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Raul-Sorin Sorban


Everything posted by Raul-Sorin Sorban

  1. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. Hey there! AsyncMode is dedicated to benefit lower end servers that struggle with FPS - under 10 would be my estimate, that you would notice performance loss overall due to everything being so slow, not just because of plugins. AsyncMode basically makes sure to let the server "breathe" and prioritize to do everything that is important before updating the plugin, meaning that you might sense delays to interactions when looking at objects. In a nutshell, AsyncMode: enabled means it prioritizes the server, at the expense of slight delays depending on server performance, disabled means the plugin will alawys have the most accurate player interactions but might slow things down if the server's already under stress. On regular servers (fps >15) you won't ever notice a difference between having AsyncMode enabled or disabled nor there's any parallel benefit. It works just fine. These estimates are only applicable relative to player count on the live server.
  3. No, it just calls a console command on the player's behalf so commands will know that they're called by the player
  4. Carbon contains a built-in Discord extension. Carbon no longer has a built-in Discord extension.
  5. Buy the plugin to get the fix? The hell is wrong with you
  6. You did not buy all rights to the code, you've purchased a license, a legal digital copy that prohibits you editing, modifying or redistributing the file and only grants you the right to use for your own server(s) and nothing else. If you bought the paid plugin, why don't you use that plugin instead of the free one then, since it has the features you want? Merging a paid plugin with a free one is not something we allow or support in any shape or form.
  7. So you're asking developers to take a paid plugin's feature and add it to a free plugin? How's that ok exactly?
  8. Does this happen after migration?
  9. Hey there, I'll look into it! Thanks for reporting.
  10. Requesting modifications of licensed files is prohibited.
  11. Can you show that error? I advise joining the Discord for further support.
  12. Who said that?
  13. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Major issue

    Sure thing
  14. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Major issue

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  15. Raul-Sorin Sorban

    Major issue

    Thanks for letting me know! Having a look now.
  16. No thanks, I only take advice from accounts that actually own SL or any files for that matter and they don't use throwaway accounts.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  18. No, that would save the server and override the config
  19. Did you reload the plugin after putting the new default lootables in?
  20. Update your config file from the plugin's description.
  21. No, i've never heard of this. Any way though, you could remove that definition with the editor or modify the filter.


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