player then at bottom groups . then just revoke on group you want
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  12. ive tested this my side and cant reproduce .... i need more info on backpack plugin (settings , what items) and a list of other plugins in your server .
  13. can you do this with a natural tug as well . as i dont believe this has to do with the plugin ..... as the tugboat is just spawned no other aspects is added
  14. @TomHud at moment ist just changing the speed and fuel ... but other heath stuff will be in one of the updates coming. at moment im not in rush to push out updates as i suspect facepunch might change things along the way ... at moment im in process of testing minicopter docking to tug . so far its forking ok'ish
  15. See like i said . Its a oxide plugin and i dont know how to make it compatible with carbon .... so im sory it might be a while before i learn how to do that
  16. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    wow c, ok , a lot to answer . so lets break it down ... at moment my answer will be no . (not tested) so i assume it will give a math error . the way i multiply and divide to make it as random as possible this hats been requested . and logic work is in progress , but is going slow . my country(South Africa) is in very bad power cuts(loadshedding) sometimes up to 6 hours off a day , and between running own server and coding work for all plugins (current and coming) rime is very limited Ill have a look , must be a little error . and yes commands is hard coded . no plan os of yet to make custom commands owners coice on how many he wants , but might be in future yes sorry . the config is a very old way in oxide time (hinting at my age) of doing it . . and this plugin was created for my personal use in my server years ago ... ill definitely work on updating the config to more class related to make it more user friendly ...... and lastly . yes there will be support for paybak2 ... but keep in mind to do that i need access to the code to retrofit it to the red button(ex. shocker i need to do a timer in the red button between the console command to activate and deactivate) .... as of now i dont own payback2 . so till i do i will add some form of it it Hope this Answers hopefully all your questions
  17. NooBlet

    Chicken Launcher

    i its i in the workings and is having some issues to fix first but there will be the attacking sound in future
  18. more changed in the works with MyTugBoat health changes mini dock deployable changes (probably ,not sure yet) player controlled weapons for water combat
  19. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4
  20. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Ok . Ill have a look at whats availible when my power comes on
  21. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    No not simpleshark.enable simpleshark.population
  22. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Not a Bug
  23. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Ok can you check if there is a simpleshark.population var . If so then setting it to 0 will stop spawns but not disable the shark
  24. NooBlet

    No Shark?

  25. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Ok . So im in a powercut in my country . So in hour time ill jump on and test that setting . I feel that might fisable plugin from spawning it . If i can confirm thats the case ill get a workaround for you but im 90% sure this is the problem . As the error indicateds that shark was not spawned ..... disableing the simple shark is most likely the culpret


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