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Raul-Sorin Sorban


Everything posted by Raul-Sorin Sorban

  1. Added it in the latest version (1.0.1).
  2. The minimum/maximum randomizes the values, so the containers are not always the same order/same item count. BUT will be adding more randomization choices in the near future.
  3. Version 2.10.0


    Ever wondered why Rust has so many desks, toilets, boxes and even washing machines but you've never been able to see the hidden secrets inside? Now you can! With Static Lootables you can turn those boring props into loot containers filled with all sorts of goodies. Loot containers that aren't normally supposed to be looted. For best experience, have the UI scale set to 1. Lootables are being refilled based on each individual configuration set. Compatible with Static Lootables: Lootables.Ext $5.26 Prefab creator that directly works with Static Lootables in order to create custom lootable definitions for your servers! This plugin provides more than there already is. See it in action here. or get it as a bundle! -> Editor This plugin now has an integrated editor that allows anyone with the permission to customize the loot that can be found in-game in defined static lootables. Scroll to the bottom of this page to see it in action. Modify lootables using all the tools in-game. Update global settings to your liking on the fly. Dependencies ImageLibrary (Required) QuickSort ZoneManager Permissions StaticLootables.admin: Use the MMB when not holding any item to privately print the name of the object in front of you to chat. StaticLootables.editor: Allows players with the permission to use the /sledit command, which gives them the power to create/update/delete lootables using the editor. Features Highly customizable and intuitive system. ZoneManager inclusion / exclusion (per lootable prefab OR global settings). Parented filtering. Locked container system. Hacking system. Interaction icons (with template), customized text and opening container effects. Individual lootable container refilling rates. Consistent support & open to suggestions. Very user-friendly editor for server owners to modify or customize lootables. Unique System: create lootables that only apply on one or more prefabs. Integrated API for manipulating lootable definitions. Get the default loot-tables They will be updated in the future. Add StaticLootables.json to your oxide/config folder. Updated on 23th of October, 2021 #13 (OLD): StaticLootables.json Updated on 9th of July, 2023 (NEW): StaticLootables.json To create your own custom icons, you can use this template: staticlootables_template.zip Please make sure you maintain the margins as weird artifacts will show up if the icons are touching the edges of the icon, in-game. Lootable Objects Supermarket Cash Register (locked, 500 HP) Toilets Cardboard Boxes Lockers (closed models are locked, 50 HP) File Cabinets (locked, 50 HP) Desks (locked, 250 HP) Kitchen Fridges Electrical Boxes Washing Machine Trash Bag Gas Pumps Toolboxes (locked, 100 HP) Plant Pots Type-writers Kitchen Cooker (Underwater Labs) Pickup Truck (Rusty), Sedan A (Junkyard), Compact Car C (all locked, 75 HP), can be accessed anywhere but Junkyard Barge Coal Metal Crate (B) (locked, 500 HP; hackable, 120s, code resets every 300m) NEW Pallet Stacks (A-through-C) NEW Bin NEW Vodka Bottle Your suggestions are welcome! If there are any ideas in regards to prefabs or possible loot to find in them, use the Discussion tab to let me know about it so I add it for everyone to use. Hacking This is how Hackable containers work and why they're an OP mini-game: Hacking one will give you the PIN which will allow you to use with the container for a couple of hours 'till it becomes obsolete and resets. If one has hacked a container, the next hack will double in the amount of time taken. X3 for the third hack, and so on. The PIN can be shared within the team so they can come back every a couple a minutes and loot the hacked box. Press R when looking at an unlocked hacked container to pull up the PIN dialog. API Be creative! Information Here's to clarify how config properties work and what they mean. General Settings Distance: The maximum distance between the player and container. ItemAmountMultiplier: The multiplier for the amount of the items found in containers. LootableHealthMultiplier: The multiplier of the (maximum) health of locked lootable containers. ShadowOpacity: The white glow behind the text which highlights the text more in the dark. ShowLockedLootableApproximateCount: Shows the amount next to the health bar of containers. (e.g ~2 ITEMS APPX.) DamageMultiplierMinimum: The minimum damage dealt to the locked containers by melee weapons. Maximum does the same but for maximum. DamageCUIRefreshRate: The refresh rate for the CUI when containers are being hit at a high rate (with a jackhammer for example). Recommended 0.5. EnforcedFilters: It disallows all definitions from being lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. EnforcedInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable only within the zone(s) defined in this array. EnforcedNotInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable when they're out of the zone(s) defined in this array. Interaction Settings Icon: The icon of the interaction definition. Text: The text of the interaction definition. OpenEffect: The (usually sound) effect of the interaction definition. Definition Settings PrefabFilter: The prefab name used by the definition to set this definition as lootable. InteractionIndex: The index of the interaction defined in the Interactions array. It starts at 0. ContainerSize: The slot count of the container non-relative to the contents defined in the contents array. AllowStack: Can items in the container stacked. Mainly used if you have 2 or more slots that have the same kind of item. Liquid: Marks the container as liquid. If this is set to true, no matter the contents defined, only liquid objects (water, salt water, blood?) can get in. Lock: Health: The maximum health of a container. Set to null if you wanna disable it. (e.g "Lock": null) Hack: Wait Time: The time in seconds! players have to wait for the initial hacking attempt. Code Resetting Rate: The time in minutes! until the hack resets the PIN and goes down an increment for how many times has been hacked used for the Wait Time multiplier. Rule: Refill Rate: The rate in minutes! until the container gets wiped from the server & memory is being freed for server resource reasons. OnlyIfParentFilter: It allows all definitions to be lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. OnlyIfNotParentFilter: It disallows all definitions from being lootable if their path contain the parent names in this array. OnlyIfInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable only within the zone(s) defined in this array. OnlyIfNotInZone: It only allows definitions to be lootable when they're out of the zone(s) defined in this array. Contents: ShortName: The short name of the item definition. CustomName: The in-game name of the item. SkinId: The skin of the ID. UseRandomSkins: Use the RandomSkins array to create more variety on what skinned items are used. SkinId: The skin of the ID. RandomSkins: The skin ID array used in replacement of SkinID when UseRandomSkins is true. MinimumAmount: The minimum range used for the item amount randomisation. MaximumAmount: The maximum range used for the item amount randomisation. ConditionMinimumAmount: The minimum range used for the item condition / durability randomisation. ConditionMaximumAmount: The maximum range used for the item condition / durability randomisation. SpawnChanceTimes: How many times in the SpawnChanceScale will it be likely for the item to be spawned. SpawnChanceScale: The scale of the odds for the item to be spawned. Contents: It's recursive, has the exact same content structure as this property. Installation Download the config which can be found above on this page. Put it in the oxide/config folder. Put StaticLootables.cs file in oxide/plugins. You're good to go! FOR BEST ENTERTAINMENT, USE THE DEFAULT SETTINGS OF THE PLUGIN. Screenshots Videos * The annoying flicker has been fixed in the live version, this was recorded while testing.
  4. I added an "Optimize Mode" to it which will come with the next update. Disables double-layering, aka the glow.
  5. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.2.0
  6. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  7. I'll check it right now. Thanks.
  8. The bundle price does not take the sale into account. This additional plugin will give the rights to server owners to modify the identity of the plugin, which is something that isn't allowed by default due to it being a product designed to be as bought. After realising the influx of customers willing to modify the code of the core plugin, which is something that's forbidden due to licensing, I treated it as a requested feature, hence why there's this optional DLC for owners to use. To note: There won't be any core features separated from the core plugin (like Stories, photo uploads or anything like that), Ruster.NET Pro will only allow additional modifications and miscellaneous configurations that would change the way Ruster.NET originally works. Like font sizes, formatting, and a couple of other things which will be included within this package.
  9. Sure thing! En laissant les valeurs vides, utilisera celles par défaut que Ruster.NET utilise. Vous pouvez modifier à peu près tous les logos, y compris Stories et Ruster.FM. Config: { "RusterNetworkLogo": "", "RusterLogo": "", "RusterMarketplaceLogo": "", "RusterMarketplace2Logo": "", "RusterFMLogo": "", "RusterVerifiedTickIcon": "", "RusterStoriesLogo": "", "RusterStoriesFullLogo": "", "AppendEmojis": true, "Emojis": [ { "Name": "My Example", "Shortname": "example", "IconUrl": "" } ] }
  10. pas encore, bien que cela soit également ajouté avec la modification des couleurs des flux par défaut (marché et communauté)
  11. Version 1.0.1


    Ruster.NET Pro is a DLC which allows server owners to modify the identity of the plugin, by reconfiguring logos, emotes and much more. WARNING: This file does NOT come with the core plugin (Ruster.NET), so you must purchase it first OR get the bundle on the right-hand side section of this page to get both, the core plugin & this DLC. Currently, this DLC allows you to modify: { "RusterNetworkLogo": "", "RusterLogo": "", "RusterMarketplaceLogo": "", "RusterMarketplace2Logo": "", "RusterFMLogo": "", "RusterVerifiedTickIcon": "", "RusterStoriesLogo": "", "RusterStoriesFullLogo": "", "RusterSkinName": "", "RusterSkinId": 0, "RusterMarketplace24hAdvertSkinName": "24hrs lol", "RusterMarketplace24hAdvertSkinId": 0, "RusterMarketplace1wAdvertSkinName": "1 week arse", "RusterMarketplace1wAdvertSkinId": 0, "RusterBusinessCardSkinName": "card of {0}", "RusterBusinessCardSkinId": 2643119099, "AppendEmojis": true, "Emojis": [ { "Name": "My Example", "Shortname": "example", "IconUrl": "" } ] } Leave the values empty or set to 0 (if they're numericals) to set to default. Note: If you ever encounter any issues, make sure you're up to date with both plugins. If any issues still occur, please let me know.
    Upmost respect and love to this, very smartly, pleasingly and fun crafted map and its creator! I am using the map for my own server it along with a couple additional plugins, it makes it all work so well and there are many areas on the map that are not expected to be found, and are very fun to discover. 100% recommend this map as it has its own personality and it works / looks great in any in-game weather conditions. I highly doubt you'll be disappointed in any way nor feel the need to make changes to it.
  12. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  13. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    I'll close this since I couldn't have replicated it and no other reports have been sent back.
    Instructions: Put it into your server. Delete system32. Play this. Bliss.
  14. Raul-Sorin Sorban


    Has this problem occured again since? It is an error which states that the server couldn't download the image. But the image actually loads without issues.
  15. Try running "closeruster" in the console, that enforces Ruster.NET to close. Reloading the plugin shouldn't crash the server, that's very weird... I'll try and replicate the same and will post a fix as soon as possible.
  16. Not really know much about that... Hope it gets sorted though, you should be able to upload any kind of files on your owned servers.
  17. The doors are designed to have gifts behind them for you to find when you unlock them, gifts or with bad luck, a gun-trap to the face as you open the door. Meaning, you must also set the loot table in the GiftLoot for the doors to spawn in.
  18. You can most likely compile oxide on your own using the repository and changing the targeting platform to C# 9.0, but that's not something that's enabled by default by Oxide itself, so most servers would use the C# 6.0 version whenever they install Oxide on their servers.
  19. Yes. They're found at the beginning of each floor that has locked doors.
  20. Officially decided that Community posts won't be notified globally, and you can toggle if you wanna be notified whenever an user from your friends list posts anything in Community / Marketplace.


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