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Everything posted by 0xF

  1. 0xF

    Admin Map

    I have added the ability to display players by permissions, but there will be no integration with zonemanager, if you want to restrict their use you should use other methods to take away and grant permission
  2. 0xF

    Admin Map

    I will soon release an update with the ability to copy steamid
  3. 0xF

    Admin Map

    I can add player info output to the console, and afterwards you can open the console LOG FILE and copy from there or you can add a button yourself with the command
  4. 0xF

    Admin Map

    it's not realizable, have you ever seen copying id through a button?) And I haven't, because you can't
  5. 0xF

    Admin Map

    There are problems with these, may be added later
  6. 0xF

    Admin Map

    1. No, this will not be implemented, it is not practical. 2. You can't swipe, don't pay attention to the block on the left, it's necessary for implementation. Select the cupboard via RMB on the marker on the map itself. 3. Yes, my mistake, really missing, I will now release a fix, download it.
  7. 0xF

    Customizable Weapons

    Okay, I'll take a look
  8. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Later, I'm thinking of adding a search function for the sleeper map to make it easier to find.
  9. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Because they shouldn't be displayed there, sleepers on the text map are only displayed when a player has logged into the server but hasn't woken up yet, as stated in the video.
  10. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Yes, it will be vanilla.
  11. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Maybe I'll also add another display mode, with smaller text. Keep an eye out for updates.
  12. 0xF

    Admin Map

    No, unfortunately you can't change the text size, but I'm thinking of adding an option to disable text (icons only). The radius won't affect anything except a finer selection of the zone. It would be appreciated if you share the commands, also you can specify commands to open the menu of other plugins, as I did with the command to give items to the player
  13. 0xF

    Admin Map

    No, you need to first select the area next to the players then you can select by clicking on the marker or on the left. Yes, another plugin created before from umod, maximally unoptimized worked together with a lot of marker-shops, from which just blew up the server.
  14. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Tried it with 15 players, no lags were noticed. Radius is needed to select players from the area and the left side displays players from this area, so you can conveniently select them or see what players there are. I advise you to watch the video, there everything is clearly visible.
  15. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Hi, just been added.
  16. 0xF

    Admin Map

    Version 2.2.1


    Admin Map is an innovative plugin for the game of Rust, designed to make server administration easier and improve the quality of the gaming experience. Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to effectively control players, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants. Main features: Interactive map with players: Admin Map provides server admins with a detailed and user-friendly map showing the positions of all players. This allows admins to easily monitor player activity and movements, and quickly detect suspicious activity. Large variety of different admin map layers: - Marker, - Text , - Sleeper, - TC, - Stash, - Sleeping Bag Quick Commands on Players: The plugin allows admins to perform quick actions on players directly from the map. Send messages, punish or help players in real time, minimizing reaction time and increasing interaction efficiency. Minimal server load: One of the key features of Admin Map is its low server load. All processing takes place solely on the client side, which means that the plugin will not slow down the server or create additional delays for players. This makes it an ideal choice even for servers with high traffic. Ease of use: The plugin's intuitive user interface provides admins with easy access to functionality. Navigating the map, sending commands and monitoring players is done with minimal effort, making server administration easy. Customization: Admin Map provides admins with the option to customize the functionality to suit their needs. Scanning area, available commands, buttons, permissions and other options. Hardcore bypass: Admins will be able to access the map on servers with the hardcore game mode installed. After permission is granted, it is necessary to rejoin the server Support in RUST+: You will be able to view players online on the map directly in your phone without going to the server! Admin Map is an innovative solution that combines convenience, functionality and optimization. It provides administrators with tools to effectively manage players without negatively impacting gameplay and other server participants. The Admin Map plugin is an essential asset for any Rust server administrator looking to create a comfortable and safe gaming environment. Permissions: adminmap.allow - for use adminmap and hardcore bypass adminmap.<button perm> - any permissions specified in the button settings adminmap.teleport2marker - teleportation by marker via CTRL+RMB adminmap.invis - hide player from the player map adminmap.rust+ - enable rust+ admin map adminmap.rust+.invis - hide from rust+ admin map (recommended in case of giving the map to players) Commands: /amap - show sidebar /amap off - disable everything and hide the sidebar Color designations on the cupboards map: Default Config: { "Auto show sidebar panel": true, "Open the admin menu instead of the action menu": false, "Text Map Settings": { "Font size": 8.0, "Use color generation for teams?": true, "Color for team": "ffaf4d", "Color for solo player": "9bd92f", "Color for sleeper": "404040" }, "Command Buttons": [ { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP", "Command": "teleport {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "TP2ME", "Command": "teleport {steamid} {admin.steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "INV", "Command": "/viewinv {username}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KILL", "Command": "kill {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "KICK", "Command": "kick {steamid}", "Color": "0.9 0.1 0.25 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nTEAMMATES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_teammates {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nPRIVLIDGES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_privlidges {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSLEEPING\nBAGS", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_sleepingbags {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" }, { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SHOW\nSTASHES", "Command": "adminmap.cmd show_player_stashes {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } ] } Button Library: Give item to player for AdminMenu by k1lly0u | Minimum required version 1.0.1 { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "GIVE", "Command": "adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4;adminmenu.callback {steamid}.4", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } Permanent ban { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "BAN", "Command": "ban {steamid}", "Color": "1 0 0 1" } View backpack (for Backpack Pro) { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "/b {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } View backpack (for Backpacks plugin from uMod) { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "Backpack", "Command": "viewbackpack {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } Spectate { "Permission (adminmap.<perm>)": "", "Label": "SPECTATE", "Command": "spectate {steamid}", "Color": "1 1 1 1" } If you want to add buttons here, message me on my discord server
  17. Also about regions, it works not bad, but there are some errors. For example, when you put one field in a region, all the fields are put in this region after compilation, and I would like the regions to specifically complement each other, combined, as well as it would solve the problem with priorities to some extent. There is also a moment with duplicating the beginning of regions. When you make regions of fields in several files, after compilation you get: #region Variables ... ... #region Variables ... ... #endregion This is where combining regions with the same name would be great.
  18. Hi, I found a not very nice thing, overloaded methods with different arguments are combined into one method, although they should not.
  19. Good stuff. In future updates I'd also like to see region support and the ability to prioritize placement in the file. At the moment you can set the priority by putting numbers in front of file names, but it is not very convenient.
  20. 0xF

    Permission Status

    Hello. You can customize your time display format.
  21. 0xF

    Wipe Timer Status

    The error that you sent me is related to the absence of a field in the WipeTimer class, this class is not a plugin class, but is located in a server dll, so this is a very strange error. Add me to the discord for id .0xf. and send me your Assembly-CSharp.dll from RustDedicated_Data\Managed so I can check it out. I can also reply to you more quickly on Discord.
  22. 0xF

    Error console spawn

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
    Great framework that greatly expands the possibilities of writing plugins! Thanks for your great contribution to the development of Rust
  23. 0xF

    Error console spawn

    Try deleting the CustomizableWeapons folder and make the weapon again. That should help
  24. 0xF

    Custom Entities

    I just tried your framework, it's really a very nice thing, opening a lot of possibilities. But I noticed one bug, it is related to saving, if there is only 1 object, after destroying it, the file is not saved and the object reappears after restarting the plugin. The solution is to delete this code fragment in line 1204 (Save method). if (entityAmount == 0) { return; } This is a quick solution and it's not quite right, as it will most likely cause files without custom entities to be saved. We'll wait for the official fix)


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