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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Ok does any of your other plugin block sharks from spawning in water . Or can you confirm there are sharks roaming arround naturaly
  2. NooBlet

    No Shark?

    Supply config file . Server plugin list . Oxide verstion rust server version and any errors in console
  3. NooBlet

    Heli Wars

    yes .. with the ping system (till i can find away that the pings dont go to teammates) on event start teams gets saved to data file . and recreated on event end. only wat at moment i found to eliminate the double pings between teamates
  4. sory for delay . but with my country 's power cuts and a boat load of plugins(comming and current ) and own server to run ... time is limited
  5. Changed Status from Not a Bug to Work in Progress
  6. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    this meens . the player that did this is an admin or has auth level 1 or 2
  7. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    @SlayersRust just tested it on my server and no you cant spawn multiple as normal player
  8. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    Ill have a look at code in 2hour when i get home but normal player should not be able to spawn multiple
  9. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    Only admins can spawn multiple . Player are blocked to only one
  10. you have to give me time its is a big rewrite to do this
  11. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    update released @rrex
  12. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

  13. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    not sure what you asking .... you want the normal spawn boats to be invincible ?
  14. ok give me a day or so . ill try get you a copy of with rustplugin instead of covalence
  15. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    As the tugboat despawn rate is so hight you can only spawn once per irl day . I feel thats fine . And offcourse cant spawn if you already have one ... ill get a cooldown on fetch in yes
  16. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  17. the do recommend but its not essential . as i dont use carbon . i have no way to test a carbon build .... but carbaon states its compatible with oxide . si it should work
  18. this plugin is for rust just used the covalence plugin framework and according to carbon documentation it should be compatible with carbon...
  19. NooBlet

    Chicken Launcher

  20. NooBlet

    Chicken Launcher

    give me 5min ill make one quick
  21. Version 1.0.4


    About Chicken Launcher Adds a new rocket launcher that shoots Chickens instead of rockets. I don't even know why but I need one. Permission ChickenLauncher.spawn - required to spawn launcher ChickenLauncher.shoot - required to shoot launcher Only one command: /cl CONFIG { "1. Launcher does Damage ": true, "2. FireRateCooldown in Sec's": 5, "3. Chicken Launch velocity [default = 20]": 20 } ...and soon this no point becomes your point The Launcher can be added to Plugin "Kits" all you need is the SkinID which ill supply in DM if needed (keep in mind this has no limit on ammo so think before giving to normal players) Does kill players . even if you have TruePVE
  22. Version 1.0.6


    MiniLowFuelWarning warns minicopter drivers when there fuel is low Permissions MiniLowFuelWarning.use - player gets low fuel warning
  23. Changed Status from Work in Progress to No Response
  24. NooBlet

    My TugBoat

    @Covfefe it is fixed in the nect update tomorrow , ill try to get the pve commands in for you
  25. ive looked at code . and i dont seem to see what could have caused it . and cant reproduce my side ... add me on discord NooBlet#1804 so i can give you an update to see if it works for you


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