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Everything posted by saintmichel13

  1. saintmichel13

    pvp zone disappears

    when the convoy breaks apart e.g. truck moves away or bradley gets stuck somewhere
  2. players reported that some of the cars separate from the group and twice or more bradley got stuck
  3. would appreciate compatibility with nextgenpve thank you!
  4. hello is this compatible with nextgenPVE? can you also make it compatible with kits? how do i add patrol heli thank you
  5. hi, this issue still happens. after sometime isee the plugin unloaded. no error or logs. Myk
  6. o.reload AbandonedBases AbandonedBases was compiled successfully in 3094ms [Abandoned Bases] Data wiped due to plugin not being loaded for 5 day(s). [UpdatesChecker] Codefling has an update available for AbandonedBases. Loaded plugin Abandoned Bases v1.1.4 by nivex i couldn't find any logs. anyway i'll try the new version hopefully it doesnt happen any more
  7. saintmichel13

    buy pve only

    does it mean they will have the option to make the base convert as they buy currently my setup is.. EASY is PVE, while the rest is PVP
  8. saintmichel13

    buy pve only

    hey how do i make it that FREE or maintained/scheduled raidbases are PVP but the bought raidbases are PVE ? thanks
  9. saintmichel13


    would be great to make it compatible with kits so existing loadouts can be reused
  10. saintmichel13


    i did a pvedrop lets see what will happen tnx
  11. hi - my players experienced this also but with F1 grenade just so youknow
  12. saintmichel13


    hmmm that's weird because we're still getting damaged in pve areas
  13. hi sorry forgot to get back to you on this - didnt see any error sorry i just notice after sometime or maybe after wiping or restarts that abandoned bases gets unloaded or doesnt get loaded. i'll provide more observations as i see it
  14. saintmichel13


    ok so what rule should i do sorry i'm kinda slow at this
  15. saintmichel13


    this is what i did... 1. killed all scientists in abandoned military 2. loaded mlrs 3. turn on pvelog 4. fire to base that's in PVE 5. see if there's damage (yes there is ) 6. turn off pvelog
  16. saintmichel13


    i tested multiple times but doesnt seem to register mlrs damage Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC No exclusions for ScientistNPC to ZombieNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC, majority damage type Bullet Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC No exclusions for ScientistNPC to ZombieNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC, majority damage type Bullet Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC No exclusions for ScientistNPC to ZombieNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ScientistNPC attacking ZombieNPC, majority damage type Bullet Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for npc attacking npc. Found ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC No exclusions for ZombieNPC to ScientistNPC Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for ZombieNPC attacking ScientistNPC, majority damage type Slash Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic Default ruleset query QUERY START READING... Checking ruleset default for player attacking resource. Found BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse. Checking ruleset default, zone 0 Found exception match for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse No exclusions for BasePlayer to BaseCorpse Sanity check foundexception: True, foundexclusion: False Ruleset 'default' exception: Setting damage to True DAMAGE ALLOWED for BasePlayer attacking BaseCorpse, majority damage type Generic
  17. saintmichel13


    correction disable damage against player bases. npc bases are ok as well as bases in pvp zones
  18. saintmichel13


    how to disable? thank you
  19. no problem man take your time
  20. not sure if others experience this but sometimes when i wipe or restart the plugin doesnt load but when i reload it its successful thoughts?
  21. saintmichel13

    manual spawn

    you're able to work on it? thanks!
  22. ok thanks yeah that instruction kinda flew over my head haha
  23. thank you do i modify the global scientist or can i limit the changes to launch site? is that possible ? thanks
  24. hello - how do i approach changing the loot for the guards? thank you. for reference I have Custom Loot plugin but i'm not sure if its compatible to this
  25. hi i just discovered players raiding an abandoned base but the turrets are just shooting at them with no damage. went there with god false and its not kiling me. thoughts? i'm using nextgenpve and raidable bases in case it matters. but turrets in raidabablebase zones work as intended ie. has damage both npc and player made


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