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Everything posted by Doctros

  1. My bad... Thank you for the insight! That fixed it!
  2. Oxide.Ext.UiFramework is referenced by PunishAttacker plugin but is not loaded [CSharp] Started Oxide.Compiler v1.0.32.0 successfully Ignored unexpected plugin compilation failure: PunishAttacker Error while compiling PunishAttacker: The type or namespace name 'UiFramework' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 10, Pos: 17
  3. Doctros

    Bot Harvest Question

    Hello, I was wondering, When I kill a bot and I chop his body up I get the skull of the bot along with bone fragments and cloth which is great! how would I go about also getting raw human flesh? I use the flesh in my fish traps. Thanks
  4. Hello, I have had players on my server complain that they are still getting punished when they are in the same team in-game so I tested it and yes, in-game teams are getting punished. I will attach my .json cfg so you can see how I have it configured and maybe see something wrong or that needs to be changed. FYI I am also running the True PVE plugin. Any insight would be helpful, Thanks! PunishAttacker.json
  5. THANK YOU so much! It's working now!
  6. Thank You! I will give it a try!
  7. Got it. Flag is = language Thanks! And I do have ImageLibrary installed What about the Avatar? Thanks again!
  8. Hello, I love your plugin, but I am having an issue with when viewing the "Player List/Info" screen, No player Avatar is displayed on any of the players. And I know that I have an active Steam avatar But it does not show. Secondly, The [SteamInfo] location information is correct. But the flag icon before the name is not.I have attached a picture so you can see what I mean It seems that the plugin is not able to retrieve the correct information. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Doctros

    Config File Help

    Hello all, I was able to set up the Quick Menu customizable button that already comes with the plugin. However I am having a hard time trying to add another one via the .json config file. Could someone please post an example on how the config file should look "format wise" with an added secondary custom button for the Quick Menu? I have attached what I have now. Thanks for any help! AdminMenu.json
  10. ok, it seems that True PVE Plugin is causing the issue where the attacker does not get killed. In True PVE I have I set it to "anything can hurt players" & "players can hurt players" but the attacker does not get killed. However when I set it to "handleDamage": false, (Default true) the attacker now does get killed but the rest of the True PVE plugin protection settings are deactivated. which makes the True PVE plugin useless. Punish Attacker states that it's compatible with True PVE & NextGenPVE. All I'm looking for is for all of the TruePVE protections to be tuned on and active with the Punish Attacker plugin to actually kill an attacker after 2 attack hits dealt to the victim. Any ideas on how I can get this to work? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Ok, so I followed your recommendation above and Attacker is not dying. The warnings pop up eventually and state that the attacker was punished but attacker is still alive. I looked at the /oxide/logs/PunishAttacker/ and they say, "7656119xxxxxxxxxx was attacking 7656119xxxxxxxxxx and was punished tkilled" . However the attacker is still alive. I will attach my .json file so you can see the edits I made. Thanks Again! PS. I did update the plugin to latest version "1.8.4" PunishAttacker.json
  12. Hello, I have installed this plugin, added Oxide.Ext.UiFramework.dll to correct folder and have True PVE set to "anything can hurt players" & "players can hurt players" kick attacker works just fine when enabled. However The attacker is not taking health damage. What I am looking for is not so much to kick the attacker, rather to hurt the attacker with 50% health damage per attack hit so if he attacks you twice he dies. is this possible? my config .json file attached. Also is a slap player plugin needed to harm the attacker? Thanks for the help! PunishAttacker.json
  13. Doctros


    I just wanted to say that this is a great plugin! I just bought it and I am testing it out on my PvE Rust server. I was wondering if there is a way to add the JetPacks to a vending machine so that players can by them with scrap? Thanks again!
  14. Yes I agree, The error below, is a pain in the butt and I am sure that it causes performance issues having to write, log and by sending the error to the console constantly. I did find a plugin that removes this error from showing, but that only hide it and it does not fix the issue. I know that this plugin is for the OilRig, but I think "Steenamaroo" is on the right track and might be able to investigate and find a way to fix this map wide for NPC's, Animals, etc... We have faith in you Steenamaroo!
  15. Doctros


    Never mind, I downloaded and installed. IT WORKS! Great job and thanks for the plugin!
  16. Doctros


    Quick Question. Does this table work like the in-game tables (Functional) or is it just cosmetic?
  17. I did, But I will check again. Thanks!
  18. Hey Steenamaroo, I just wanted to let you know that "AlwaysUseLights": true is not working. Thanks!
  19. I understand completely and stand by you on the recent events of going to a paid plugin. I know that some people are a little upset about this due to them being used to getting FREE stuff or just have the "I am entitled" attitude. You and others that have the talent to be able to write them is a godsend and everyone just needs to recognize the hard work you and others put into writing and maintaining them. Thank you for all your hard work and the reply!
  20. Hello Again, The Bots are not dying instantly from head shots with my chosen weapons. Here is my setting: }, "Other": { "Chute": false, "Suicide_Timer": 5, "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": true, "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": ["l96.entity","bolt_rifle.entity","rocket_launcher.entity"], "Disable_Radio": false } Is this the correct format for this section? Thanks Again!
  21. Doctros

    Quick Question "type"

    Hello Steenamaroo, I just have a quick question. I noticed that on the new BotReSpawn default-DefaultProfiles.json file there is this line at the beginning of each section/monument: "AirDrop": { "type": 3, - and - "CH47": { "type": 3, - and - "Abandoned Cabins 0": { "type": 0, This "type": 0 or "type": 3, I don't know what this refers to and if it something I need to adjust or just leave alone? Thanks for your Awesome plugin and input!
  22. Doctros

    Locked Crate Bots Explode!

    Thanks for the quick reply! I have changed that and all is well! Thanks Again!
  23. Doctros

    Locked Crate Bots Explode!

    Hello, This is for crates that spawn by default on land monuments. I am having this issue where the 2 scientists that I have spawn at a hackable locked crate explode. As soon as the locked crate starts to get hacked, The 2 scientists spawn then 4 seconds after they spawn they explode. Then I get a message in console "xxxx name [1234567] was killed by Explosion" I also get the same "sometimes" not all the time, with the Airdrop bots I have spawn for the Airdrop. I have it set to spawn 1 bot per Airdrop crate. I will attach my data/default-DefaultProfiles.json If you need any more info just let me know. Any help would be appreciated! default-DefaultProfiles.json
  24. Doctros


    Is there a way to add more chat commands to bring the InfoScreen up? In the InfoScreens.json config file there is, "CommandAlias": "info" Would it be possible to add other commands to this line like "help", "rules", "wipe" I tried this and it did not work: "CommandAlias": "info", "help", "rules", "wipe" Or would this be possible on future updates? Thanks!
    Great Plugin! I have used it for years on my Rust servers. I did have a few players that informed me that the images looked blurry and that they could not read it. I found out that it was on their end (Their Rust game settings), So have them do this on their PC to fix the issue. In the RUST options menu under "Graphics" you need to make sure that the "Graphics Quality" setting is set to above "3", Max is "6" (which is nice and sharp)! Anything below "3" on their game graphics settings will make the image blurry and very un-readable. Also the best monitor resolution size is 1920 x 1080 and above. Again, GREAT Plugin! Good job Steenamaroo!


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