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Shop UI 1.2.71

   (32 reviews)
Message added by David,

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Certified hood classic

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Wajeeh Agbariya


does this have the option to set a global buy/sell limits and a daily buy/sell limits?


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Marko Skynexx


Hello how do I get the shop plugin integrated into the welcome panel

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  On 2/19/2022 at 8:19 PM, Wajeeh Agbariya said:

does this have the option to set a global buy/sell limits and a daily buy/sell limits?


working on it, matter of few days


  On 2/19/2022 at 8:40 PM, Marko Skynexx said:

Hello how do I get the shop plugin integrated into the welcome panel


will be sending out updated version tomorrow

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It would be great to be able to display an image of the currency if it is paper, for example display the image paper

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Posted (edited)

  On 2/20/2022 at 12:08 AM, Delltus said:

have you planned to add the possibility of adding the elements directly in games like what I propose in the plugin?



Yes this is planned too, next month probably, although configuration of my shop is fairly simple I also provide config transfer for customers from their old one.



It would be great to be able to display an image of the currency if it is paper, for example display the image paper



Edited by David
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Posted (edited)

Super happy that you concretize your plugin shop 😃
I have some idea I'm posting this here, because I don't know what you have already planned.

1) I don't know if it's possible, like your bank plugin, to have a compatibility with distributors that can be placed and that opens a category of the store what can prevent to have the store accessible via order or is it a distributor category that can be placed in the safe zones.

2) A function that would not be bad is to manage the stock manually, by default, we can manage the objects or resources out of stock, and make the admin or the players sell, for example, tissue or wood, this increases the stock as a sales hotel A function that would not be bad is to manage the stock manually, by default, we can manage the objects or resources out of stock, and make the admin or the players sell, for example, tissue or wood, this increases the stock as a sales hotel.

You make a compatibility with the pnjs but I don't know yet how to make a way that the pnjs are attached to the zone for example if the map wipe it stays at the same radiation at the same location.

Edited by Delltus
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  On 2/20/2022 at 12:12 AM, David said:

Oui, c'est prévu aussi, le mois prochain probablement, bien que la configuration de ma boutique soit assez simple, je propose également un transfert de configuration pour les clients depuis leur ancienne.


c'est noté


good 😃

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Posted (edited)

  On 2/20/2022 at 12:19 AM, Delltus said:

Super happy that you concretize your plugin shop 😃
I have some idea I'm posting this here, because I don't know what you have already planned.

1) I don't know if it's possible, like your bank plugin, to have a compatibility with distributors that can be placed and that opens a category of the store what can prevent to have the store accessible via order or is it a distributor category that can be placed in the safe zones.

2) A function that would not be bad is to manage the stock manually, by default, we can manage the objects or resources out of stock, and make the admin or the players sell, for example, tissue or wood, this increases the stock as a sales hotel A function that would not be bad is to manage the stock manually, by default, we can manage the objects or resources out of stock, and make the admin or the players sell, for example, tissue or wood, this increases the stock as a sales hotel.

You make a compatibility with the pnjs but I don't know yet how to make a way that the pnjs are attached to the zone for example if the map wipe it stays at the same radiation at the same location.


1) if  "distributors" means NPC Vendors, then yea. Every NPC vendor has its own list of items.

2) lot of different things can be done, especially when it comes to shop plugin but days have only 24 hours, cant do everything although I open to making api for dynamic pricing if you find any developer willing to take on that.

3) Im not sure what "pnjs" is

Edited by David


A shop plugin from David!? This is great! 

I will tell you, the biggest complaint from my players about the current shop plugin we are using is that selling items back to the shop is a pain. They all ask me for an option to "sell all" from their inventory, or at least an option to see the current amount of an item they have in their inventory from the shop UI so they dont have to keep closing it to see how many, metal blades, for example, they have left to sell.

If you were to add this functionality to your shop plugin you would stand above all the competition. 

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  On 2/20/2022 at 5:40 AM, Zoreeno said:

They all ask me for an option to "sell all" from their inventory, or at least an option to see the current amount of an item they have in their inventory from the shop UI so they dont have to keep closing it to see how many, metal blades, for example, they have left to sell. 


I can only agree on this one, will be added within few days.

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I have an idea to offer you

that of having the possibility of making an upgrade purchase, for permissions, or other such as kit, items ect…

In my example, it is for backpack place permissions


configurable in the genre a bit like your furnace level plugin




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Posted (edited)

Currently, the option to add a shop to the welcome panel does not work for me



Edited by NoAim
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  On 3/1/2022 at 11:28 AM, NoAim said:

Currently, the option to add a shop to the welcome panel does not work for me


Message me on my discord and I will send you updated version.


Posted (edited)

I am also having this same issue, I did send you a friend request on discord to talk with you about it.



Edited by quadshield
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Could you add a search field to find items faster? in my experience that is a must have in any shop.

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  On 3/4/2022 at 12:03 AM, Clockwurk said:

Could you add a search field to find items faster? in my experience that is a must have in any shop.


possibly in future



I will be watching for it!

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Hello! Just wondering if you could help me move my current config over to this shop? Or at least send me an example and I can do it from there?

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  On 3/4/2022 at 8:33 PM, YakiDzoba said:

Hello! Just wondering if you could help me move my current config over to this shop? Or at least send me an example and I can do it from there?


Hey, send me your current config into DM and I will convert it for you. I can do it only for GUIShop, Server Rewards and Mevent's Shop. 
One more thing to mention, if you sell commands or kits you have to remake them, I can't transfer thoose.

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Posted (edited)


Pay/Currency Options:
Could we get an update that allows the player to use a physical form of currency please? Like Scrap for instance.. they can purchase things with Scrap if it is set as the default currency in the config. The scrap would have to be in their inventory for them to make the purchase. I would like to have everything in my server running off of one currency system.

Human NPC Plugin integration:
Like a plugin called "ServerRewards" this would allow players to go to an NPC and access the shop by pressing "E" or "Action Command".

You could have your plugin make the server admin select the Human NPC by typing something like "/shopnpc add" and then have then hit "E" on the NPC they are looking at to make it the shop NPC.

Shop - Sell Option:
I own your plugins where players can make drugs, food, and medical items. In my server, drugs are a huge part of player economy. Sadly I have to use a virtual currency because there is no good plugin out there that uses a physical currency system. So could the shop also get a sell option for certain items that the player has added to a data file?

If these things could be considered and added. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase this plugin. I know your work, I love your work. I know you are a great developer, with amazing people skills. Either way, I appreciate all you do.


Edited by Jaws
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  On 3/5/2022 at 1:42 AM, Jaws said:



Hey @Jaws

1) There is already option to sell items for ingame items, you can also change currency icon for custom one.
2) If talking about being able create HumanNPC shops then yes, this is also already included
3) You can sell any items in Shop, just keep in mind that plugin does not differentiate between skin ids, that means
every drug item has to be unique shortname.

Feel free to message if any other questions.

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I would like to offer several lockers with different skins in the shop. is that possible?

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Posted (edited)

Really cool plugin. Would it be possible to have the following added.

1. Transfer RP menu - allow players to transfer their currency to other players

2. Show names on item (aka for commands and such at least) (edited)

3. Log of all transactions to file

4. Ability to sell item for two different currencies (example scrap or server reward points)


Edited by Venedas
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