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Raidable Bases 2.9.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (48 reviews)

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Really? They never spawned on the roof before me changing that setting. Although, I did upload your tier3 bundle and reset my config. :shrug:

21 hours ago, nivex said:

DT integration in no way influences npcs spawning inside or outside or above the base.


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@Rubiks-Q-Bertloot does not drop unless a player has looted or killed the box/tc first. there is no way to despawn the grey loot bags elegantly, either

@RezanowDT doesn't spawn npcs on the roof or inside the base. Just raidable bases. there's probably a way to do it in 2.4.0, but I know the next update fixes it for sure

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11 hours ago, nivex said:

@Rubiks-Q-Bertloot does not drop unless a player has looted or killed the box/tc first. there is no way to despawn the grey loot bags elegantly, either

The TC absolutely puts its loot in a gray satchel without the base being touched at all. No damage to the building, no guards being killed, etc.

@Death I don't know if you use your own proprietary plugin on EZ but I know you figured out how to solve that issue. Thoughts?



Edited by Rubiks-Q-Bert
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@Rubiks-Q-Bertit most certainly does not unless you have Drop Tool Cupboard Loot After Raid Is Completed enabled, or another plugin is dropping it

Edited by nivex
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Is there any way to show the cooldown of when the raid base is going to be deleted if you have the TC being destroyed as the completion flag? It used to show the # of loot inside and time until deletion even with TC set but the new version I don't see that UI anymore.

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боты голые спавнятся , + убивают игроков  домагом от колючей барикады

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20 hours ago, nivex said:

@Rubiks-Q-Bertit most certainly does not unless you have Drop Tool Cupboard Loot After Raid Is Completed enabled, or another plugin is dropping it

I'll check into that. Probably the culprit. Just don't want people getting something for nothing.

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47 minutes ago, Deadpool said:

боты голые спавнятся, + убивают игроков домагом от колючей барикады

assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab failed to sample navmesh at position (705.2, -0.6, -1240.1) on area: HumanNPC

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@Deadpoolremove all items from belt in the kit except a weapon

that will also fix navmesh error

@bobbybaker82it is the only way to toggle the UI on or off is with that or /rb ui status unless you disabled it in the config

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2 hours ago, nivex said:

@Тотализатор, где делаются ставки на смерть знаменитостейснимите с пояса все предметы в комплекте, кроме оружия

это также исправит ошибку navmesh

@ bobbybaker82это единственный способ включить или выключить пользовательский интерфейс - с этим или / rb статусом пользовательского интерфейса, если вы не отключили его в конфигурации

как это сделать ? какая строчка ?


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1 hour ago, nivex said:

@DeadpoolI dont understand. I think it's a bad translation

if a player has activated a raid on himself, can he refuse the raid? which team?

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@Deadpoolthere are refund options in the config. players can despawn their own raid using /rbe despawn if they have the raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission. they cannot despawn any raid other than their own

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I have found "Randomize Npc Item Skins": true

But all NPCs spawn with the same skins (randomized per raid). Can I randomize them amongst NPCs too?

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Another issue I run into: boxes instantly despawn after looting them. Can I disable that? I wasn't able to find the setting.

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13 minutes ago, NoxiousPluK said:

Another issue I run into: boxes instantly despawn after looting them. Can I disable that? I wasn't able to find the setting.

You're looking for this:

"Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted": 60.0,

Found in data/RaidableBases/Profiles
You can change each difficulty seperately.

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Its working for me   but was not working before

Edited by RobJ
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