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The Red Button 2.0.7

$10.00 $8.00
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Ok the Explosive Diarrhea got me.

Very very nice! Thank you!

Also Slap & Landmine works now with TruePVE for me 🙂


Btw, is there an option to add more Custom Commands?
Currently the config only has 1



ill addin a few more next update 🤪



way to many updates in a short period of time .... not worth keeping if i gotta update on a daily or every other day basis.......... i have more important things to be doing then constantly having to update the mod!



55 minutes ago, wabbit_420 said:

way to many updates in a short period of time .... not worth keeping if i gotta update on a daily or every other day basis.......... i have more important things to be doing then constantly having to update the mod!

sorry you feel that . a paid product should never get new and better aspects.

but as a Plugin Developer ... i will be developing my plugins ... so please keep in mind there will be more updates in the future. and also remember most of these updates has been requested by the community


and i hope you wouldnt hold this against the plugin . but remember plugin will still work if you don't update

  • Moderator


5 hours ago, NooBlet said:

sorry you feel that . a paid product should never get new and better aspects.

but as a Plugin Developer ... i will be developing my plugins ... so please keep in mind there will be more updates in the future. and also remember most of these updates has been requested by the community


and i hope you wouldnt hold this against the plugin . but remember plugin will still work if you don't update

Honestly, the fact you are so active shows you are keen to keep enhancing the plugin. Don't let one sour grape keep you from striving to improve your plugin.

  • Love 1

Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, Mals said:

Honestly, the fact you are so active shows you are keen to keep enhancing the plugin. Don't let one sour grape keep you from striving to improve your plugin.

Nah ... will never get me down ... just surprised that I found the one guy that hates free upgrades

but in the spirit of the humor of the plugin . ill have an update for him ready tonight.🤣

Edited by NooBlet
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funky nugget


would it be possible to add a line in languagefile where you can set the fontsize in chatmessage? i would like it to be a bit smaller as it set to now



On 2/4/2023 at 3:56 PM, NooBlet said:

@undertow  yes iy was implemented  . but sins has been changed ..... in discription ive listed all the place holders .... so the command woulf be


"spawnat codelockedhackablecrate {playerlocation}"


Tried it and the player location is getting translated, but got this in the console:

Command 'spawnat codelockedhackablecrate 78.80806,133.8691,-186.2428' not found

I can enter the same in the F1 console while playing on the server and it spawns, but nothing happens when using the same `sv spawnat` command in the F1 console or using the same `spawnat` command via RCON. Server's running Linux if that's a factor. Any ideas how to get it to work?


Also, is there a way to call a supply drop at the player's position or perform multiple commands? Thanks! Great and fun plugin 🙂

funky nugget


try this "spawn codelockedhackablecrate {playerlocation}" that works for me

  • Like 2


yes sorry funky is correct i miss quotes the spawn command ... sorry for late reply .. having a day with my wife and kid.. will be in full swing tomorrow




Whenever i teleport anywhere, I am getting the following spam. Each corresponds to a button I have placed somewhere in the world.



@Taracmeden yes so its a check in the plugin to reload the images every sleepended to ensure picture is always there .... message comes from signartist... what i can do is to block that message if you own this plugin will that work ?




I want to apologize to all my users for the delay on all requests and changes .

I'm in the middle of a personal issue that I need to tend to first . but I have not forgotten an will be back to updating soon.


Much Love

That other Guy🥰

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there seems to be i problem with payback hooks ... can others confirm this .... 



no worries . seems there was a misunderstanding . in the fact you need payback for payback punishments




Any chance we could have support for punishments from PayBack2? 



I want to set the cooldown time to 1 hour or more, so could you make it visible?
It's a few characters, so now I'm adding it and using it.



On 5/30/2023 at 12:13 PM, Mabel said:

Any chance we could have support for punishments from PayBack2? 

yes ive been thinking about it ... can you DM me 



6 hours ago, IGF_Nekoike said:

I want to set the cooldown time to 1 hour or more, so could you make it visible?
It's a few characters, so now I'm adding it and using it.

can you explain wat you mean by "make it visible" 

and "so now i'm adding it and using it"


cooldown can be set for longer than a hour . So not sure what you asking



How do we get the rocket into the air death? 



3 hours ago, Butters said:

How do we get the rocket into the air death? 

You need the payback plugin installed and enable the payback punishments in the config for The Red Button 

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Posted (edited)

This is brilliant, and a lot of fun... if I may, I have a question and maybe some suggestions?

Question. In the configuration file for chance settings IE. "Cactus": 2 ... do decimals work (IE. "Cactus": 0.5 to) reduce further or does it only accept whole numbers? Reason I ask isn't for this particular command, but more for the custom commands, which leads me into my suggestions.

1. I noticed custom commands were allowed, so its possible to reward people vs. troll only. Is it possible to add a toggle (true/False) to randomly spawn this button somewhere on the map in an accessible area, on a definable minutes based schedule )? This in a sense makes it an easter egg type activity.

Something I noticed was, custom command 3 : command does not have a command 3: message and appears to be listed as command 4: message. I tried to manually change it to 3, and did not work so assume this is hardcoded somewhere else... which also leads me to believe (not tested) that one cannot simply carry on with adding more custom commands.

2. Can you make it its possible to add additional custom commands in the config? (IE 4, 5, 6 etc.)

This takes me back to it being an easter egg type troll thing, where chances to receive positive rewards are lower (but exist) than the troll action that's about to take place. One could really configure the chances to receive one or the other. 

3. Last suggestion, I'm not OCD ... but looking at the config hurt my brain. As simple and small as it is, you have 1., then 10. down to 15., then pickup at 2. to 9. It would look visually more appealing if you had the static stuff like picture url, discord hook, font size, payback toggle etc. all at the top and then in a nice sequential order down below custom command 1, message 1, command 2, message 2, command 3, message 3, etc. etc. in order so one doesn't have to look up and down the list to try and find which message goes to which command. Know what I mean?

Aside from that, love it ... players had fun and I had some good laughs. Any plans to add Payback2 as well?

Edited by HighOnTek

Posted (edited)

wow c, ok , a lot to answer . so lets break it down ...😄

On 7/21/2023 at 3:21 AM, HighOnTek said:


Question. In the configuration file for chance settings IE. "Cactus": 2 ... do decimals work (IE. "Cactus": 0.5 to) reduce further or does it only accept whole numbers? Reason I ask isn't for this particular command, but more for the custom commands, which leads me into my suggestions.


at moment my answer will be no . (not tested) so i assume it will give a math error . the way i multiply and divide to make it as random as possible


On 7/21/2023 at 3:21 AM, HighOnTek said:


1. I noticed custom commands were allowed, so its possible to reward people vs. troll only. Is it possible to add a toggle (true/False) to randomly spawn this button somewhere on the map in an accessible area, on a definable minutes based schedule )? This in a sense makes it an Easter egg type activity.


this hats been requested . and logic work is in progress , but is going slow . my country(South Africa) is in very bad power cuts(loadshedding) sometimes up to 6 hours off a day , and between running own server and coding work for all plugins (current and coming😉) rime is very limited



On 7/21/2023 at 3:21 AM, HighOnTek said:

Something I noticed was, custom command 3 : command does not have a command 3: message and appears to be listed as command 4: message. I tried to manually change it to 3, and did not work so assume this is hardcoded somewhere else... which also leads me to believe (not tested) that one cannot simply carry on with adding more custom commands.

Ill have a look , must be a little error . and yes commands is hard coded . no plan os of yet to make custom commands owners coice on how many he wants , but might be in future

On 7/21/2023 at 3:21 AM, HighOnTek said:

3. Last suggestion, I'm not OCD ... but looking at the config hurt my brain. As simple and small as it is, you have 1., then 10. down to 15., then pickup at 2. to 9. It would look visually more appealing if you had the static stuff like picture url, discord hook, font size, payback toggle etc. all at the top and then in a nice sequential order down below custom command 1, message 1, command 2, message 2, command 3, message 3, etc. etc. in order so one doesn't have to look up and down the list to try and find which message goes to which command. Know what I mean?

yes  sorry . the config is a very old way in oxide time (hinting at my age) of doing it . . and this plugin was created for my personal use in my server years ago ... ill definitely work on updating the config to more class related to make it more user friendly ......


and lastly . yes there will be support for paybak2 ... but keep in mind to do that i need access to the code to retrofit it to the red button(ex. shocker i need to do a timer in the red button between the console command to activate and deactivate) .... as of now i dont own payback2 . so till i do i will add some form of it it


Hope this Answers hopefully all your questions

Edited by NooBlet
Rust Admin


Can we have a button spawn automatically and randomly throughout the map on a timed basis?  Having to manually add one every time across a few servers isnt fun 🙂     Great plugin

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