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Research & Craft System 1.0.3

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About Research & Craft System

This plugin allows admins to control all about researching and crafting. With all default items ,and with custom ones! So what you chose to be researchable that players will be able to research and craft ,for prices what you chose . And with other options like Craft time, Wb Level , Display Name, Description, Category, Quantity. Researching is true research table ,crafting UI is similar to default rust crafting UI . You can block default crafting ,block researching in wb ,block tech tree ... You can combine what you will block what not ,. You can use it in full potential with research and craft UI ,with your own prices and stats ,blocking all default crafts/researchs! Or you will just use it for custom cost of research ,and default craft by rust , its all about you !

Best explanation is true config file :  

  "Block Default Crafts": true/false,  // You are able to block completely default craft system, so players can only craft items true plugin UI.
  "Block WB Tech Tree": true/false,  // You are able to block completely researching true TechTree.
  "Block ResearchTable Research": true/false,  // You are able to block completely default research true research table , so players can only research items true plugin UI .
  "Play Sound On Research Success": true,
  "Research Success Sound Asset": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-success.prefab",
  "Play Sound On Research Fail": true,
  "Research Fail Sound Asset": "assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/effects/research-fail.prefab",
//This is default config for one item ,but you will get all items in config with their default values.
 //As you can see rifle.ak is loaded with his default properties.

  "Items": {

 "rifle.ak": { //Shortname
 "0": {  //SkinID
"AllSkins": true,  // if true ,player will be able to research rifle.ak no matter of his skin of item, if you put false ,then it will check for skinID of item(if you add custom items with same shortname ,then use false)
 "IsResearched": false,     //if false, item will not be researched by default ,if true it will be researched ,so player will be able to craft it without reasrching it .
 "IsResearchable": true,  //if true ,palyers can research this item , if false item is not researchable.
 "DisplayName": null,   // if null  default name of item will be , you can give custom name to item example: "mygun" .
 "Description": null,    // if null it will be default description of item ,,you can use custom description ,example "this gun is best gun" .
 "ResearchCost": [   // price for research item ,you can add up to 4 items total ,you can use default rust items ,and custom ones .
   "Shortname": "scrap",
   "Amount": 500,
    "SkinID": 0,
    "DisplayName": null 
 "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 3,   // what workbench level item needs for craft ,0 is no workbench level
 "CraftTime": 45.0,  // this is default craft time ,you can change it ,in seconds .
 "CraftCost": [       // price for craft item ,you can add up to 8 items total ,you can use default rust items ,and custom ones .
            "Shortname": "metal.refined",
            "Amount": 50,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
            "Shortname": "wood",
            "Amount": 200,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
            "Shortname": "riflebody",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
            "Shortname": "metalspring",
            "Amount": 4,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
        "Category": "Weapon",   // category of item ,where item will be placed in what tab,you can change this also ,to some custom ones or what ever name you like !
        "CraftOutputQuantity": 1 // this is default output quantity of item (when you craft lowgradefuel you get for 1 craft 4 lowgrade) ,you can change output .
On first loading of plugin you will get in config all items ,with their default properties :
Default items what are researched by default in game ,will be researched (lets say Sleeping Bag,Hammer,etc),
items what are by default researchable they will be researchable (with their scrap cost),
Those items will also have default craft prices , required workbench level ,time for craft ,craft quantity ,category.
So it will be easy for you to change what you need to change for items.

Categorie tabs are in config file :
"Categories": [
    "RESOURCES",     // you can change all categories how you like ,,you can remove some ,add more ,rename them .
    "ITEMS",                //if you rename category lets say "WEAPON" to "guns" dont forget to change on items also category ,so they can be placed in that new "gun" categorie .
  "Favorite Category Name": "Favorites",  // this is core name for favorite items ,when change this be sure that you have in Categories that name what you put for favorite tab .

Commands :
Chat command :  /q (configurable) - open craft ui .
Console command :  bind <key> craft.openui - in F1 players can bind <key> so they can open Craft UI with key (keyboard button) so they dont need to type shat command.
Console command :  wipe_research_data - wipe player researched items.
Console command :  wipe_favorite_data - wipe players favorite items.

"craftsystem.research" - without this perm player cant see UI for research.
"craftsystem.craft" - without this perm player cant open Craft Ui .

Data : you will see in data what player researched ,and his favorites .

LangFile - you are able to change text ,on something else that you like ,on some different language .

How to add custom or skined item :
"box.repair.bench": { // this is default item
      "0": {   // without SkinID
        "AllSkins": false,    // We have here false ,so it will look for Shortname and SkinId
        "IsResearched": true,    // Its researched.
        "IsResearchable": false,  
        "DisplayName": null,
        "Description": null,
        "ResearchCost": [
            "Shortname": "scrap",
            "Amount": 10,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
        "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 1,
        "CraftTime": 30.0,
        "CraftCost": [
            "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
            "Amount": 125,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
        "Category": "Items",
        "CraftOutputQuantity": 1
      "1594245394": {       // Here we add SkinID. We added SkinId to shortname what belongs to that custom item .
        "AllSkins": false,    // We have here false ,so it will look for Shortname and SkinId
        "IsResearched": false,  // Not researched , 
        "IsResearchable": true,  // But its researchable .
        "DisplayName": "Recycler",  // we use custom name for item.
        "Description": "With this i can recycle home",   // we use custom description for item.
        "ResearchCost": [
            "Shortname": "scrap",   //  some cost for research .
            "Amount": 1000,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null

            "Shortname": "gears", 
            "Amount": 50,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
        "RequiredCraftWBLevel": 3,   // we need to be at level 3 workbench to craft it.
        "CraftTime": 60.0,       // 60 sec craft time . 
        "CraftCost": [   // craft cost.
            "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
            "Amount": 2500,
            "SkinID": 0,
            "DisplayName": null
            "Shortname": "rifle.ak",
            "Amount": 1,
            "SkinID": 2585539626,
            "DisplayName": null
        "Category": "Custom",  // we changed category to custom ,so recycler will be in custom tab .
        "CraftOutputQuantity": 1  // quantity is 1 ,we will get 1 recy per craft

For any questions fell free to join my discord channel !

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