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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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@Covfefewhat is that from? it would need to use my hook OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase and check if they're dead, then use the BaseName variable for the discord messages

void OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 Location, bool AllowPVP, int mode, string ID, float spawnTime, float despawnTime, float loadTime, ulong ownerid, string BaseName)




On 2/18/2022 at 3:45 PM, Covfefe said:

Would it be possible to add the base difficulty name to the death log? Right now it just says RaidableBases base


Death Notes https://umod.org/plugins/death-notes

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[Raidable Bases] Invalid shortname in config: searchlighting -> searchlighting
[Raidable Bases] Invalid shortname in config: 2319473211 -> 2319473211
[Raidable Bases] raidhard1 @ F23 : 30 items

Can you tell me how to fix this error?

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Swedish Chef


11 hours ago, kalinovec2 said:

Can you tell me how to fix this error?

id start by searching for 2319473211, and searchlighting, and see what was going on. and then id probably delete them

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@CovfefeI looked into changing this message but I see no reference to Raidable Bases in the Death Notes plugin. those messages look to be from Discord. so I'm not sure how without more information if you can provide some

@kalinovec2you would need to remove that shortname from the config or replace it with the correct shortname, as Swedish Chef said 🙂



@Baron Von FinchusI haven't forgotten your request. It is noted down, but it will need to wait until a future update. I need to get the current update released before I make additional changes/implementations


Posted (edited)

@beetle@Delltus same with your suggestions. not forgotten, and it is noted for a future update

Edited by nivex
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Is this minutes or seconds?

Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0)

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15 minutes ago, Covfefe said:

Is this minutes or seconds?

Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0)


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Howdy Nivex,

I am writing this today as a last ditch gasp at helping me with a problem I have been having on my server as of late. Since this thursday's wipe my server has randomly frozen up to the point where the host does not crash, it just stops communicating with the players. I highly doubt that Raidable Bases is impacting it as there would be more people commenting on here given the popularity of this plugin. With that being said, Raidable Bases is the most popular plugin on my server and when there are many raids being run this is when the server freezes, while overnight when there are fewer players on and even less doing the bases the server runs without issue.

My question to you is, one of my Admins saw previously how the min/max loot in a base if not able to be placed properly causes something similar 6 months ago or so for someone. Do you think this could be an issue possibly still? I haven't had this issue prior to this wipe with the exact same bases. My second question is are you aware of a number of active bases being raided which would cause a AMD 5900x processor with 128 GB of RAM to have problems not crashing?

I ask this only because after 3 days of my server freezing up every 4-6 hours, my anxiety has exceeded my coping abilities and it is impacting my Crohn's disease in a negative manner and I figured I would ask you if you had any suggestions, as I have deleted Raidable Bases today and the server seems relatively stable since and it hasn't crashed since.



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Posted (edited)

I have a server with 5 people playing. I Raided a base less than 3 minutes before typing this and the exact same thing happened.

yesterday I thought it was the zombie horde plugin causing the trouble (because they are now doing damage to bases again), but I believe now, it

was the zombie horde plugin raiding the base that caused the crash. however, the zombie horde plugin was not loaded this last time

so it is definitely raidable bases doing it. It happened immediately after getting the chat message that I had raided the base.

Edited by Lawnmorr
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Posted (edited)

@Covfefedid you see my prior message? I can do your request but need more information from you

@MNfreakTim@Lawnmorr did you change the Spawn Settings in the profiles from their default values? I have no suggestions other than to set these back, however it does seem the issue is with finding a spawn point, since you say it occurs when there are multiple bases. the plugin must find spawn points and obviously this becomes more difficult when there are a large amount of bases already spawned and occupying prime spawn points. it can become difficult for the plugin to find a suitable location on the map due to this, and that will create load because it checks continuously. however this does not explain your server freezing. i will check and see if its related, and i will put this method into its own coroutine. note that this will not be in future versions 2.4.3 but 2.4.4 as 2.4.3 will address a few minor issues that are very annoying (such as placement of ladders not working). though if it is related then it may be fixed and in 2.4.3, with the primary coroutine implementation being in 2.4.4

Edited by nivex
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Posted (edited)

Howdy Nivex,


That might be part of the problem as I have a finite amount of islands and spawn points in my database. I am currently on hour 16 without a server freeze after removing Raidable Bases plugin. My previous best was 8 hours after the previous wipe. But this was overnight when very few people were raiding. To be completely honest about my current raid base island setup on my server. I have 16 islands with 15 maintained bases. I was able to load the same map on another one of my servers and me and two other players were able to crash the server when we had completed 2 raids which were still in countdown to destroy and we were about to finish up our 3rd raid. We were speed raiding to see it was something with the number of bases which caused it. My old server settings had 14 raid islands and 12 bases active and it was not uncommon to have 5-6 active at points in the wipe without freezing. Likewise, this wipe when it froze most recently yesterday I had 16 raid islands with 12 bases spawning, as I didn't want to edit any files in the raid base plugin on my last server rebuild attempt. It froze twice with these settings.

Normally on my main server high pop is around 25-30 people and average is 15-20 during most of the day this close to wipe. When there is that many people on there are often 5-6+ raids active at any point in time. Your plugin is hugely popular on my server. However, this freezing issue did not occur on my servers prior to this wipe. As of last night I have confirmed that this "freezing" has actually occurred with 3 of my servers total since the latest wipe. We did have to force it to happen on one of them. I did also recently add my nightmare raid bases into the expert profile as well on the main server. This change was not replicated on one of the servers which crashed. Additionally, I did not add the expert bases to the nightmare profile after I rebuilt the server for the second time in hopes it was something that occurred when I updated so many plugins on the day before the wipe, or when I FTP transferred files from my old host onto my new machine. The main server still froze with the unchanged profiles as well.

I will attempt to lessen the number of bases and/or add spawn points this wipe on one of my servers and stress test it again. I will report back if this was my issue. I really hope to get your plugin active again as it is amazing from a player perspective. And it can be a joy from a builders perspective when you hear people complain about your shotgun trap placement and base path 😄



Edited by MNfreakTim
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for me I only Have "maintained events" enabled set to maintain 15 bases.

0 easy (no limit), 2 medium, and 1 hard. Expert and Nightmare are -1 for now. hard to believe it's a lack of spawn points for me.

I reverted back to 2.4.1 version and config file and a couple people have raided a few bases now with no issue.

the zombie horde plugin is disabled for now. I do have it set to end the raid when the TC is destroyed too

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Posted (edited)

Howdy Nivex and others,

I adjusted my spawns database to include 2x the amount of points as maintained events, loaded the change onto my test server and we stress tested the hell out of the plugin. We were unable to replicate the server freeze. We had 8-9 bases on average with their timers active and many in them waiting to despawn and all was good. I am going to load this fix on my main server and will let you know if it freezes still. But it appears you were right that the queue for the spawn points was potentially impacting my server negatively this wipe as compared to previous wipes.


Update... server froze up again the exact moment a player died to a turret in the raid base. I had 12 bases active with maintained events and 24 potential spawn points for the bases in the spawns database. There were 5 people on at the moment and only 2 raids were active. Not sure its the spawn points that is doing it. The server ran for 20 hours without freezing and it froze 90 minutes after putting raidable bases back onto the server. I have deactivated the plugin again until I can figure out what it is in this plugin that is causing my server to freeze.


On a side note, I also saw this on UMod forms from WhiteThunder.

"Someone recently attributed the code lock spam to the Raidable Bases plugin, so I suggest doing some experiments on a test server to see if you can correlate that plugin with the symptom. If you can, get in touch with Nivex so he can try to reproduce the problem and prioritize fixing it."

This was in relation to codelocks spamming the middle of the map upon server restart and causing lag at times as well.






Edited by MNfreakTim
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Just adding my thoughts in, I am getting the server freeze as well and I have a 3k size map with tons of available spots to spawn, and only do maintained event of 3 at a time.

I can't leave the plugin enabled as it randomly is causing server freezes like the other two are explaining. As soon as I disable the plugin the freezes stop.

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Swedish Chef


I always wondered what was causing the codelocks at the center of the map lol, yea i just periodically deleted them , didnt realise it was raidablebases doing it


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Rust Admin


1 hour ago, Swedish Chef said:

I always wondered what was causing the codelocks at the center of the map lol, yea i just periodically deleted them , didnt realise it was raidablebases doing it


And search lights.  I ent kill one search light and hundreds break.  Lag central.

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Posted (edited)

thank you guys for the info, this helps a ton when its so informative! @MNfreakTim@Lawnmorr@Rust Admin

@Swedish Chef@Rust Adminthe codelock issue is already fixed in 2.4.2 but it will only apply towards new bases. existing codelocks will not be removed. not really an issue for servers that wiped though. search lights shouldn't be an issue as the plugin should kill them before it kills any building blocks. i suppose checking for children entities and killing them before their parent entity would be a permanent fix to this issue. i will investigate that after the performance issue is solved. i believe it's a loop

Edited by nivex
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Swedish Chef


1 hour ago, nivex said:

but it will only apply towards new bases. existing codelocks will not be removed. 

nice cheers, sorry im not quite getting it yet.. i didnt really understand why the codelocks were down there, i have a sml wooden box and a chair too i think. 

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the plugin is told to kill them but because it kills the door or box first it is not killing the child entities for some reason. it's not just entities from the plugin that go there, either. this is where native Rust puts the entities as well, to be destroyed, or when they're orphaned

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13 hours ago, nivex said:

thank you guys for the info, this helps a ton when its so informative! @MNfreakTim@Lawnmorr@Rust Admin

@Swedish Chef@Rust Adminthe codelock issue is already fixed in 2.4.2 but it will only apply towards new bases. existing codelocks will not be removed. not really an issue for servers that wiped though. search lights shouldn't be an issue as the plugin should kill them before it kills any building blocks. i suppose checking for children entities and killing them before their parent entity would be a permanent fix to this issue. i will investigate that after the performance issue is solved. i believe it's a loop

then i might be afraid to tell you that this also happened on the free version of the plugin. I helped out a friend of mine with his free version as he has 0 knowledge in the config stuff. his server kept crashing twice a day. ( this was last month ). when doing the ent cleaner mod, it showed over almost a million of blueprints, codelocks and such being deleted. his server ram was spiking like mad and he had 16 gigs, but only 12 mods. ( simple innocent mods like furnace splitter and other QOL mods ) 


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Howdy Nivex,


I tried to change the settings to buyable raids only and limited it to a handful of bases, using both custom spawn points and no specific spawn points using the plugin to determine. Both times the server still froze. If there is a version of the plugin which would help track the issue, I would be willing to use one of my servers as a testing ground to identify what I could do (or what could be done) to fix this freezing issue on my server.


As always very appreciative for any guidance/assistance you may be able to provide. And sorry for so many posts lately, players on my server want their raidable bases back 🙂



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@GamingHQok, will add this to the free version as well. thanks

@MNfreakTimdisable Enable Stability Foundation Wipe in your profiles and this should fix the issue until 2.4.3 is released

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Posted (edited)

18 hours ago, nivex said:

@GamingHQok, will add this to the free version as well. thanks

@MNfreakTimdisable Enable Stability Foundation Wipe in your profiles and this should fix the issue until 2.4.3 is released

That seemed to have done it. I even had a full load of NPC's raiding bases no problem. Not sure why that option was on for me in the first place. I was surprised when I Raided an easy base before and the thing just "poofed" up in smoke like a piece of flash paper lol. Well done @nivex thank you. Now the Nomads can raid a base and people can grub them to their hearts content lol.

Edited by Lawnmorr
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