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Everything posted by 0xF

  1. 0xF

    PvE Status

    Hello, PVE is not included in any way, because this is just an outline for the future, there is no PVE mode yet, but in the update I didn't really report that it had been added.
  2. 0xF

    tps.toggle bug

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2
  3. 0xF

    tps.toggle bug

    Yes, there was indeed a small mistake, it was corrected, thanks for letting me know. The plugin has been updated without changing the version.
  4. 0xF

    tps.toggle bug

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. 0xF

    tps.toggle bug

    Okay, thanks for letting me know.
  6. 0xF

    Additional Belt

    Version 1.0.5


    The AdditionalBelt plugin is a useful tool for players who want to get the most out of their game experience. By providing an extra slot in your inventory to carry needed items, this plugin can make gameplay more enjoyable and rewarding. One of the main benefits of using this plugin is that it allows players to carry more items without losing valuable inventory space. This can be especially useful in gameplay moments where inventory management is a key gameplay element, as it allows players to be more efficient and effective in exploration and combat. Feathures: Doesn't stress the server. The whole plugin is made on the mechanics of the game and does not stress the server in any way, no data files, no containers with the creation of new items. Convenient bind switch through "E then R", which allows you to freely switch between belts even in the most intense PvP. Nice UI button next to belt slots for switching inside inventory. It's possible to protect a dropped belt, after which a codelock will be installed on the crate. Video Plugin Demo: Permissions: additionalbelt.enabled - Permission to receive/wear an additional belt additionalbelt.loot.protection - protect a dropped belt from being looted by other players additionalbelt.nodrop - Disable the belt dropout additionalbelt.keep - Saving the belt, returns after respawning Key combination for switching: E then R Default Command: belt (Configurable in the config) Default Config: { "Cooldown between belt switches in seconds": 0.0, "Notify the player in the chat after switching belts?": true, "Command": "belt" } Default Lang: { "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.", "LootProtection": "This crate is protected, it cannot be looted.", "Title": "Belt of {0}", "Switch": "You switched to an additional belt.", "Cooldown": "You switch between belts too often, you can switch again after {0} seconds.", "Grant": "You have been added an additional belt. Usage: E then R, console command - {0}, chat command - /{0}.", "Revoke": "You have been revoked for an extra belt.", "RevokeWithDrop": "You have been revoked for an extra belt. The belt is dropped next to you, remember to pick up your items." } API: bool HasBelt(ulong playerId) // Find out if a player has an additional belt or not (includes sleepers) List<Item> GetItems(ulong playerId) // Get a list of additional belt items (includes sleepers)
  7. 0xF

    Permission Status

    Okay guys, that's a good idea, other than that, I was going to update timed permissions, add some stuff.
  8. 0xF

    How can I equip a boss monster

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  9. 0xF

    How can I equip a boss monster

    "Одежда": [ | Clothes { "ShortName": "hazmatsuit.lumberjack", | "SkinID (0 - default)": 2957753292 |- Custom item from CustomizableProtection } ], "Быстрые слоты": [ | Fast slots { "ShortName": "bow.hunting", | "Кол-во": 1, | "SkinID (0 - default)": 2359223836, | - Custom item from CustomizableWeapons "Модификации на оружие": [], "Боеприпасы": "arrow.hv" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Кол-во": 10, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Модификации на оружие": [], "Боеприпасы": "" } ],
  10. 0xF

    Customizable Weapons

    The price is unlikely to drop much, as it is a tool to customize existing and create your own custom weapons, both for players and bots
  11. 0xF

    Not working

    This plugin was loaded after CustomStatusFramework?
  12. 0xF

    Not working

    Do you have all the dependencies installed? Are there any errors, warnings?
  13. 0xF

    Not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. 0xF

    Not working

    Answered in a duplicated request.
  15. 0xF

    Not working

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  16. 0xF

    Not working

    Hi, sorry for the long reply, I didn't get the notification and I didn't know what you wrote to me. Do you still have this problem? I looked at the config, but didn't notice any errors. Try configuring this for one and see if it works. Also, do you have all the dependencies installed?
  17. 0xF

    How can I equip a boss monster

    In the settings of the boss/nps in the belt put the weapon with the shortname and skinid as a custom weapon
  18. 0xF


    Я пересмотрел предоставленное вами видео. На вашем фрагменте видно что вы поставили большую защиту в ботинки, и взорвались. Это не является багом, так как плагин учитывает игровую систему регистрации урона в определенную кость, а взрыв от взрыва не спасут ботинки. Вы можете взять любой костюм что имеет общий показатель защиты и поставить туда защиту от взрыва, посмотреть что будет. Так же в скоростных ракетах 2 типа урона, есть ещё AntiVehicle, не уверен работает ли он против игроков или нет.
  19. 0xF


    Changed Status from to Not a Bug
  20. 0xF


    Changed Status from Not a Bug to
  21. 0xF


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. 0xF

    Permission Status

    Okay, I'll add more later.
  23. 0xF

    Customizable Weapons

    This folder is not intended for custom weapons, only for files from the default. Don't try to put files in folders they aren't meant for, it won't do any good. I didn't say I added such a feature, wait for an update. A little later I will add the ability to control permissions and set strength, not all at once, just follow the updates, in each update I clearly spelled out what was changed. By the way I thought about what would look control permissions on the custom weapon, the option that it will show one thing and then issue another I did not like, I decided that I just do not give the player the opportunity to use these weapons if he does not have the necessary privileges.
  24. 0xF

    Wipe Timer Status

    This is a problem with CustomStatusFramework, but as far as I remember in the latest updates Mr01sam has already fixed it, try to install the latest version.
  25. 0xF

    PVP Zone Status

    It has just been released.


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