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6 minutes ago, Evil_Orko said:

How can I do this?   Thanks - love the plugin!!

1)Download photoshop
2)Download my basic icon
3)Find some icon for your event (Vector3png) for example Helicopter
4)Combine you downloaded icon with my basic icon in photoshop (Easyly can find guide on youtube)
5)Drop your new picture in DM in discord
6)Click RMB and copy image url
7)Paste your url in Icon property in /h setup

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10 minutes ago, AhigaO said:

1)Download photoshop
2)Download my basic icon
3)Find some icon for your event (Vector3png) for example Helicopter
4)Combine you downloaded icon with my basic icon in photoshop (Easyly can find guide on youtube)
5)Drop your new picture in DM in discord
6)Click RMB and copy image url
7)Paste your url in Icon property in /h setup

Ok, I already know the long way, I just thought there was a repository I missed or something when you said 2 clicks

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On 9/17/2022 at 10:49 AM, Flint Monkey said:

I've used the Land Flood plugin [1] and plan to add it back next month. The plugin allows you to either flood your map slowly over the time to wipe, or create a storm event and flood the land. I intend to do the second one and players will need to get above a flood level when the storm comes. It'd be helpful for them to have the ability to see what their altitude is above the standard water level (500).

My current workaround: I could use Magic Panel for this with the Magic Coordinates Panel [2] , suppressing the x and y coordinates, but it's not as clean.

Thanks for considering!

[1] https://www.myvector.xyz/index.php?resources/land-flood.3/

[2] https://umod.org/plugins/magic-coordinates-panel

Checking in on this as there are other uses now that there are more options re: air travel...


I also have build sites that are suspended in the air and having an altitude in the gui helps others more easily navigate.

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5 hours ago, Flint Monkey said:

Checking in on this as there are other uses now that there are more options re: air travel...


I also have build sites that are suspended in the air and having an altitude in the gui helps others more easily navigate.

Write to me dm in discord ahigao

Edited by AhigaO
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Just purchased the plugin!
It's awesome!

May I ask, can anybody share icons for these events maybe:

Raidable Bases

Dangerous Treasures


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Any change you could add sub-folders for the commands. I have many commands on my server. so, the ability for players to click on a button say mymini and then have the option to select from the sub-menu of commands would be great.

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Is it possible to add an option to the "Add menu" to change not only the text outline but also the text color itself?

In the case of Asian languages (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc.), if you add outline color, the characters will be crushed. I would like to change the font color itself from white.

For your reference, I will show you an example in Japanese.
I hope you understand that adding the outline color is not the best choice because the density of each character is different.

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Hi there,

Is there any way to make the logo circle smaller so it is not cut off or overlapping any text?


Thank you!

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Is there any way you can make the additional manu permissions based?  I'd like to use it for VIP features so it would only show up if they are in the VIP group but the button wouldn't even be there if they were in the default group.  Thanks for considering!

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Its not showing the right position in the hud, there used to be an option to adjust that but its gone now or did I miss something?

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Still not showing the right grid position, and it would be so nice to be able to disable the button since I have no use for it.

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Just a small feature request. Could the chat command be set in the config file please? /h really makes no sense and I have to hardcode /hud each time there's an update.

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How would I add a color to this:

"<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>",
        "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>",
        "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>",
        "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"

Edited by Raiven_007
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On 11/2/2023 at 1:06 PM, IHazQuestion said:

Just a small feature request. Could the chat command be set in the config file please? /h really makes no sense and I have to hardcode /hud each time there's an update.

There is nothing stopping you from using Config for this. Just remember to reload the plugin immediately after changing the Config

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21 hours ago, Raiven_007 said:

How would I add a color to this:

"<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>",
        "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>",
        "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>",
        "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"

<color=red>Here will red text</color>

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On 11/3/2023 at 10:34 PM, AhigaO said:

There is nothing stopping you from using Config for this. Just remember to reload the plugin immediately after changing the Config

        private void cmdChat(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)

That's pretty static so why would I want to do anything else.

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On 11/3/2023 at 10:34 AM, AhigaO said:

<color=red>Here will red text</color>

I got the text I am supposed to add. my issue is where do I put it at in the config when I already have this:

"<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>",
        "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>",
        "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>",
        "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"

Edited by Raiven_007
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1 hour ago, Raiven_007 said:

I got the text I am supposed to add. my issue is where do I put it at in the config when I already have this:

"<size=8>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages).</size>",
        "<size=8>Type In-Game chat: /steamcord to receive a note. Follow instructions to Copy the Link.</size>",
        "<size=8>Please complete ALL 3 requirements on Linking Page BEFORE proceeding to Step 3.</size>",
        "<size=8>STEP 3: Type /auth In-Game chat. Thanks for linking your Accts! unlocks ALL Features & VIP.</size>"

"<size=8><color=red>Type /info to reopen the Welcome Panel to see Player Tab for a list of Server Commands. (6 Pages)</color>.</size>"

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Is it possible to add Comma separated currency values in a future update? 
I run this plugin on a 10x server, so players often hit 6 - 9 digit numbers. 

Here is an example of what I did for Economics to show a Formatted number: 

var ebalance = Economics.Call<double>("Balance", player.userID);

 UI.Label(ref container, ".Main.bg", ".Balance", ".Balance", "0 0", "0.3 0", oXMin: 10, oYMin: 7, oXMax: 0, oYMax: 24,          text:_config.MainSetup.Economy.Currency + (string.Equals(_config.MainSetup.Economy.Plugin, "ServerRewards", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? ServerRewards?.Call<int>("CheckPoints", player.userID) : Economics == null ? 0 : ebalance.ToString("N0")), fontSize:14, align:TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, color:_config.MainSetup.Economy.Color);

Line: 1592

This is the result: 

Edited by Nomad3211
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