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Everything posted by UserLeftRust

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  2. I've tested a few scenarios and this issue would arise on slower servers or clients. The teleport function was changed to try and prevent this.. I'll have another play... may just need to add a timer to the spawn wake... are you in the discord? discord.gg/trvz85Q May grab your server details off you so i can load in and make some timings
  3. Version 1.0.5


    StartingPoint is a simple method of setting a single spawn point. Features Teleports new players to Start Point on spawn. Simple command to set spawn point. Automatic Zone creation when enabled. Automatic data clear on map change. Provision to give a certain kit on player spawn. Ability to set it as global spawn for all players new or old. Provision to force players to skip DeathScreen. Optional Dependencies Zone Manager << Required to use Zone Functions. Kits << Required For Kits Functions Permission StartingPoint.Admin << Required to set spawn point. Commands /EnableStart << Toggles the StartPoint Enabled Variable in config (to be used after Start Point is set /SetStart << In game sets the spawn point (Start Point) and updates config. WipeStart << In Console clears the data file which resets the initial spawns. Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the startingpoint.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "StartPoint Enabled true/false": false, "StartPoint Location": { "x": 28.01832, "y": 1.85290134, "z": 968.511536 }, "AutoRespawn true/false": false, "Only Spawn at SpawnPoint true/false": false, "Give Kit On Spawn true/false": false, "KitName": "AutoKit", "Zone On StartPoint true/false": false, "Zone Radius": 5, "Zone Flags": "pvpgod, noplayerloot", "Use Messages true/false": true, "Enter Message": "This is a <color=#ff0000>NO</color> PVP Spawn!", "Exit Message": "Flying the nest, Good Luck", "Spawn Building Load Timer(Increase if building around Spawn isnt spawning in time)": 4.0 } Zone Manager is required to use Zone Functions. Use Messages needs to be true to use the Enter and Exit Message function color tags are usable in the Enter and Exit Messages but must be in hex format. If "Only Spawn at SpawnPoint true/false" Is set to true please ensure you clear the DataFiles for Starting Point with WipeStart in console as players that have already died will continue to spawn as normal.
  4. Are you using Clean up plugins? Anything that deletes "Planners"?
  5. Personally I've not had any issues with the plugin. However that said.. if you have posted the issue in the umod help section.... LaserHydra seems to be an active member again.. am sure he can address the issues without the need for a rewrite.
  6. Don't you just need to add the prefab to the config on "No vehicle Fuel"?
  7. Personally I'd suggest manually re creating the spawn points to suit you as Kierox should not be distributing BotSpawn. But thats just me.... You will have a better understanding of how BotSpawn works and it will be easier for you to make changes in the future. I have some rough videos on setting up BS as well on le youtube that might help in future. Quick Setup Custom Spawns Have Fun
  8. UserLeftRust


    Version 1.3.2


    Scopes is an on screen crosshair solution for all your rusty shooting needs. Features Selection of 6 Scopes that are customisable via the config. Permissions Scopes.Toggle << Required to use Scopes. Commands /Scope << Tells players to use the following: /Scope 1 << Scope1 (Default is 「」 /Scope 2 <<Scope2 (Default is + /Scope 3 <<Scope3 (Default is ◎ /Scope 4 <<Scope4 (Default is ◬ /Scope 5 <<Scope5 (Default is ・ /Scope 6 <<Scope6 (Default is Ⓧ /NoScope <<Disables the Scope. Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the Scopes.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "symbols": [ "「」", "+", "◎", "◬", "・", "Ⓧ" ], "Colour": "1 0 0 1" } SPECIAL CAUTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN WHEN EDITING THE CONFIG. USE NOTEPAD++ OR VSC. SOME PLAIN TEXT EDITORS (Like the one built into WinSCP) CANNOT LOAD THE SYMBOLS AND REPLACES THEM WITH GARBAGE! Variables As you can see to change a symbol you just type in your favourite character Within Rusts abilities (Some symbols are not supported as they are not included in Rusts Language packs... can be a little bit trial and error) Symbol Color is in the RGBA format Examples below.. Color Examples blackSolid black. RGBA is (0 0 0 1). blueSolid blue. RGBA is (0 0 1 1). clearCompletely transparent. RGBA is (0 0 0 0). cyanCyan. RGBA is (0 1 1 1). grayGray. RGBA is (0.5 0.5 0.5 1). greenSolid green. RGBA is (0 1 0 1). greyEnglish spelling for grey. RGBA is the same (0.5 0.5 0.5 1). magentaMagenta. RGBA is (1 0 1 1). redSolid red. RGBA is (1 0 0 1). whiteSolid white. RGBA is (1 1 1 1). The Last digit dictates Alpha channel... so for an opaque appearance select a value below 1 E.g. 0.7
  9. Ufff... theres always one ay?! If it becomes a constant issue Id add the server name to the map file or similar.... until a rewrite comes around
  10. Also if you increment the map name you wont get the mismatch error.... If i had CFv1.map and CFv1.save and I update the map and save it as CFv2.map and rename the save to CFv2.save Everything will be perfect....
  11. Would need to be a rewrite as plugin has no licence
  12. Is this for Custom loot?
  13. Whats wrong with it... is maintained and working... if you have an issue or suggestion you need to discuss that with the author via umod.
  14. Default has taken over the plugin recently.... he did say however "I am behind on my plugin updates however, so it may be a little bit." Looks like you just gotta sit tight and wait my friend.... maybe send the guy some coffee
  15. Problem is licensing. Absolut Mail is unlicensed. Unless the original author gives specific permission or an MIT licence appears, the code cannot be modified or redistributed. However if you feel like you can create your own plugin with the same functionality.
  16. A few early teething issues that we are working through to make this the best experience for all... I've poked the site developer and we will see what can be sorted.
  17. UserLeftRust

    Not Working

    Beautiful... I will move onto the next step.
  18. UserLeftRust

    Not Working

    Just to check them off the list... When dropping it into Plugins folder... No error on Rcon and compiled successfully? And up to date on steam updates and oxide build?
  19. I'll make sure RFC gets a poke and repoke about the template error.
  20. What plugin and what is the issue? I can point it on our end.
  21. Known issue on list of fixes ... Support appears once you have downloaded the plugin however.
  22. I poked Developers.. Hopefully someone can help
  23. UserLeftRust


    Version 3.0.7


    Finder is a small plugin for admins to search for various things quickly and easily Features Find all players with partial names Find all sleeping bags owned by a specific player Find all Tool Cupboards with partial names Find all buildings with partial names Find items Find Teleport locations Permissions finder.find << Required to use chat commands Players with Auth level 1 or 2 should not require special permissions. Chat Commands /find player PLAYERNAME/STEAMID /find cupboard PLAYERNAME/STEAMID /find bag PLAYERNAME/STEAMID /find building PLAYERNAME/STEAMID /find item ITEMNAME MINAMOUNT /find tp FINDID Item names may need to be enclosed in quotations eg /find item "Timed Explosive Charge" 1 => Special thanks to Steenamaroo the code whisperer for helping me keep what little sanity I had left!


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