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Everything posted by Tbird412

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Get your server's Raidable Bases plugin up and running without having to waste time constructing the bases! Pre-configured spawn and height settings for each base are included! Complete set of hand tailored and decorated NPC Raidable bases. 5x Easy tier (prim raidable) 5x Medium tier 5x Hard tier 5x Expert tier 5x Nightmare tier Each base has been crafted with a minimum/maximum boom cost scale to fit their tier. This means every base in each tier will fall somewhere within that boom cost to raid. And all easy tier bases are designed to be prim raidable. Each raid is designed to challenge the player to think outside of the box rather than just blow up doors and take loot. For example you might find an easy base with some metal walls and at first glance think it is a mistake. An observant player will notice a twig or wood doorframe on an armored door and realize there was no mistake. Key features: Bases were crafted completely "as a player" with no admin tools or abilities. All attempts were made to decorate bases (size permitting) Some bases have themes to their decor Hand-crafted to teach people how to raid efficiently and punish those who do not These are not just 'loot containers' but are designed to be as realistic as possible Many bases come with a special skinned "X" rug which is used in the Raid Bases configuration to create a spawn point for NPCs inside the base (skinID: 2506767687) Skinned deployables and decor Each base was spawned in game via Raid Bases plugin and height tweaked to be as close to perfect as possible. Those config values are included. Bases constructed with sloped terrain in mind. Every effort has been made to make their spawn height as even as possible to handle hilly terrain without a lot of base float or sink Isolated photograph of each base is provided for cataloging on your end X-ray photograph of each base is provided All bases have been run on full pop live PVE servers (some for years now) and have been raided by real players in a PVE environment thousands of times. Installation: [PIC] Extra the data folder in the .ZIP file to your server's oxide directory Make sure you have the correct permissions to run admin commands for Raidable Bases Enter the following commands, one at a time, into your server console: rb.config add "Easy Bases" E001 E002 E003 E004 E005 rb.config add "Medium Bases" M001 M002 M003 M004 M005 rb.config add "Hard Bases" H001 H002 H003 H004 H005 rb.config add "Expert Bases" X001 X002 X003 X004 X005 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" N001 N002 N003 N004 N005 Note: You might want to enable "Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot" in the profiles since some of these files may contain items already
  2. Version 5.0.1


    A fully custom heli tower with glass shooting floors built in lighting and functional zipline launch points on top. This is a standalone prefab to be placed onto any map via the map editor. This heli tower is, of course, invincible. It is a great way to provide your players with a heli tower thus discouraging them from building their own (which can save thousands of entities from having player-built heli towers all over the map) Notable features: - Small flat footprint for easy placement on any map - Tower base extends into the terrain to provide easy placement opportunities even if the terrain is not flat - Cube prefabs utilized in the majority of construction to keep server and client performance smooth - Electronic front door - CCTV Camera (HELI1) - Zipline mount points on two sides of the top - Emergency ladder shaft to go up or down from the shooting floors - 3x huge shooting floors with cover to hide behind - All shooting floors are walled in glass with open slights similar to an embrasure I will keep these prefabs up to date as more ideas come in or any bugs are found.
  3. I can't speak for OP so maybe he was referring to something different. This is the thing I wish I could set to "-1" and have it be completely ignored entirely by the plugin (like the full functionality of that). I have no desire to count all entities and have a grand total limit on them and I would assume disabling that part might be a performance boost as well but I could be wrong.
  4. Cancel it, I just completely wiped out the entire plugin and reinstalled from scratch (and then copy pasted my config back in) and it is working now. My bad I should have attempted the "Did you unplug it and plug it back in?" thing first
  5. I am having that same issue, should make an option of "-1" to be "No Limit" and just completely avoid that functionality in the plugin for those that do not wish to have any global limits. I am in the same boat, just trying to limit some of the pictures, farmplots, and industrial spam as Facepunch keeps releasing more and more garbage for players to spam all over. Not looking to limit anything else
  6. Tbird412

    Groups not working correctly

    Testing out the prefab groups and it seems to be counting any group. I have a group called Signs and it contains all the signs and picture frames. As you can see in the background I tested that group first. The limit is set to 4. Then I have one called Planters and it has all the planter types and is also set to 4. As you can see in this picture I have not placed a single thing other than the 4 picture frames and a TC and it is saying I reached my limit on planters ... "Priority": 10, "Limits Global": { "Limit Total": 2000, "Limits Entities": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/ceiling light/ceilinglight.deployed.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace.large/furnace.large.prefab": 4, "assets/prefabs/deployable/furnace/furnace.prefab": 8, "assets/prefabs/deployable/oil refinery/refinery_small_deployed.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/search light/searchlight.deployed.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_large.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/water catcher/water_catcher_small.prefab": 4, "assets/prefabs/deployable/windmill/electric.windmill.small.prefab": 1, "Planters": 4, "Signs": 4 } }, "Limits Building": { "Limit Total": 1000, "Limits Entities": { "assets/prefabs/deployable/ceiling light/ceilinglight.deployed.prefab": 4, "assets/prefabs/deployable/playerioents/lights/simplelight.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/rug/rug.bear.deployed.prefab": 2, "assets/prefabs/deployable/rug/rug.deployed.prefab": 2, "Planters": 8, "Signs": 12 } } { "Group name": "Signs", "Group Entities list": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.hanging.banner.large.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.hanging.ornate.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.hanging.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.huge.wood.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.large.wood.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.medium.wood.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.small.wood.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pictureframe.landscape.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pictureframe.portrait.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pictureframe.tall.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pictureframe.xl.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pictureframe.xxl.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.pole.banner.large.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.post.double.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.post.single.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/signs/sign.post.town.prefab" ] }, { "Group name": "Planters", "Group Entities list": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/planter_bottle/planter_bottle.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.large.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/planter.small.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/planters/small_planter.prefab", "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/minecart planter/minecart.planter.deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/rail road planter/railroadplanter.prefab", "assets/prefabs/misc/decor_dlc/bath tub planter/bathtub.planter.deployed.prefab" ] }
  7. Would love to see this
  8. Tbird412


    Imagine that, I listed out a detailed list of major issues. I get jumped on by Steen and his wife MikeHawke. Rather than them admitting those things WERE indeed issues they just insulted me, called me lazy and stupid, and were all around unprofessional .... and now ALL of those items I listed were in this patch as "fixed". Imagine that .... imagine that ....
  9. Tbird412


    Any progress? Nivex and I were toying with things and managed to get melee but then their aggro goes retarded.
  10. Tbird412

    Rounded edges

    I have a completely custom panel set up (looks great by the way, absolutely love this plugin) but how can I get the corners of my panels rounded? I see it in templates so I know it has to be possible
  11. Tbird412

    Kit count error

    I have noticed all the kits in our UI are showing 1 less than they should. Kits I have 2 available are showing 1. Kits that are only claimable once, are showing 0. And kits I have already claimed (so should be zero remaining) are showing -1 Basically the math is all off by 1. Any way to fix this? Example below is a once per day supply signal kit. I claimed it last night, it is still on cooldown for me. But is showing -1 left when it should show zero left.
  12. Tbird412


    Any way to get these back to using melee weapons. We have corpse teleport on our server and a player teleporting back to get blasted with a double barrel is not something we can use anymore
  13. Tbird412


    Confirmed, this plugin just completely wiped all our servers and broke the sav files (messed up vanilla monuments even) So first PVE customers get held hostage behind a paywall (yes he deserves to be paid for his work, but you all do realize BotSpawn brings people to his site here, and he gets thousands in commissions off the sales of all the stuff here). Then after holding PVE servers hostage behind a paywall, the new version is far inferior from an admin standpoint. No commands, all set up has to be done through a GUI which is lengthy to navigate and disables mouse movement (rotating your view) making setting spawn points a pain. Then a massive bug is discovered that completely nukes your server and not even a mass ping or email to customers warning them. We spent 4 hours this morning trying to figure out why our servers wiped only to hear through the grapevine it was BotReSpawn Great work. And great testing. Strange to me how you had a massive helping hand in developing and testing BotSpawn 2.0 back in the day and had NO problems there. I know for a fact
  14. Tbird412


    Running Speed Boost: Is this percentage? Old way 0.1 would be a 10% boost. Now what would be a 10% boost? Or is it a static speed integer now? A group of 7 custom bots, half of them are randomly not spawning. They are in valid positions with stationary set to true and use custom spawn points set to true. There are no "no navmesh detected" errors present. When a bot dies, with a 5 min respawn timer, a new bot instantly spawned right where he was. The inventory and belt do not have different drop controls. If you select "drop belt" it drops the entire inventory and the belt. The reason this is important is sometimes you want the bot to drop it's inventory (so you can put specific things in that inventory and not drop scientist loot) but not drop their gun and other belt items Respawn timers are now in minutes? The gui also needs corresponding chat or (even better console) commands. It is very counter intiuitive to use for basic things like creating custom spawn positions. When the UI is open you cannot move your character (mouse control left or right). This makes it extremely difficult to precisely position bots. And you have to click through multiple pages of menus to get to this button. Then close it down to turn, then do it all again. The old BotSpawn you could have a hotkey set to the chat command and just move, click, move, click, to set up your spawns. When trying to show spawns (for example to try to problem solve why some bots are not spawning like noted above) you have to click through FIVE screens of the UI to get them to show up. The old way had a simple chat command to do this (which I could bind to a key). And the old botspawn you could configure how long they show. Clicking through 5 pages of a UI only to have 10 seconds of seeing my spawns is a bit cumbersome. Is everything in minutes now instead of seconds Honestly I am out of time and will type more up later. Just spent 9 hours configuring a plugin that works half as good as the previous one (which I helped you delvelop but I am sure you forgot that by now) and cost $40 more. Would give anything to go back. Will type more later.
  15. Tbird412


    If you got a donation link I will gladly donate to make it happen faster
  16. Tbird412


    Any ETA on the zombie having their clothing on and their name? I would legit pay extra for that feature


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