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Research & Craft System 1.0.3

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What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Added -
Now you are able to chose where item will be researched  :
ResearchInCustomCrafting : true / false
ResearchInDefaultCrafting : true / false

Now you can use both craftings ,default one and from this plugin ..
Example , you can put lr300,custom items (recy what ever)  only in plugin UI , normal items in default one .. You chose what where to have for crafting!

Now you can also see unresearched items in plugin UI ,if you chose to item be visable :
VisibleUnresearchedItem : true / false
Item will have lock on it ,so player will know what they can research ,but they cant craft it ofc until they research it ..
Thats good if you wanna show players what they can research for that plugin crafting ..

Fixed stacking when craftin item true UI ...

On next update wil add that players can craft ,research items also with eco ,rp .
Cheers !

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