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Everything posted by NooBlet

  1. NooBlet


    i can confirm it works ... i bought it few days ago . and its great
  2. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    no worries . seems there was a misunderstanding . in the fact you need payback for payback punishments
  3. NooBlet


    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  4. NooBlet


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  5. NooBlet


    The plugin works without payback . You just cant use payback punishments if you dont own payback
  6. NooBlet


    Just to confirm you do own payback right...? . I will test tonight when i get home . But ive never seen or cant reproduce that error myside one that i didnt test is if all set to zero . But that would meen that you dont own paypack and its not installed on your server ... but thats just a guess at this point . Ill test when i get home
  7. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    there seems to be i problem with payback hooks ... can others confirm this ....
  8. NooBlet


    ok might be a compatibility issue with payback .... . dont know if tommy updated it .... have t ask him again
  9. NooBlet


    do you own payback ? and what platform are you useing . oxide,harmoney ,umod or carbon
  10. NooBlet


    Can i get m9re details . Please ..... one the error c9de dont look familier . Ate you useing oxide ? . What version of payback do you have
  11. NooBlet

    UAV Drones

    added a preview vid for update
  12. NooBlet

    UAV Drones

    Ill make a vid tonight So when you deployed a drone and identifier is set to start wit "UAV" WHEN FLING IT . IT WILL AUTO MATICLY PING NEARBY PLAYER AND YOUR TEAM WILL ALSO GET THE PINGS .. WORKS GREAT FOR DEFENDING EVENTS OR DOOR CAMPING
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  14. NooBlet

    Needs Updating

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  15. im not sure yet . still at work . but ill have updates out quick as soon as i can tonight
  16. i will have a fix update out soon .... just gota get beck home from work ..... dont wory:D:D:D:D:D
  17. he means . Player usergroups
  18. NooBlet

    UAV Drones

    Version 1.3.0


    Adds UAV Function to in game Drones All that needs to be done is set Drone Identifier to " UAV" and then something unique ex. "UAVnoob" (Can be Changed via config) remember you don't want others to control your drone NOTE: all other RemoteConnections with the identifier starting with your prefix will be removed when leaving computerstation so when you open ComputerStation , all your teammates(and your own) drones with the UAV in identifier will be displayed, and when you have the perms the drone will ping all players near it(other players red and teammates green,NPC purple) UI to see Direction and buttons to toggle pings Remote UAV . you need a RFtransmitter and a Computer station in inventory then setting RF to FREQ 9992 (to be config soon) will remote deploy computerstation. Permissions UAVDrone.silent - Players with this permission can use function to not alert pinged players UAVDrone.admin - Players with this permission dont show up on pings UAVDrone.use - Players with this permission can use UAV ability UAVDrone.npc - allows players to ping Scientists CONFIG { "CustomSoundPrefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "DroneRange": 5000.0, "IdentifierPrefix": "UAV", "Pingfrequency": 9.0, "PingPlayersinsidebases": true, "PingRange": 150.0, "PlayPingSound": true, "UseCustomSound": false, "UsePluginDroneLightSystem": true } LANGUAGE FILE { "Pinged": "You are being <color=red>Pinged</color> by a UAV Drone!!!!" } Videos Preview
  19. Update completed
  20. pushing update in few min ....... added timer on each item .....
  21. buzy with it now ... refill timer will be global .... i dont like having multiple timers running that could lag a server . but refill amounts will be per item
  22. items refills every server restart. but am willing to do a timer for custom refill
  23. NooBlet

    My Beacon

    Version 1.0.6


    My Beacon is small beacon plugin that shows your items across map to you ModulerCars needs to be edited to become players car on a Garage lift. rest On first mount . Each beacon has its own permission to use. Current Beacons Available: Minicopters Teammates Horses Last Death submarines Boats Modulercars Drones Config { "ArrowHeadSize": 3.0, "ArrowHeight": 25.0, "ArrowHeightFromGround": 3.0, "Colors": { "GridDayColor": "blue", "GridNightColor": "yellow", "NameDayColor": { "a": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "grayscale": 0.114, "maxColorComponent": 1.0, "r": 0.0 }, "NameNightColor": { "a": 1.0, "b": 1.0, "g": 1.0, "grayscale": 1.0, "maxColorComponent": 1.0, "r": 1.0 } }, "DisplayTime": 30.0, "NightEndTime": 9, "NightStartTime": 20, "TextSize": 18 } Commands /mymini - Shows all minicopters that you have /myteam - Shows current teammates /mydeath - Show last death location /myhorse - Show all horses belonging to you /myboat - Show all boats belonging to you /mysub - Show all Subs belonging to you /myvehicle - shows all Cars belonging to you /mydrone - shows all Drones beloning to you Future Beacons Train Carts
  24. NooBlet

    The Red Button

    I want to apologize to all my users for the delay on all requests and changes . I'm in the middle of a personal issue that I need to tend to first . but I have not forgotten an will be back to updating soon. Much Love That other Guy
  25. NooBlet

    Sub Wars

    I want to apologize to all my users for the delay on all requests and changes . I'm in the middle of a personal issue that I need to tend to first . but I have not forgotten an will be back to updating soon. Much Love That other Guy


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