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Everything posted by Sigilo

  1. When using a travel command you should be at your base, or naked without anything valuable, because your body will remain in that place the same way that when you manually disconnect from the server. An offline player body depot sounds bad regarding performance. On a normal weekly wipe I receive arround 3k of unique players per server. If 10% of them use this method to travel between servers, keeping 300+ player bodies in a safe zone could be bad. Additionally, you could use this commands to escape pvp, or to fill your inventory with loot when being raided and travel to another server to keep it safe. Anyways if you have some special requirement to fit your particular server, I'm always willing to do some custom work.
  2. I have not received a single ticket because of this, just explain that this is not for traveling with your gear between servers, its just the equivalent of finding the server on the search list and connecting to it. I operate 10 servers all linked via this plugin.
  3. in this case I recommend using version 1.0.0 which has no timer before teleport
  4. It's done (=, version updated to 1.0.1, thanks for your feedback!
  5. I like to keep my code and the functionality it provides as simple as possible. I also run high pop servers so I try to optimize everything as much as I can.
  6. no problem at all, and keep the good fight (=
  7. if you want it just for vips (replace vip with your oxide vip group): o.grant group vip xtravel.use if you want it for everyone: o.grant group default xtravel.use
  8. Hi, no, this is only for connecting. The same effect as if you connect to another server from the game menu. No inv is changed or transfered during the process.
  9. This is an example config file for multiple servers: { "Servers": { "server1": { "IP": "", "Port": 28015 }, "server2": { "IP": "", "Port": 28025 }, "vanilla": { "IP": "", "Port": 28035 }, "modx2": { "IP": "", "Port": 28015 }, "modx5": { "IP": "", "Port": 28025 } } } as a result, in game you can write: /server1 /server2 /vanilla /modx2 /modx5 to travel to the different servers.
  10. is not the same, the one you posted just displays a message that tells you where to reconnect, that wont work for 100% of your clients. Mine reconects you to the destination server after a timer you can set. It also displays a message informing you that you will be reconected. The most important part is that the plugin handles the reconnection, you dont need to write anything on console.
  11. Version 1.0.2


    XTravel: Travel and redirect players to other servers using the Rust Nexus System XTravel is a plugin that allows you to travel between servers using the nexus system with a simple custom chat command. You can configure an unlimited number of destinations in an easy-to-use config file. Just enter the command name (which should be the name of your server), the IP, and the port. Configuration The configuration for the servers can be done in the config file. Here is an example of how to add a server: { "Servers": { "myservername": { "IP": "", "Port": 28015 } } } In this example, myservername is the command that will be used to travel to this server. Usage instructions To allow a player to use this command, add the following Oxide permission: xtravel.use. In the in-game chat, type: /myservername. For example: /vanilla, /x2, or /coolserverx10. Upon entering the command, a 10-second timer will start, and a message will inform the player that the travel is about to commence. You can cancel the travel during this period by typing /canceltravel. Important note: Player inventories or BP's will not be transferred to the destination server. Admin commands First, add the admin permission: xtravel.admin - /myservername all: It will transport all players in the current server to the destination server. The cooldown cannot be cancelled by players (ex: /serverx2 all). - /myservername steamid: It will transport the specified player to the destination server (ex: /vanillaserver 76561198396973221). The steamid is a 17 digit number. Language files Language files for all messages can be edited in the oxide/lang/en directory. Support If you have any questions or comments, please post them here or contact me directly. Updates The plugin is regularly updated and tested live on multiple servers to ensure flawless operation. Please check the version number in the XTravel.cs file to ensure you are using the latest version.
  12. Version 1.0.1


    ServerRedirect automatically redirect your players to another server of your choice on login. Usefull for when you change IP or merge servers. The plugin handles the reconnection, no action is needed by the players. It's 100% automatic. When they log in to the old server, a message will be displayed and they will be redirected to the new IP and port after the timer runs out. No need for permissions, just load the plugin, edit the config with your ip, port, message and timer (seconds) and reload the plugin so it starts redirecting players to your new ip. Example of config file: { "RedirectDelay": 10, "RedirectMessage": "This server has moved IP, you will be redirected in {0} seconds.", "TargetServerIP": "", "TargetServerPort": 0 }
  13. Sigilo

    Player Ranks

    when obtaining a title, the plugin will add the steamid to an oxide group, but when this title is lost it will not remove it from that group. is there a way to remove the user from the group when the title is lost?


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