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6 Screenshots

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About Simple KDR UI

Simple kill/death ratio counter. User interface is fully customizable, each panel can be disabled. For each screenshot shown there is config file available.CobaltFeatures.png.9f3dadc154d154c054e2f582c60858b9.png

  • Simple customizable KDR UI interface
  • Togglable interface
  • Multi-User custom interface support
  • High Performance Plugin
  • Plug and Play - No dependencies or Linq

Got any ideas or questions ? Join the Cobalt Studios Discord @ https://discord.gg/cobaltstudios


Player Commands:

  • /hkd or /togglekdr - disables/enables kdr UI
  • /skd or /switchkdr - rotates through multiple custom KDR UIs from the config
    • Args - Optionally use an integer to skip to a specific UI - Example - /skd 2

Admin Commands:

  • /kdrwipe - wipes all kdr data


Player Permissions:

  • simplekdr.use - allows use of all player commands
  • simplekdr.hidden - hides the kdr UI when a player logs in or uses the /hkd command

Admin Permissions:

  • simplekdr.wipedata - allows the use of /kdrwipe command


  "Reset data on wipe": true,
  "Count NPC kills": false,
  "Count suicides": true,
  "Chat command to hide ui": [
  "Chat command to switch ui": [
  "UI Panels": [
      "Main UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
        "0.5 0.0",
        "0.5 0.0",
        "-580 5",
        "-330 25"
      "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
      "Kills Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.0",
          "0.30 1.0"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/KYk0Mr9b/greenstripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.0",
          "0.30 1.0"
        "Text {0} = stat": "KILLS: <b>{0}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"
      "Deaths Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.33 0.0",
          "0.63 1.0"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/Wb58YfCj/redstripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.33 0.0",
          "0.63 1.0"
        "Text {0} = stat": "DEATHS: <b>{1}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"
      "Ratio Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.66 0.0",
          "1.0 1.0"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/zBwSCdKs/bluestripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.66 0.0",
          "1.0 1.0"
        "Text {0} = stat": "K/D: <b>{2}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"
      "Main UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
        "0.5 0.0",
        "0.5 0.0",
        "185 18.5",
        "250 75.5"
      "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
      "Kills Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.0",
          "1.0 0.3"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/KYk0Mr9b/greenstripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.0",
          "1.0 0.3"
        "Text {0} = stat": "KILLS: <b>{0}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"
      "Deaths Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.33",
          "1.0 0.63"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/Wb58YfCj/redstripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.33",
          "1.0 0.63"
        "Text {0} = stat": "DEATHS: <b>{1}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"
      "Ratio Panel": {
        "Panel Color": "0 0 0 0",
        "UI Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.66",
          "1.0 1.0"
        "Img": "https://i.postimg.cc/zBwSCdKs/bluestripe.png",
        "Icon Positon anchor 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
          "0.0 0.66",
          "1.0 1.0"
        "Text {0} = stat": "K/D: <b>{2}</b>",
        "Text Size": 10,
        "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
        "Text Outline Thickness": "0",
        "Text Outline Color": "1 1 1 1"


        public Dictionary<ulong, PlayerData> GetAllKDRData()
            return _playerData;

        public PlayerData? GetPlayerKDR(ulong playerID)
            if (_playerData.TryGetValue(playerID, out PlayerData playerData))
                return playerData;
            return null;

        public Dictionary<ulong, (double, double, double)> GetAllKDRStats()
            Dictionary<ulong, (double, double, double)> kdrstats = new Dictionary<ulong, (double, double, double)>();
            foreach (var entry in _playerData)
                kdrstats.TryAdd(entry.Key, (entry.Value.kills, entry.Value.deaths, entry.Value.kills / (entry.Value.deaths == 0 ? 1 : entry.Value.deaths)));
            return kdrstats;

        public (double, double, double)? GetPlayerKDRStats(ulong playerID)
            if (_playerData.TryGetValue(playerID, out PlayerData playerData))
                return (playerData.kills, playerData.deaths, playerData.kills / (playerData.deaths == 0 ? 1 : playerData.deaths));
            return null;


Credit to M&B Studios the original author of this plugin.

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